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Author Topic: Giving Gifts/Items  (Read 1079 times)

Krell Himmler

Re: Giving Gifts/Items
« Reply #20 on: March 12, 2008, 02:22:28 am »
How much gold you have by a certain level also depends on actions....

If you prefer to freeform and majority hunt will end up richer normally than someone who only goes on quests. That's just the nature of the beast. I think there are some who almost only go on quests and although I'm by no means rich I'm not poor in the game....just too poor for cool stuff ;).

Also it depends again on the party size you take, if you move in on the enemy with a party of 10 people then you arn't going to make much True from that, if you go with a small group of 4 then you make more and if you are alone you will make a lot, but I guess it's the same as economics....greater the risk, greater the rewards. As a consequence I have observed that evil PC's being forced to a degree, often to solo are unable to tackle many more dangerous encounters but get to keep all the gold to themselves, as opposed to good PC's who have big groups and quests, gaining a lot of XP but lacking coin. *shrugs* Could be wrong but it seems to be the trend. There are two players I know of who are a similar level to myself but managed to amass a fortune and construct a large building in what would be a short period of time for such wealth....

Just to state...I'm not advocating solo play and by all means I think a group is the best way to enjoy the game, it would be shameful to see people running around alone all the time for coin, it is an RP server afterall :)


Re: Giving Gifts/Items
« Reply #21 on: March 12, 2008, 06:26:54 pm »
I play an extremely generous character. Why? Two reasons, mainly.

First, I like making other players happy, as my character likes making many other characters he knows happy. Or at the very least, healthy (because nothing keeps the doctor away better than a trusty blade at your side).

Second, he has way too much junk sitting around. I'm a packrat in real-life - I have a very difficult time getting rid of things into the void, especially middle-to-high-end items. Giving things away helps both clear out the junk I keep, and doesn't make me weep for throwing away (or close to it) something I spent four months, RL, saving up for. (That's one of the reasons I don't really mind item loss on quests - so long as there's a good RP reason. For that matter, there's not much I mind, with decent RP along with it...)

But, with the exception of low-end scrolls (fireball, darkness, etc.), there's almost nothing that is purely a gift. The only character Pyyran's really given -gifts- to is his beloved, and that's just (off-hand) a sword or two.

I've traded a crate of booze for a reinforced clothing (altered it to fit the other man!), scrolls for whatever jink there was to be had, gear for other assorted gear... Nothing's free. Not in life, not in the game.

But the initial post wasn't really about piecemeal deals. It was about wholesale "I have plenty of gear that you can use" sort of things. High-level characters often DO have full sets of gear for mid-level characters! It's really not hard to pick up all sorts of nifty junk; just need a good group and a bit of patience.

But... For each high-end craftable trinket that drops, that's another crafter who's worked for years - even RL! - to be able to make that sort of thing... Who now is out another of the few high-end customers there are.

Pyyran doesn't have a single emerald. Never has, except one that he inherited - along with the 100k worth of debt that went along with it. Best thing he has is probably the cobalt-reinforced clothing he's had since level 13... And he's been around for a long time, with plenty of high-level friends, IG and OOC.

Still. Let's think about that mithril fullplate you pulled off some dead orc. Can YOU make that metal into something suitable for your elven buddy Sidrak? (For FULLplate, it should actually take a full resmithing between two humans of dissimilar build. That point of max dex comes from the fact that it's a highly-articulated piece of equipment, very custom-tailored.)

