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Author Topic: Phoenix Quests  (Read 440 times)


Re: Phoenix Quests
« Reply #40 on: May 21, 2009, 05:28:45 am »
Please note another quest on the calendar--"Castles Made Of Sand".

This will be the first session of a story arc expected to last two to three sessions. I hope to see many of you there.



Re: Phoenix Quests
« Reply #41 on: May 21, 2009, 09:45:34 am »
*whispered, chanted* Spirit of the North, Spirit of the North...


Re: Phoenix Quests
« Reply #42 on: May 30, 2009, 07:19:56 pm »
Please note, the next session of Castles Made Of Sand is up on the calendar for this Tuesday. (See here.)

The party is closed for this session, and expected to remain closed for the rest of the series. Depending on how things go this will likely be either the conclusion or the penultimate session.

See you there!


Re: Phoenix Quests
« Reply #43 on: June 04, 2009, 11:13:10 am »
Hi Questers,

Thanks to everyone who participated in Castles Made Of Sand--it was great fun to DM for you, and I heard Pankoki saying he enjoyed himself too!

Next quest on the calendar is here. Ever been to a carnival? Ever been curious? Ever longed to see the strange, the unexplained, the fantastic? Well now is your chance.

No level requirements for this one, but there is a firm party cap of eight players. Dice will be used to determine slots if more than eight players show up.



Re: Phoenix Quests
« Reply #44 on: June 07, 2009, 10:35:32 pm »
Hey everyone,

In addition to Carnival tomorrow, please note that a new quest, The Island, has been scheduled in an anticipated two parts on June 15 and 22. Please don't sign up if you know you can't commit to both sessions!

See you there,


Re: Phoenix Quests
« Reply #45 on: June 24, 2009, 08:53:54 am »
Hi questers,

I hope you have been enjoying the last couple of weeks. Unexpectedly, we've had to schedule one extra session of "The Island". Turns out I wrote a three act play rather than a two act play!

Following "The Island", the next quest will be "Goblin Market". As discussed when rolling for spots for "The Island", for this quest only those not making the cut on the last one will be given preference for this quest. I'm not going to be doing this regularly, but it was worth a little experiment.

Those people are (in case you've forgotten):

Amireanna, Vareck, Ellis, Aylana, Endrahila and Alzarin

Please do not feel any obligation to attend just because your name is on the list! I'd rather people come because they have a genuine interest in the quest.

As a sneak peek for the future, there is also a more epic-focused mini-series in the works. Hope that sparks your curiosity and sharpens your appetite!



Re: Phoenix Quests
« Reply #46 on: July 07, 2009, 01:30:24 am »
Hi everyone,

Important announcement! Please note, Goblin Market will be postponed by one week. Sorry for the inconvenience, but it seems I will be attending a workshop tomorrow afternoon. So have a good one without me, and we'll see you in a week.



Re: Phoenix Quests
« Reply #47 on: July 28, 2009, 10:20:04 am »
Two small and RP heavy events scheduled:

1) Stories at the Crossroads: Bring your best tales to the Stormcrest Crossroads tonight, around 5:00 PST. More GM-moderated RP than an actual quest--though there are always chances of impromptus!

2) Cherry Blossom Snow: Tomorrow (Wednesday July 29 @ 6:00 PST), come to Creedo, Tilmar to enjoy the magnificent beauty of the cherry blossoms.

See some of you there,


Re: Phoenix Quests
« Reply #48 on: September 11, 2009, 01:25:21 pm »
Well, after a long and busy summer, I'm mostly back to regular GM duties. Some of you might have felt the gentle tap (or not-so-subtle bash!) of the XP wand in recent days as I played "Roleplay Fairy", and I'm hoping to get a few new quests on the calendar soon.

I do have a few other projects, both Layonara related and otherwise, that are taking up my time, and a bit of a CDQ waitlist that I've been trying to get a handle on. Still, you should see more of Phoenix now that summer vacations are over, and I'll post here when I have time to toss a few quests up on the calendar soon!


p.s. I took a few minutes to update my GM and CDQ threads this morning. If you've never taken a look and you're curious about my style, what to expect, or you've never been on a quest with me, feel free to take a peek! CDQ threads are all under "Character Development" and GM intro threads are under "Ask A Gamemaster".


Re: Phoenix Quests
« Reply #49 on: September 13, 2009, 09:45:34 pm »
As promised, you should begin to see some events cropping up on the calendar with my name on them. First two:

What Dreams May Come on September 17, 2009 (Levels 12+ only please)


Tabula Rasa on September 21, 2009 (For the other end of the level spectrum, 1-14)

More to come!


Re: Phoenix Quests
« Reply #50 on: September 17, 2009, 11:31:46 pm »
What Dreams May Come questers:

Sorry for the slower than normal responses tonight. I'm going to go curl up with a nice cup of tea now and see if I can kick this cold.

Remember, failing quests isn't the end of the world. Not all quests succeed. Sometimes it can simply be a couple of bad decisions. Sometimes your GM has the cold from hell and might not be giving you enough clues. ;) Let's chalk this one up to a combination of me being sick and you being ... "determined" about certain courses of action.

Coming Up: Get ready to meet a few familiar faces in questy situations. At least two World Leaders will be making cameos sometime before the end of the month. (World Leaders, if you too would like to be a Phoenix Plot Hook, PM me with an idea and we'll talk!)

That's all for tonight, folks. *goes to get some rest*


Re: Phoenix Quests
« Reply #51 on: September 25, 2009, 07:49:06 am »
Next scheduled quest ...

Desert Flight

Once more I leave you to click the calendar entry, RSVP, read my insightful choice of poem or quote for the week, and wonder whether Phoenix hides clues in these little chosen poems and lines ... or is merely trying to make her minor in lit count for something. ;)

Events are also up on the calendar for October, but bear in mind these may change with my schedule. RSVPs will open up closer to the dates.


Re: Phoenix Quests
« Reply #52 on: October 22, 2009, 04:35:05 pm »
Nesting Urges will run tonight at the scheduled time. Sorry for the delay in opening up the RSVPs--it's been a crazy, crazy busy sort of week or two.

Be advised, though this quest is for levels 1-16, it will involve combat, potentially some dangerous combat, and lower levels may find the combat quite challenging, especially depending on who ends up coming. Okay! You've been warned!


Re: Phoenix Quests
« Reply #53 on: October 25, 2009, 11:53:49 pm »
Just one event from me this week: a little Hallowe'en special at the Crossroads. Be sure to bring your spookiest story!


Re: Phoenix Quests
« Reply #54 on: November 15, 2009, 06:27:57 pm »
Tonight's offering: An RP event. Probably no combat--we hope! Steel is summoned to Blackford to answer to the queen of Trelania, Queen Mouring. It is an open audience, which means others can attend and listen to the proceedings, if they are curious enough to come.

Calendar Link for any who have not seen it.

Important Note: IG time passes way too quickly, and we couldn't find time to schedule this before today. However, this event should be RPed as happening before the tsunami strike. (So no, don't worry, we won't make you think of a reason your character is leaving their city of choice where they are providing aid!)

