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Author Topic: My first battle on Layonara  (Read 83 times)


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    My first battle on Layonara
    « on: April 09, 2006, 04:18:15 pm »
    Hi guys – I am finally able to play on Layonara – fantastic!!

    Firstly my thanks to Dezza and Leathar for their patience and the help they gave me as I continued to struggle to get into that world

    It may sound as though I am over-critical but really I had a terrible struggle to find the information necessary to join your merry band. I thought if I wrote down some of the problems I met, it might be of use

    Once I entered the forums I was totally overwhelmed by the amount of information that was made available to me. It was very difficult to know where to start. After looking at other player’s comments on the boards, I am not the only stupid “grunt in the village”

    The new player’s main aims are
    1>   Create a suitable player character
    2>   Get that character approved by the GMs
    3>   Download a string of files necessary to play the game – placing them in the correct NWN directories
    4>   Read and understand the Rules of the Playing Environment
    5>   Access the Server to which they have been allocated
    6>   Start to play

    I stumbled repeatedly at every step

    My first issue came with the different usernames and passwords. I thought the original email username/password would give me access not only the forums but the server as well. I didn’t appreciate these two concepts are quite separate.

    I could not readily find the info on creating a character – so I copied the style of another player. After a GM interrogated me about deities, it was obvious that my first attempt at a Paladin was too superficial. I knew I would have to spend more time studying these areas – so I chose another character - the easiest of the lot – a grunt.

    I think it would be helpful for a new player if there was an online form with simple instructions to follow. Pointers could then link the player to the more obscure points.

    After several false starts, I hadn’t realised I had finally received approval because I thought the GMs had deleted my thread.

    The right-hand panel of is out-of-date. This meant that I installed the earlier version of some files which caused me to fail when I finally got attached to the server.

    The rules for D&D Version 3 could be a University Degree course in their own right. Add to that the local rules for Layonara and a new player could spend a week trying to take it all in. Again it would be most helpful if there were a high-level “The essentials you must know”

    After my character was approved I hadn’t a clue what to do next. I thought the DM probably had created the character for me and saved it on the server. But how did I connect to it?

    For a newbie “The connection with the server” should be spelled out clearly. The Layonara Loader provided with the software does not work and caused a hang-up. With NWN there are so many pitfalls trying to get through their entry screens. Even when I finally saw the server, I repeatedly got told I had used an invalid password. (This was because I had pressed the option DM Client button on the first screen).

    Now that I am finally on Layonara my next problem will come in using all the character functionality that remained unused on the single player game. Ideally I would have liked to stay in a practice area to familiarise myself with it before I met the other players.

    I was tempted to promote my lowly Fighter to Samurai and fall on my sword “Sayonara” – but hopefully I will persevere!!

    I hope this may have been of some help


    RE: My first battle on Layonara
    « Reply #1 on: April 09, 2006, 05:04:25 pm »
    I really need to ask where you got the downloads link from. Everywhere I've looked are links to the current (and regularly updated) [LORE=Downloads] page. The downloads page you've mentioned ( ... where did you find that? was it in an email you got or is it on the website somewhere?


    RE: My first battle on Layonara
    « Reply #2 on: April 09, 2006, 05:05:07 pm »
    I appreciate your input, and while I am a member of the GM team, please do not feel I speak for the entire team with this response.

    First, I do appreciate that you and many others are anxious to get into the game as soon as possible and that everything you see here can be overwhelming.

    Some of your issues sound like they come more from the fact you hadn't played any other PW world before and are not just layonara issues. Again, I can understand this can be frustrating but if you are coming from that far behind the curve, we definitely welcome you but you might want to slow down even more to learn about NWN PW in general. While we can point you at some resources, this is a rich and emersive world in it's own right and isn't really about explaining how PW playing works.

    I can tell you that while I've been here for around a year and a half now, I still remember when I first joined Layonara. Like you this was the first PW I had ever played. I had played the SP game, but had never played a PW and actually had never played an online RPG at all. Once I found Layonara it looked like a place I could enjoy and the first thing I did was spend at least a week, I think it was more like two, reading everything on the forums. Granted it has grown since then, and now we have LORE with even more to take in, but it is still a good idea to take some time and learn what is going on. I know like many others you are anxious to play but Layonara is a rich world and part of what makes it rich is how much detail there is and how much there is to learn as a player.

    Now to comment on a few of your actual points:
    1. A personal user/name password for the forums and a public password for the game world. This is just part of how NWN does persistant worlds. Every player does not have their own personal password for the world. It is one global password. That being the case we also want you to be able to have your own private messages and identity on the forums so there you have a username/password. We have a policy to tell you the server name and password when you are approved. Sometimes it gets overlooked and we appologize for that, but you should get a message  with that information when your character is approved.

    2. I'm not sure why you couldn't find the information on creating a character. The character submission forum has numerous stickied posts with all the information you need. Again it goes to my above point that you need to read and learn to get the most from the experience. If you had read all the stickied posts in the submission forum you would have known the format to use as well as the restrictions for holy classes such as clerics and paladins.

    3. I'm sorry you lost your thread temporarily but again, one of the posts tells you that the process involved in approval ends with your thread being moved to the recent approvals forum.

    4. I'm sorry you found a link to an old download page. Can you tell us where you found that link? The current link at the top of the forum pages takes you to a page with all the latest files. We'll work on removing that old page. Again though it would help if you could tell us where you found that link.

    5. The post approval confusion again sounds like it stems from your lack of experience in NWN PWs. I'm sorry that it isn't entirely clear, but logging on and creating your character is a standard practice. And your use of the DM client, while unfortunate really can't be helped as again it comes to you reading your NWN manual and knowing how playing in an online environment works.

    Finally, I suggest you read some more of the forums and that you take some time in game and do as you mentioned, exploring the controls and talking with people in town. This is a very in depth RP based world, so don't feel you have to run out and be adventuring the moment you step onto the server. I know several characters that didn't even leave the starting town of Hlint for several days as they were too busy talking with people and exploring the town itself.


    Re: My first battle on Layonara
    « Reply #3 on: April 09, 2006, 06:25:40 pm »
    The downloads link was my fault, I sent him an old link in my information/registration email. That has been fixed because I became aware of it shortly after I sent it to him.


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      Re: My first battle on Layonara
      « Reply #4 on: April 10, 2006, 01:20:26 am »
      Thank you GMs for all your comments. I certainly had no intention of blaming the Project team or GMs for the difficulties I experienced. I thought it might be useful for you to see it from a confused novice's point of view.

      VGN, you are absolutely correct, this is my first online game. I have wanted to try one for a long while and on a couple of occasions actually used NWN screens to try to join various games with zero success. It always appeared that I was expected to have a knowledge and understanding that I didn't possess (and that I didn't know how to acquire). It was an exclusive club from which I was barred.

      I knew from the detail, your Forums would contain everything I needed. Indeed the sheer scale of the information available is extremely impressive. However for a newbie it also appeared daunting and was hard to determine what information I needed and where on the site to find it.

      Like all impatient people, I just wanted to see what the game was like first. For years, I have played RPGs in the same style - load it, try it out for a little while, stop, read every bit of information provided - then play it for real. Once I know to what it is refering, I find the documentation more understandable and easy to follow.

      I do appreciate that Layonara is hardly a suitable environment for doing this. Without active GM intervention, it would be chaos - all credit to you.

      Really my suggestion was for a Newbie corner - not just a Q & A - more a "follow this steps to success". (The Idiot's Guide to on-line gaming).

      Leanthar, I hadn't realised that your email links took me to an out-of-date page. I used your email link again and again to access the Downloads and thought it led to the same version of the page as the Downloads link Main Page top-right corner. I am glad that I only have to manage people who write the company's Intranet!!

      Anyway thank you guys again - assuming I can find any time to play, I look forward to being beaten over the head by you as I crash around your world leaving chaos in my wake.


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      Re: My first battle on Layonara
      « Reply #5 on: April 10, 2006, 01:27:39 am »
      I'm still waiting to play, I think my character I thought of is fine, but the downloads are annoying, firefox keeps timing out and anything else takes ages, so I have to go for the second option there....


      RE: My first battle on Layonara
      « Reply #6 on: April 10, 2006, 04:38:05 am »
      We should really rearrange all of the stickies there are, sometimes it takes a while to find what you are looking for. I imagine a new person going through all the topics having "Important-rule-reminder-etc" in their title. It really can be confusing.


      Re: My first battle on Layonara
      « Reply #7 on: April 10, 2006, 05:51:26 am »
      I would suggest, that we should simply have a sticky directing new players to register with LORE as quickly as possible (if we don't already, and I've missed it), and then simply direct them here:

      @ Perseus: Register with LORE, go to the above page (or go to "Start Here", and you'll see the Getting Started link), and you'll see all the most important things for beginning a character on Layo is laid out for you, with directions to each page, etc.


      Re: My first battle on Layonara
      « Reply #8 on: April 10, 2006, 05:55:59 am »
      @milton, that is on my list of things to do today, and yes start here is a great place.

