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Author Topic: Horses for half-giants  (Read 230 times)

Yosemite Sam

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    Horses for half-giants
    « on: June 10, 2006, 08:49:33 am »
    :D As Micheal could now buy one, is there a rule about horses for half-giants?  I would like the speed increase, but for RP I dont really want to ride one of the ordinary horses.  Any projection on getting a largers size horse installed?


    Re: Horses for half-giants
    « Reply #1 on: June 10, 2006, 08:54:54 am »
    You acciddentally made a double post.
      (spelling edit)
    Still on hiatus.  I'm sure my original characters are long gone, too.


    RE: Horses for half-giants
    « Reply #2 on: June 10, 2006, 09:40:37 am »
    Half-giants have not been tested on horses yet, though they also have not been explicity restricted. To be honest, I do not know what will happen. However, the horse models we have are all we'll have. There won't be any new (larger) ones added for half-giant sized creatures/PCs. In reality, about the only appropriately-sized horse would be a Nightmare, and well...rideable nightmares just won't be in. They're too high-spirited. ;)


    Re: Horses for half-giants
    « Reply #3 on: June 10, 2006, 07:46:32 pm »
    logically, half giants totally need Oxen to ride; a little slower than horses!  Of course, my orc wants a warg, and Bilkivi would rock on spiderback... heheh


    Re: Horses for half-giants
    « Reply #4 on: June 13, 2006, 07:38:02 am »
    Dorg, Clydesdales (SP?)


    Re: Horses for half-giants
    « Reply #5 on: June 14, 2006, 09:23:07 am »
    Even a Clydesdale would have trouble carrying a Half-Giant in full armour... they're BIG.  It might just be a natural disadvantage to the Half-Giant subrace - no horsies.

    Yosemite Sam

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      Re: Horses for half-giants
      « Reply #6 on: June 14, 2006, 02:46:35 pm »
      I am gonna buy one and post pics, just for the fun of it.  Not sure if I will use it, but it looks totally ludicris ;)


      Re: Horses for half-giants
      « Reply #7 on: June 14, 2006, 09:31:40 pm »
      I got it!... that Rock/ bull creature... what's it's name?


      Re: Horses for half-giants
      « Reply #8 on: June 14, 2006, 09:32:15 pm »
      I had a halfling ranger that rode on the back of a silver back ape :D

