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Author Topic: An Invitation to all Orc Players  (Read 263 times)


RE: Update and Ideas
« Reply #20 on: October 15, 2005, 01:50:00 am »
at what clock will it be? in the PSt morning anf GMT afternoon, or PST afternoon and GMT evening?

Harlas Ravelkione

RE: An Invitation to all Orc Players
« Reply #21 on: October 15, 2005, 03:57:00 am »
// Just as a sidenote, you can play in CDQs and ECDQs that were begun before the plot quest trilogy started.


RE: An Invitation to all Orc Players
« Reply #22 on: October 15, 2005, 08:17:00 am »
// Only if you're integral to the CDQ/ECDQ.  This is a more general invitation to people who were not previously involved in his CDQ.  Also, this quest installment, while a continuation of a CDQ that started before Leanthar's trilogy, this last installment was not yet scheduled.

Harlas Ravelkione

RE: An Invitation to all Orc Players
« Reply #23 on: October 15, 2005, 09:52:00 am »
// *slaps head* Thanks Dorganath. I wasn't aware of that.


Cdq notes, some background and strategy
« Reply #24 on: October 18, 2005, 05:48:00 pm »
//Regarding the immediately previous posts, thanks for clearing this up.  On a related note, I had requested that the orc players will participate in this episode as orcs,   whether or not the Orc Quest is already finished.  It is my understanding that if the latter is the case, the orc players will get their "orc rings" at the start of this episode.

Now, I submitted a fairly lengthy and a bit complicated discussion on preliminary strategy.  Converting my notes completely into some form of notes/discussion by Ael will delay my sharing this even longer.  And as getting this properly set up for all involved to enjoy will take both in-game, ic work and out-of-game work (both ic and occ), I will start this discussion by sharing portions of these notes, here, along with some ideas Sahala gave Ael.

First, a brief background, in Ael’s words://

This began as an effort to retrieve relics and icons from lost temples.  Following information she obtained from Ozy, Kayla Warcrest led us to a couple sites on Mistone.  At one site, we did not find any ruins; at the other, we found the remains of one of our temples beneath the Blood Desert..  Yet CaDuzites had beat us to it - they had desecrated it and taken anything of value.  On our way out of the Blood Desert, CaDuzites ambushed us, killing many of us and warning me not to interfere with them further.

Kayla disappeared after that.  I thought nothing of it for a couple of weeks - she often went off with Path or Mara, or even alone.  Yet I became increasingly concerned as time passed and after I had spoke with Mara.  Also, we were losing a race against CaDuzites, who clearly intended to loot and desecrate our lost sites.

And as I had taken an oath to my Goddess to help Kayla fulfill this worthy endeavor, I continued the search for relics and icons.  We found a site in the Sielwood - again CaDuzites had been there.  Then we returned to the High Forest site to excavate near a grove of trees within which there were ruined pillars.  We unearthed a platform temple, open aired, like the Temple of Ilsare in Hlint.  Yet there were no icons.

I made a report detailing the locations of the sites we found on Mistone and took it to our last temple in Saudiria.  It was clear we needed more information from them, and that we should coordinate our efforts with them more closely.

Yet shortly after arriving there, the priestess Eldratha informed me that Aylahadratha had been captured by CaDuzites.

//fyi see ael’s bio:

Note that on account of in-game factors, Ael now serves only Az'atta//

She would be killed unless they abandoned the temple in Saudiria within three week’s time.  Initiates from the temple, there, had failed in attempting to rescue her from the CaDuzite temple where she was imprisoned, near the River of Shadows on Dregar.

As that temple was built upon ruins of one of our temples, Eldratha was able to give us information on it’s location and a possible way in, through nearby caverns inhabited by trolls.  

And so we were able to reach the ruined temple beneath the CaDuzite base.  There, we found, at last, a holy tome worth taking back to Saudiria.  We reached the lowest level of the CaDuzite enclave, and found evidence that some one had recently been tortured there.  While trying to get further into the temple, we were discovered and surrounded by drow assassins.  

For whatever reason, they were interested in speaking with me, rather than killing us outright.  Trying to get as much information as I could from them, I spoke with their leader.  He made some vague offer of power and glory  if I betray my faith and turn over Eldratha to them; he also said I could have Aylahadratha back.  Yet when I asked to see her, he was unable to grant it, or so he said.

I do not know whether she is dead or alive.

If it weren’t for Aylahadratha, I would have been a foul, heartless blackguard like those I had to deal with...or worse.  Most  surfacers have families that nurture their children...mothers who love their sons.  This is not so in the Eternal Night, and my life was no exception.  Yet Aylahadratha saved me from a fate worse than death itself, and was the first to show me mercy...and love.  Over the years, she has cared for me and guided me; even though most of the time, she was elsewhere, I knew I was always in her prayers.

Forgive me, I tell you all this because I intend to go against the vermin who have hurt her...and I will do it alone, if I must.  And if she has passed into the arms of The Phoenix, then she deserves nothing short of final rites in high honor at our temple in Saudiria.

Strategy for Episode 3 - Assault and Rescue.

Optimal placement of forces prior to assault; initial tactics.  

Recon into the Temple area (this will be handled in a "mini-quest, to be held shortly, before the final episode): 1. Scout the surrounds of the temple; 2. Scout into the troll caves to the tunnel into the temple - all the way to the ladder, if possible; 3. subject to the time constraints, I would like to have the scouts observe the comings and goings about the main entrance for at least 48 hours to get an idea of guard shifts - any other info they can gather.  If guards are detected in the tunnel - carefully listening from a distance to see about their shifts, any other info.

Note: Eldratha, an Az'attan priestess in Saudiria gave us information about these troll caves; there is a tunnel from them to a ruined Az'attan temple over which the current Ca'Duzite temple is built.  Mention of "ladder" - refers to a way from these lower ruins to the CaDuzite temple.

Orc group is in the Serpent Mountains area next to River of Shadows.  

Appearance: The orcs are just camping out - a wandering band just moving through the area.

Non-orc group starts in North Fort.

Appearance: A group of adventurers gathering there and resting a bit before moving onwards.

Sahala leads this group.  She, and a few others, at her discretion, travel to Saudiria to speak with Eldratha.  Note Sahala was present with Ael in Ep2, and even spoke with Eldratha, even though didn’t say much.  Sahala notifies Eldratha of the impending operation.  Obtains any updated information, requests prayer support from the temple; warns Eldratha of the CaDuzite’s expressed intention to assassinate her; gives Eldratha the Ancient Holy Text Ael’s group had found.  Accepts any other aid they might give, including healing items.  Under no circumstances will she allow Eldratha to come along.

Bil, the goblin is with the North Fort group.  Once Sahala returns to Fort Hope, Bil (or someone under cover of invis, if he’s not there) goes to notify the orcs, preferably under cover of invis, that North Fort group is ready; also takes any updated info from Sahala.

Assault and Rescue

Details of this depend on scouting report.  

Approaching the temple.  Group size could work against us.  All orcs will lead whatever assault happens.  These, along with as many non-orcs as possible approach temple under cover of invis.  Others who cannot approach in stealth or invis remain in Serpent mountains area.  Once action starts, someone hasted and invis’d goes back to bring these up.

Apparent options:

1.  Orcs lead assault from underground area up into the temple - causing general havoc once they are in.  Sahala and Lalaith, if she can make it, and some of the non-orcs follow - focused on exploring to find prison area.  Remaining non-orcs not with Sahala’s group join in with the orcs - keeping CaDuzites distracted and occupied.

2. Frontal assault lead by orcs.  All depending on recon information.  Going against entrance(s) to the Temple.  Non-orcs not in rescue group follow closely.  Again the focus is creating general havoc.  Then two variations here, for rescue group: a. rescue group follows in behind the havoc group; b. rescue group enters temple through the tunnels, then proceeds as indicated above.  In case of option 2.b., rescue group will be larger than in option 1.  Details tbd based on apparent circumstances.

Rescue group takes Aylahadratha back to temple of Az’atta in Saudiria as soon as they find her - dead or alive.  Sahala, as a female drow, must address Aylahadratha and get her trust, if the latter is alive.  Time is of the essence, so it should pretty much be “we’re getting you out of here - I shall explain as soon as you are safe.”

Other considerations.

Damage to CaDuzite interests.

A secondary consideration.  Although mercy is a cornerstone of Az’atta’s faith, Ael believes there is no ground, in general, for that here.  For years, Ca’Duz has been waging a war against Az’atta.  Ael feels that he should hit hard against the CaDuzites, harming them as much as he can.  After all, the only thing they respect is power.

To this end, the havoc group is to kill and damage as much as they can.

Ideally, if decisive victory is attained, and the temple grounds secured - Ael will rely on the dwarves present for ideas on how to destroy the temple, itself.  Also, Daren Valhaikor and other clerics present should work on "santifying" the CaDuz altar and sanctuary, rendering it useless, or defiled in the eyes of CaDuz.

So decisive victory is 1. Rescue Aylahadratha; 2. Inflict massive damage and casualties on CaDuzite forces and the temple.  3. Destroy the temple site itself and/or sanctify the temple.

Aylahadratha not present.  Sahala’s group focuses on getting evidence, info on her whereabouts.  Then joins in the slaughter/destruction activities.


Now for some of Sahala's thoughts://


While sneaking the orcs through the countryside will have fewer problems, sneaking them into the tunnels and keeping them from getting caught or slowed by the narrow confines there will be much more difficult. Now, scouting reports will definitely have an impact on this idea, but I would suggest the frontal assault plan. That is, as a distraction, a non-orc group would lead a mini assault in the tunnels, trying to blow the trapdoor off it's hinges, but never really intending to assault from there. While the CaDuzites are initially occupied with that, the orcs should attempt an all out attack at the main entrance to the temple. They must be followed by a number of invisible non-orcs who, immediately following the initial clash, position themselves behind the battle lines, then reappear to attack the enemy from behind. During this time, me, Lalaith, and possibly one other strongarm, will pass beyond the fighting, as you suggested, to find Aylahadratha. If and when she is found, myself and company then use the hidden tunnels to escape rather than passing back through the battle. Should the tunnel trapdoor be locked, either Lalaith will pick it, or I will destroy it. Hopefully, it will already be destroyed. If I recall, however, the trapdoor is barred from the inside, so getting through it from the inside should be easy. Also, the distraction group can either abandon the tunnels and help the frontal assault, or continue their attack from there until they break in. In this way we can bring the battle to numerous fronts, hopefully causing confusion among the CaDuzites as well as spreading them thin. This should make it easy for Lalaith and myself (and whoever is with us), under cover of invis, find Aylahadratha

As far as the destrustion of the temple goes, I will not likely be there for that assuming the rescue,  as we will be rushing Aylahadratha to the temple in Saudiria. I assume that is where the rest of the group will meet back at after the assault.//

Ael's response here:// If we defeat the CaDuzites sufficiently, either by killing off the force that holds the temple, or by driving them off - perhaps we could then secure the grounds for our work of sanctifying and destroying the temple.  We would set up our own defensive positions, guarding those who are working on sanctifying the site and, or destroying it.  I am hoping my dwarven friends will have ideas on how to, at least, severely damage the place.  Likewise, I hope Daren can lead the effort to sanctify the temple, thus rendering the site useless to the CaDuzites.

Performing such work on the temple, will require time, my love *he smiles lovingly to Sahala* - likely several days.  And the CaDuzites may regroup and attack us, especially if they fathom our intentions regarding their temple.  So plan on returning to the main group after you have finished taking Aylahadratha to Saudiria.

//more of Sahala's thoughts://

Let's assume they do not send all their forces to defend against the assalts. That is, if the guards actually hold their posts around whatever cage they have Aylahadratha in. Myself and Lalaith alone may not be able to subdue them, and worse, attacking them could attract attention back their way, making a getaway with Aylahadratha really tough. I suggest we have at least one other strongarm on the rescue atempt. Also, we have to expect that once the battle starts, their clerics will use 'see invisibility', and/or 'invisibility purge' which will also make the rescue attempt difficult, as far as stealth is concerned, despite my ability to cast invisibility numerous times. And stealth is extremely important, lest they realize it is more than simply an all out attack, and kill or put more guards around Aylahadratha.

And what is the plan should the frontal assault fail? Granted, we may still be able to sneak inside and rescue Aylahadratha due to the intial distraction. How and where will we regroup?

Also the strongest CaDuzite priests will likely use death magic on your assault team, so we must have all of you warded somehow. For that matter, it's imperative that some of your group have true sight or see invisibility cast upon them so they can target casters.//

Okay... for everyone who is invited: jump in and give me your thoughts, quesitons, criticism, etc.  For our in-character posts, let's assume we all meet some place secretly - so all of the preceding is covered and open to discussion.  Also, Ael will be discussing various asects of this in-game with you all, again assuming our group has covered the preceding.  :) //



RE: the plan
« Reply #25 on: October 21, 2005, 04:20:00 pm »
whoaw that was a lot!
Well Im not an englishman so I might have missed something but:
I guess the frontal orc attack is ment to apperear as some simple orcs, who dont know anything about Ayla.. since if the priests ever get the feeling that this is created by Ael they would probally kill Ayla..
Second when rescuring Ayla wouldn't it be best if so many sneakers as possibly position themselves in the room so they, at a sign, can sneak and fast eliminate the priest, and by that preventing the priest from killing Ayla.. in a desperate action of revenge.
Third about that slaughter Zanirth might give some problems, since she believe in the goodness of every drow (some where the most of them got a bit of light, which, like in Aels case, just need to be cared about), and wouldn't be much for killing in hate and revenge. At least those who would ask for mercy should have it, she would say.


RE: An Invitation to all Orc Players
« Reply #27 on: October 24, 2005, 05:28:00 pm »
//Ael did some scouting of his own to make preliminary maps.  He will use these maps at the preparatory meetings.

Thanks to Dorax, Esimon, and Rallinda for the assistance!  :)


RE: An Invitation to all Orc Players
« Reply #28 on: November 06, 2005, 09:33:00 am »
//I'm finalizing a roster on this.  To all the "orc horde" and everyone else invited, this is fyi.

Remember, the timeline for both of these episodes occurs during the time the Orc Quest was unfolding.  *he laughs* Now with all of our final preparations this coming week, we are not in orc form (though the orc players have their orc ears).  For the sake of simplicity, this week we will focus on getting ready, period.

Dorg gave me the following guidelines pertaining to the relation of this cdq to the orc series:

This of course wil lhave the following implications:
* Everyone who was an orc MUST be an orc for this quest. In other words, Ael and the rest of the orcs are bound by your decision.
* The quest rewards from the orc series may not be used or equipped. The reasons for this should be obvious, as the boots an other things give bonuses in addition to those from the orc transformation rings that one should not possess.
* I expect the RP to reflect the fact that the orc series has not completed, and I mean that from orc and non-orc alike.

Please pm me if you cannot make the event next Sunday, 13 Nov.  The recon on Friday, 11 Nov is a smaller group, each of whom I have specifically invited for that.

I will hold at least one planning meeting this coming week.  Look at the player calendar for that:

As Dorg said on the calendar entry for the main event, this will go well only to the extent we work well together.


RE: An Invitation to all Orc Players
« Reply #29 on: November 07, 2005, 01:14:00 pm »
//Meeting times set.  

*A private courier delivers notice containing time and place to each individual who has been invited, or has discussed this matter with Ael, including all "orc players" and Ozy.  Ael includes a note emphasizing that you don't have to come to both, but coming to one of them would be appreciated and very helpful for the overall effort.*


RE: An Invitation to all Orc Players
« Reply #30 on: November 08, 2005, 02:00:00 pm »
//I have had to reschedule the early meeting, tomorrow - moving it back one hour.