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Author Topic: A General Thanks  (Read 158 times)


A General Thanks
« on: September 03, 2007, 05:29:27 am »
To the GM team (myself excluded, of course) for the fantastic work they've been putting in lately.

Kell walks downstairs one day in Leringard, and encounters... well, I won't spoil the surprise, but good grief was he ever surprised.  He's going to have a lasting paranoia with regards to furnishings, at this rate.

And thanks to Kahi for earlier tonight - Kell's out with a few friends, some mining, some gemming, some gathering, general RP and good times.. and then, suddenly, it's the Attack of the Killer Leeches!  Brilliantly done, well-orchestrated (and nauseating) colour text, engaging, pleasantly nasty little surprises and brilliant portrayals of the Ilsaran, and good old Erag.

And that was the past two days.  You guys (and girls) are doing a fantastic job - I can only sing the praises of the parts of it my CHARACTER was involved in. :)

(And yes, I realize this is my second "thanks" post in some small number of days, but I was really overwhelmed in the last week.  I swear, everything I SEE gives me new ideas for my own impromtus and quests.)
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