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Author Topic: GRAND LOTTERY: LIST OF WINNERS  (Read 63 times)

Harlas Ravelkione

« on: March 20, 2006, 08:23:40 am »
[SIZE=13][SIZE=18]LIST OF WINNERS[/SIZE]    [SIZE=16]BOWS[/SIZE]  Pathfinder:  1. Set of bow cams (will make a bow composite, adding 1d6 to critical hits)   [Given to Kilkenny] Jennara:  2. Bow parts 1 (adds 1 strength damage to bow) Synal’dur:  3. Bow parts 3 (adds 3 strength damage to bow) Brualot:  4. Bow of close range (+1, Feat: Point Blank Shot) Rolf:  5. Gnomish Repeating Crossbow (+2 AB, +1 dex, unlimited ammo) Geir:  6. Reinforced Heavy Mahagony Crossbow (+2 AB, mighty +3) [Given to Rolf] Luna:  7. Mahagony longbow (+2 AB) Rolf: 8. Mahagony shortbow (+2 AB) Athus: 9. Mahagony heavy crossbow (+2 AB) Daeron: 10. Mahagony light crossbow (+2 AB) [Given to Rolf] Xiao: 11. Yew Longbow (+3 AB) [Given to Kilkenny] Lia:  12. Yew Shortbow (+3 AB) [/SIZE]  
 [SIZE=13][SIZE=16]ARMORS & CLOTHING[/SIZE] Skarp:  13. Armour of Horus-Re (+3 chain shirt, 10/- electrical resistance, 10/- sonic   resistance) [Given to Rolf] Alantha: 14. Adamantium Full Plate (+1 AC, 5/- slashing resistance, +1 soak 5 damage) Kurgaz: 15. Adamantium Splint Mail (+1 AC, 5/- damage soak) Gunther: 16. Fire Resistant Platinum Full Plate (+2 AC, 5% slashing immunity, 10/- fire   resistance)  Enzo: 17. Platinum Chain Shirt (+2 AC) Alantha: 18. Platium Full Plate (+2 AC, 5/- slashing resistance) Thrain: 19. Platium Full Plate (+2 AC, 5/- slashing resistance) Elhara: 20. Iron Full Plate (+1 AC, 5/- slashing resistance) Enzo: 21. Iron Full Plate (+1 AC, 5/- slashing resistance) Jacchri: 22. Skin of the Forest (+1 padded leather, +6 animal empathy, camouflage once   pr. day, only useable by druid/ranger) Glenn: 23. Lion Leather Armour [Given to Quantum] Rashar: 24. Lion Hide Armour [Donated to the Clans] Rolf: 25. Grizzly Leather Armour Kloss: 26. Grizzly Hide Armour Starr: 27. Polar Hide Armour [Given to Quantum] Curtis: 28. Brown Leather Armour Fenrir: 29. Brown Hide Armour Fenrir: 30. Hill Hound Hide Armour (+1 AC, +2 Slashing AC, +1 Constitution, +3 discipline) Kilkenny: 31. Dire Wolf Hide Armour Twixel: 32. Malar Leather Armour Brualot: 33. Garb of the Made Man (+2 hide armour, +4 intimidate, casts Shield once pr.   day) Fenrir: 34. Dire Tiger Leather Armour (+2 AC, 5/- slashing resistance, +1 to all saving   throws, +3 tumble) Katrien: 35. Iron Reinforced Clothing (+1 AC, no spell failure) Fenrir: 36. Adamantium Reinforced Clothing (+3 AC, no spell failure) Barion: 37. Cobalt Reinforced Clothing (+2 AC, 5/- slashing resistance, no spell failure) Skarp: 38. Lesser Mage's Armour (+1 AC, +1 Lore, +2 Spellcraft) [Given to Rolf] Quantum: 39. Greater rogue leather armour (+3 AC, +3 hide/search/tumble) [/SIZE]  
 [SIZE=13][SIZE=16]WEAPONS AND SHIELDS[/SIZE] Synal’dur: 40. Blade of the Dragonslayer (+1, 2d6 extra damage vs. dragons, immunity to   knockdown) Xiao: 41. Adamantium Kama (+2 AB and damage) [Given to Kilkenny] Jennara: 42. Adamantium Bastard Sword (+2 AB and damage) [Donated to Rofirein] Geir: 43. Adamantium Light Hammer (+2 AB and damage) [Given to Rolf] Kavil: 44. Adamantium Rapier (+2 AB and damage) [Given to Curtis] Xantara: 45. Adamantium Heavy Mace (+2 AB and damage) Ozymandias:46. Adamantium Katana (+2 AB and damage) Aralin: 47. Adamantium Double Axe (+2 AB and damage) Yardislan: 48. Adamantium weapon of choice (+2 AB and damage) [Greatsword] Esimon: 49. Malar Leather Whip (+2 AB and damage) [Given to Curtis] Varka: 50. 50 Dwarven Throwing Axes (+1 AB, on hit 25% chance of deafness for 3 rounds vs. DC16 ) [Given to Jacchri] Thrain: 51. 50 Dwarven Throwing Axes (+1 AB, on hit 25% chance of deafness for 3   rounds vs. DC16 ) Koppig: 52. Iron Bastard Sword w. Electrical Enchantment IV (+1 AB, 1d8 electrical   damage) [Given to Kilkenny] Gotak: 53. Iron weapon (of your own choice, +1 AB) [Battleaxe] Addison: 54. Iron weapon (of your own choice, +1 AB) [Katana] Elhara: 55. Iron weapon (of your own choice, +1 AB) [Dwarven Waraxe] Michaelis: 56. Iron weapon (of your own choice, +1 AB) [Donated to Rofirein] Gunther: 57. Iron weapon (of your own choice, +1 AB) [Weapon ???] Quantum: 58. Iron Kite Shields (+1 AC) Synal’dur: 59. Iron Kite Shields (+1 AC) Michael: 60. Iron Kite Shields (+1 AC) Aralin: 61. Adamantium Kite Shield (+2 AC) Zanirth: 62. Adamantium Buckler (+2 AC) [/SIZE]  
 [SIZE=13][SIZE=16]CAPES, BOOTS, GLOVES, etc…[/SIZE]  Nex: 63. Cloak of fortification +1 (+1 AC, +1 to all saves) Lia: 64. Belt of cunning (+1 wisdom) Kloss: 65. Gloves of fury (+1 strength) Klaugragane:66. Boots of Arachnea (immunity to web) [Given to Jennara] Angela: 67. Cloak of mysteries (Camouflage once pr. day, -4 listen/spot, +8 bluff, +6   hide) [Given to Rolf] Quantum: 68. Cape of the North (+5 to saving throws against cold) Rolf: 69. Cape of the Panther (+3 hide/move silently) Esimon: 70. Malar Leather Gloves (+2 AB, 1d8 electrical damage, 10/- fire resistance)   [Given to Curtis] Katrien: 71. Boots of Reflexes (+3 to reflex saves) Alantha: 72. Lesser Cloak of A'zatta (10 uses of Sanctuary) [/SIZE]  
 [SIZE=13][SIZE=16]JEWELRY AND GEMS[/SIZE] Kharl: 73. Ring of Fortitude (+2 fortitude saves) Angela: 74. Ring of Endurance II (+2 constitution) [Given to Rolf] Nex: 75. Amulet of Endurance II (+2 constitution) Rodlin: 76. Fine Ruby [Given to Curtis] Barion: 77. Cut Diamond Twixel: 78. Cut Diamond Kali: 79. Mineral Emerald [/SIZE]  
[SIZE=13][SIZE=16]EVERYTHING ELSE[/SIZE]  Quantum: 80. Silver Enhancement II Luna: 81. Silver Enhancement III Xantara: 82. Silver Enhancement IV Rashar: 83. Damage Rod IV Cold (adds 1d8 cold damage to a weapon) [Given to Jacchri] Jade: 84. Damage Rod IV Fire (adds 1d8 fire damage to a weapon) Kavil: 85. Damage Rod II [Given to Curtis] Synal’dur: 86. Damage Rod II Kutya’l: 87. Damage Rod III Lokri: 88. Damage Rod III [Given to Kilkenny] Amaduena: 89. Fire Resistance II (adds 10/- fire resistance to an item) Michael: 90. Fire Resistance II (adds 10/- fire resistance to an item) Aralin: 91. Cold Resistance II (adds 10/- cold resistance to an item) Michaelis: 92. Cold Resistance II (adds 10/- cold resistance to an item) Amaduena: 93. Electricity Resistance II (adds 10/- electrical resistance to an item) Acacea: 94. Electricity Resistance II (adds 10/- electrical resistance to an item) [Given to   Jennara] Ozymandias:95. 3 Deadly Traps Alantha: 96. 3 Deadly Traps Kilkenny: 97. 5 Potions of Speed Zen: 98. Ring of Fox Cunning (+1 Intelligence) & Ring of Bull's Strength (+1 Strength) Brax: 99. Necklace of Prayer Beads (casts prayer once per day) + Ring of Bull's Strength (+1 Strength) [Given to Twixel] Kutya’l: 100. 25 Bullets (The Destroyer's Breath), 1d8 fire & 25 Ice Bullets, 1d6 cold & 25   Adamantium Shurikens (+2 AB and damage) [/SIZE]  
[SIZE=16]The Winners that were marked with yellow can pick up their prizes in Fort Llast, at my house. [/SIZE]  [SIZE=16]Those who won a weapon of choice need to let me know soon what type of weapon they would prefer. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=13][SIZE=16][SIZE=13][SIZE=13][SIZE=16]Lastly I want to thank everyone who participated for their aid and support to my cause. [/SIZE][/SIZE][SIZE=13][SIZE=16]  [SIZE=16]Kobal Bluntaxe, Regent of the Crescent Moon & Shield [/SIZE]