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Author Topic: gnomish log rotator help  (Read 154 times)


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    gnomish log rotator help
    « on: December 09, 2006, 04:09:50 pm »
    I've tried to get the glr working to rotate my logs, but it doesn't rotate and rename them. I've tried installing to both the default directory and the directory where I would prefer it to be, both with no differences. The batch file created on the desktop opens a black screen that crashes back to the desktop and never starts the game. After it crashes, there is a message saying nwmain.exe has caused an error and a log is being created. If it is being created, it's not in the nwn log folder, so I am not sure what it is for. It also does not rename and rotate logs if started from the layo loader.

    I really want to get this working, just not sure how. I momentarily thought I lost a log from my quest last nite... which would be bad. Any help will be appreciated!


    RE: gnomish log rotator help
    « Reply #1 on: December 09, 2006, 05:38:33 pm »
    I had a similar problem I think.  The solution for me was to go into the glr.ini file using notepad and make sure that the option to delete the default log file was turned off.  What was happening was that the glr, after the first time it ran, deleted the default log file so the next tiem it went looking for it to rename the log file it wasn't there and caused the crash.  So, once you've changed that option, you may have to start up NWN once without using the GLR so that NWN generates a new defualt log file, then exit out and try starting it with GLR.  I also found that the GLR's own Setup program wasn't saving my changes to the glr.ini file, that's why I suggest opening the file using Notepad yourself adn editing it from there.

    Let me know if that helps you.


    Re: gnomish log rotator help
    « Reply #2 on: December 09, 2006, 06:23:20 pm »
    you know, I never got mine working.  you wanna know how I do it?

    theres a pen, and a stack of paper sitting next to me ;)


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      Re: gnomish log rotator help
      « Reply #3 on: December 09, 2006, 10:10:31 pm »
      *chuckles at Lilswanwillow* i'm far too lazy for that :)

      I'll try out editing the .ini and let you know how that goes, thanks.


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        Re: gnomish log rotator help
        « Reply #4 on: December 14, 2006, 04:48:33 pm »
        I just got around to editing the .ini by hand, and it still isn't saving or rotating the files. Any more input would be great, but I guess I can just hope I remember to save my important logs before they get overwritten :P


        RE: gnomish log rotator help
        « Reply #5 on: December 14, 2006, 09:15:58 pm »
        Try a read through the thread at this link:  The thread deals mainly with getting the Layonara Launcher to work, but also includes doing so in conjunction with the Gnomish Log Rotator.  Some things to note: The IP's listed for the servers in the thread are incorrect as they've changed since much of that information was posted. The nwloader.exe file has to be in your NWN folder, as do the NWLauncher files.  In your nwnplayer.ini file make sure the line "ClientEntireChatWindowLogging=1" is set to 1 to enable chat logging.  -------------------------------------------------------- Also, here's a sample of how I have my own files set up after puzzling things through from reading the thread:  Contents of my NW Launcher file for the West server called:  layo_west.nwl


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          Re: gnomish log rotator help
          « Reply #6 on: December 15, 2006, 08:30:31 pm »
          Ok, I *think* the only question I have at this point is: Are the 3 or 4 .nwl files all suppose to be created by hand, or do those get made by the GLR or layoloader? I can easily make them if that's the case, I'm just not sure if they're already suposed to be there and just aren't.


          Re: gnomish log rotator help
          « Reply #7 on: December 15, 2006, 09:00:51 pm »
          I have my GLR set to open nwn launcher  no specific server.I just copied and pasted the 2 lines into the nwn ini and all was well.



          Re: gnomish log rotator help
          « Reply #8 on: December 16, 2006, 07:31:38 am »
          pejsaboy - 12/15/2006  10:30 PM

          Ok, I *think* the only question I have at this point is: Are the 3 or 4 .nwl files all suppose to be created by hand, or do those get made by the GLR or layoloader? I can easily make them if that's the case, I'm just not sure if they're already suposed to be there and just aren't.

          There should be 5 .nwl and 5 .bat files, a .nwl and .bat for each Layonara server.  I found it easiest to create them by hand using Notepad.  Basicly you can copy and paste the examples I have in my previous post here and change the entries for each server.  They all use the same Port, 5121 is the default port. If you look up any of the Layonara servers from within NWN you can also find the IP address listed in the server details, in the case that it's changed in the future from what I post here today.  I'll list the current Layonara servers and their current IP's as of this posting:

          Layonara West

          Layonara Central

          Layonara East

          Layonara Planes

          Layonara Quest



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            Re: gnomish log rotator help
            « Reply #9 on: December 16, 2006, 10:40:34 am »
            Ok, I now have all the files made, and the .nwl's are in my \\NWN directory. How do I make the .bat files into executable's instead of the .txt? I tried the save as option, but it only gives me .txt and all file types


            RE: gnomish log rotator help
            « Reply #10 on: December 16, 2006, 03:49:49 pm »
            Using the 'Save As' option in Notepad, manually type the name of the file -with- the extension, thus you would type:


            Then click 'Save'.

            Remember the bat files should be saved to your desktop so that all you have to do is double-click them to launch them from there easilly.


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              Re: gnomish log rotator help
              « Reply #11 on: December 16, 2006, 06:22:29 pm »
              Ok, got the bat files made so that they're executable. But, it only opens a black cmd window and says 'NWNClientLog1' saved as blahblahblah. it doesn't open the game. I copied the .nwl just like what you showed earlier, and they are in the \\NWN directory.


              RE: gnomish log rotator help
              « Reply #12 on: December 16, 2006, 09:17:19 pm »
              Check the files and make sure you've designated the correct path for -your- computer and where NWN and the other programs are installed on your system.  On my system I have all of them on my D: drive, not sure where you might have yours.


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                Re: gnomish log rotator help
                « Reply #13 on: December 16, 2006, 11:22:51 pm »
                Ok, I did have the path slightly wrong, but I still only get the log updated. Are the .nwl files supposed to remain as notepad files, or do they need to be changed to some kind of executable like the .bat's on the desktop?


                RE: gnomish log rotator help
                « Reply #14 on: December 17, 2006, 07:54:37 am »
                The nwl files should be saved like the bat files, only with the .nwl extension instead.  You will also have to run the nwlauncher.exe by itself, the first time you do so should cause the system to begin associating .nwl files with that program, and you'll see they get a different icon than the text file icon.


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                  Re: gnomish log rotator help
                  « Reply #15 on: December 17, 2006, 10:49:31 am »
                  Ok... dumb question. I can't find anything named nwlauncher.exe so I'm guessing I don't have it. Is that not a part of the layonara loader?


                  RE: gnomish log rotator help
                  « Reply #16 on: December 17, 2006, 12:10:45 pm »
                  Try this link, it's the one I used to download the launcher.  I'm not sure if it's the same as the one in the very first post of the Layonara launcher thread, but it's in a post later on in that thread along with a link to the GLR.  In any case, save to your computer and then extract and run it.



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                    Re: gnomish log rotator help
                    « Reply #17 on: December 17, 2006, 08:47:10 pm »
                    Got the nwlauncher, and ran it once to the login screen. The .nwl files still look like the notepad and are not executable. The desktop .bat's still don't launch to the server, but save the log

                    Oh how I love small programs for nifty things :P


                    RE: gnomish log rotator help
                    « Reply #18 on: December 18, 2006, 06:37:17 am »
                    Quite odd indeed.  By everything I cna think of it should be working for you, except I don'tunderstand why you can't get the .nwl files to associate with the nwlauncher.  Try this one last thing, run nwlauncher by itself and put in the info for the Layonara west server in the first spot and then launch into the game, go as far as connecting, signing in and then saving and signing out, see if that triggers nwlauncher to make the file association change after the game's been launched once.  If that still doesn't work, I don't know what your problem is specificly and I can't help you further.

                    I can say that I've got both programs set up to run in conjunction on both my own and my wife's computer and they do work fine for us.  Perhaps if you read through the readme.txt fiels for both programs you'll get some clues that I'm not able to think of and you'll be able to fix whatever problem you're having in the setup process on your own computer.  One other thing to note that is mentioned in the GLR readme file is that the GLR has known issues of not working when it and NWN are installed on seperate drives, or even sometimes on the same drive on computers with multiple drives.

