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Author Topic: Grinding :(  (Read 309 times)

Rollie the gnome

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    Re: Grinding :(
    « Reply #20 on: March 28, 2006, 04:00:50 pm »
    I agree with ttdavet 100%. What he said...


    Re: Grinding :(
    « Reply #21 on: March 28, 2006, 04:20:01 pm »
    When I first started here it was in the summer. I had lots of free time with no school, no job, no track. I thus had lots of time to play Layo. And I did in fact hit level seven in a bout a week, from a lot of play time. I had three characters, the highest level of which was I think 9 when the summer ended, about 2 months after starting up.

    And now, school is in session and things go very slowly. I can very rarely make it to quests, which is frustrating. But a lot of the time it is just fun to sit back and talk to others, try out a new character, or just go mining or 'hunting' with some friends. And frankly, that has held me since last summer ended, and will keep me going until the summer is back :)

    Now, as for getting on quests I did not even know there were such a thing as standard quests, or rather that there were quests beyond CDQs. This was my first online server, and the concept of DM run events was fairly new to me. But I got lucky enough to run across a DM run event and I had blast.

    So I can relate to those of you that can't get on to quests (strangely enough, the only real quests I have time to go on are my own). But just keep your eyes open and don't be afraid to just go out and wander. I know a lot of GMs love to have impromptu events, just because they seem more natural and can create really interesting moments for players.

