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Author Topic: The Ups and Downs  (Read 562 times)

Pen N Popper

The Ups and Downs
« on: May 09, 2007, 05:42:13 pm »
You know how some times you have "good" days and "bad" days?  Being part of the Layonara community is like that too. defines community as, "A social group of any size whose members reside in a specific locality, share government, and often have a common cultural and historical heritage."  There's no need for me to point out the truth in each of those aspects of community; I'm sure you all can think of examples that would qualify.

When I logon, there is often some sort of expectation or goal in the back of my mind.  XP, getting a tidbit for a story, crafting, etc.  There are times I logoff disappointed, having not accomplished the goal.  Other times, though, I logoff quite pleased even though I did not accomplish the goal.  Why?  Because of the community.

A two hour boring stand-around-hoping-to-see-someone can be changed in a moment by a chance encounter with a sum total of five minutes of RP.  Or it can be discovering that "~[The sky is falling" will write on a piece of parchment in a language ear.  Yes!  Bee can write in brownie!  He can even read it back with "~~translate" command.

Those bad times, though, can sometimes overshadow the exciting times.  It easy to forget that the GM/project team is working hard behind the scenes.  Sometimes our perspective of the pace things get done is skewed by the fact that we alternate between RL and playing whenever we want.  They have to multiplex their schedules between RL, playing, preparing quests, running quests, scripting, toolset, etc., etc.!

I was rightfully chided today to have "patience young Skywalker!"  That is true.  What is another week or two for a new system?  What is a week before quest is run, or a level gained?  Sometimes that week can seem interminable but on the other side of the fence that week is rushing past too fast to accomplish everything that must be done.

A wise fellow once said, "No! Try not. Do or do not. There is no try."  A community ebbs and flows just as our perception of time ebbs and flows.  Do not try to have patience, do what you can when you can and enjoy it.


Re: The Ups and Downs
« Reply #1 on: May 09, 2007, 07:24:38 pm »
Good post.
 Big 'up' coming soon.


Re: The Ups and Downs
« Reply #2 on: May 10, 2007, 06:03:55 am »
A good post PnP. Don't forget the DMs do log on occasionally to see what the community are up to and see if we can spice things up in terms of Roleplay or combat.


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    Re: The Ups and Downs
    « Reply #3 on: May 10, 2007, 08:50:58 am »
    Never really saw it that way,

    Yup, my downs are running around/sitting to find someone to play with, or entering the sewers on my own. I dislike it due to it can be boring.

    But it was fantastic yesterday when I finally found an alchemist! (Dwarf was Gohlin...something...Silveraxe...thingy....My memory is never the best). Had some very fun RP with that, some funny moments as well. I knew how to do alchemy OOC, but I decided to flesh out my character by RPing it. That was a definate up.

    Totally agree with you PnP!



    Re: The Ups and Downs
    « Reply #4 on: May 10, 2007, 11:41:11 am »
    Sometimes I think I am writing these posts in my sleep...sleep writing so to speak!  Well, anyway, I know what you mean PnP.  It is tough, especially when you try and play the 'non-solo' type of characters.  Aeryn is so dependent upon others for running around the world, that I get fed up with it at times.  At nineth level he can now solo the crypts at Vehl alone *starts to do a happy dance and then thinks how absurd so doesn't*.  I have a dream of making it to request the Duelist PrC (a completion of his bladesong so to speak), but I know I will never make it to that level (as it now stands it will be level 15 before he makes it...and I have been stuck at level 9...twice).
     Anyway, enough, whining...because I do understand I chose to walk this path.  It is just frustrating at times, so I know what PnP is goint through sometimes.  I also, in no way want to make this sound like a gripe session to the creator and GMs/DMs of the game world.   I think that has been done way too much already and many feeling have gotten hurt from it.  I think what is being said here is the fact that it is hard to find that 'special place' to RP, group and build that sense of community.  I have walked between Vehl and Port Hempstead probably more than anyone, hoping to pass by someone to start a conversation, help a new player, or just be yelled for being so charming, but sometimes I never see a sole.  Again, I mean no disrespect to anyone that runs the world.
     I do not know if I even really want to send this, due to all the recent things that have been said...the only reason I probably will, is because it seems that PnP seems to be the voice of Aeryn these days and perhaps I need to say a little of my own thoughts this time.  Who knows, perhaps I am really a sleep and forgot to change screen name *grins*.

    Pen N Popper

    Re: The Ups and Downs
    « Reply #5 on: May 16, 2007, 04:44:22 pm »
    Must... have... patience.... *presses hands to temples then smiles and opens up a bottle of IPA*


    Re: The Ups and Downs
    « Reply #6 on: May 16, 2007, 05:09:36 pm »
    Hmm... just opened a bottle of O'Dells IPA....  thanks the good gods I live in the capital of microbrews!


    Re: The Ups and Downs
    « Reply #7 on: May 17, 2007, 11:57:12 am »
    Got the problem that the people said.

    To begin in Layo I made a character that could hold his own. I thought that this would be really good for me to know the basics and all and all. It was.

    Then, with all the amazing fever for roleplay, I took out of my box-o-old-sheets a druid that my girlfriend played some time ago to play. Great persona, great style, great background, and in Layo ALL these three just were greater and greater, not to mention appearence! She is just gorgeous in Layo, and everytime some char says to himself or to the person close " a long hair...", I have my treasure for the day and log out really with a smile.

    Well, anyway, but in just too many times, I can't do much with her... I try to meet other peoples, but it's simply way too hard to FALL in a conversation and all. I try, then, to walk to some safe places to find people to just rp. Well, anything about rp is good, but this does not work always. To tell the truth, it works just too little.

    I could think "well, I can do like Reinard [the other character, more fighter], go around and maybe find someone", but Eliza just SUCKS at solo combat, and her dire wolf does not THAT much for her. What to do? Log out sad...

    Now that I came back aftert some computer-explosion, I realy hope to find some more people to RP. Maybe if players had a lace to post OOC to arrange a meeting "on luck" of the PCs, and then begin some RP, it would be a good start...


    Re: The Ups and Downs
    « Reply #8 on: May 17, 2007, 12:02:53 pm »
    Oh yeah, and staff and DMs and all, I'm not offending, ok? It got nothing to do with you and all. I LIKE Layo, and I KNOW that you all got just too MUCH work to do. I'm not asking for you to do something for me not anything like that, just expressing myself, and trying to see if the players can find a solution for themselves...