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Author Topic: See You All This Winter  (Read 183 times)


See You All This Winter
« on: September 04, 2006, 07:33:02 am »
Hey Everyone,
  As most of you who know me have probably noticed, I've been MIA for several weeks... months even. If you're wondering why, well, it's quite simple. First, there are problems with time. Second, there are problems with computer availibility. Third, I don't feel like I get out of Layonara as much as I used to. (On a playing level.)
  I still slink around the Forum and am working on some writing. I do NOT plan on leaving but I also don't plan on playing more often any time soon. I suppose at this point I'm waiting for NWN 2 (assuming it goes off as planned) or a new Campaign to start. I'd like to publicly apologies to everyone in the Arcane Alliance, especially those who've stuck it out and put so much time and effort into it. We tried hard in the beginning and some pushed even harder than ever up till now, I just don't have any "try" left in me. I'm sorry to say, I'm done. Tath is done.
  I want to apologies to L, the GM and Content Teams and all my friends here for leaving (or at least not playing and staying so quiet) for so long and without warning. It was rude and it's something that I wish I could undo. I very much hope to remain an active member of this community as it has done more to develop my life than I ever could have hoped for.
  That being said, I want to say "Good Luck" to those who continue to work toward the development of Layonara. I want to say "Play On" to those who find the realistic yet illusiory reality of Layonara a gem in a sea of stones. And to everyone else I want to say, I'll see you in game this winter.
  Look for me on the Forum, ZV-