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Author Topic: General Note of Apology and Catch Up  (Read 758 times)


General Note of Apology and Catch Up
« on: February 08, 2017, 12:04:55 am »
Hey all,I just wanted to offer a general apology for the slow down of the Dragon Retribution plot line. As some of you are aware already, we've had a pretty bad time here over the winter. Every time I thought people were getting well again and I was ready to tackle stuff, someone would get sick with something else. It's been pretty awful. I would say one of the worst winters, health wise, in the history of our not-so-little family.Dorg is working on helping me get you all caught up so that we can get that plot moving a long again. Unfortunately, some people are still sick (including me) so I can't make any promises to how soon that's going to happen. I just mostly wanted to let everyone know openly what's going on and let you all know that it's not about a lack of desire or anything like that. Trust me, I'm feeling 'eternally' frustrated that it's still held up. We had wanted to transition the plot line long before the holiday but health has just been such a major factor.So thanks all for your understanding and continued patience. I hope that we'll be moving this along at something reasonable soon. Keep your fingers crossed.~row