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Author Topic: Gala Raffle Items Sorted/Requests for Absent PCs  (Read 651 times)


Re: Gala Raffle Items Sorted/Requests for Absent PCs
« Reply #20 on: August 09, 2009, 10:24:48 am »
Flynn: (holds R40, W01, B22)
 Tier 3: Boots of Hardiness +3, Woodland Soles, Hood of Antimagi
 Tier 2: Mithril Helm, Emerald in Mithril Amulet, Golden Circlet
 Tier 1: Boots of Hardiness +2, Amulet of Natural Armor +4, Ring of Bulls III
 Jade (holds W15)
 Tier 3: Boots of Hardiness +3, Woodland Soles, Spirit Helm
 Tier 2: Enchanted Mithril Helm, Katia's Belt, Emerald in Mithril Amulet
 Tier 1: Ring of Cat's III, Gloves of Hin Fist +4, Boots of Hardiness +2


Re: Gala Raffle Items Sorted/Requests for Absent PCs
« Reply #21 on: August 09, 2009, 10:31:12 am »
Razeriem (R27, R13, W13, B31)
Tier 1: Boots of Hardiness +2, Hilligral's Amulet, Ingots of Mithril
Tier 2: Tome of Brotherhood, Mantle of Epic Spell Resistance, Enchance Mithil Helm.
Tier 3: Tome of Strength, Boots of Hardiness +3, Jorel's Sheath

Aerimor (B58, W22, W96, R97)
Tier 1: Hilligral's Amuler, Boots of Hardiness +2, Robe of Blending
Tier 2: Tome of Brotherhood, Wailing String, Katia's Belt
Tier 3: Tome of Srength, Boots of Hardiness +3, Hood of the Antimagi

Raz plans to attend.
Aerimor's proxy in play is any Angel Present, OOP I'll send a tell from Raz.


Re: Gala Raffle Items Sorted/Requests for Absent PCs
« Reply #22 on: August 09, 2009, 11:19:01 am »
Toni Bravespoon (R89, B21)

Tier 1: Boots of Hardiness +2, Ring of Bull's Strength III, Amulet of Owl's Wisdom III
Tier 2: Messenger Blade (pair), Sling of Force, Golden Circlet
Tier 3: Tome of Greater Strength III, Boots of Hardiness +3, Jorel's Sheath

I will attend the raffle with Savin, so should this list not be enough i will send a tell.


Re: Gala Raffle Items Sorted/Requests for Absent PCs
« Reply #23 on: August 09, 2009, 09:20:24 pm »
Unfortunately, Flynn had to leave after the 25th draw. For those of us that were not there, is there anyway to see the numbers that were drawn and the award?

Thanks, it was a lot of fun, even if Flynn did not win anything.



Re: Gala Raffle Items Sorted/Requests for Absent PCs
« Reply #24 on: August 10, 2009, 12:10:09 am »
//// Actually, Flynn did win something, on Red 40. I got his as an absentee. You can pick it up at the Arms when I'm IG.