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Author Topic: Are the names visible on gravestones IC info?  (Read 145 times)

Pen N Popper

Are the names visible on gravestones IC info?
« on: March 27, 2007, 06:58:16 am »
When you click on a gravestone, it displays the name of the fallen PC.  I have seen a wide range of use of this information from completely ignoring it, to RPing a sense of knowing the person it belongs to, to the extreme of providing the name whether you knew the soul or not.

My question is what is the official stance?  If a thief jumps you in the woods and gets killed in the process, do you know the thief's name now from his gravestone?


Re: Are the names visible on gravestones IC info?
« Reply #1 on: March 27, 2007, 07:03:21 am »
Oh, I hope so... If not, that means Kinai won't be able to draw smiley faces all over her deader friends' stones :(


Re: Are the names visible on gravestones IC info?
« Reply #2 on: March 27, 2007, 07:07:56 am »
I have no idea how its intended to be played... I think all thats left is "blood and bits of debris".
You can tell that "a battle took place there", but there is not infact any gravestone that just had magically appeared, and you cant tell who had died there if you did not witness it.


Re: Are the names visible on gravestones IC info?
« Reply #3 on: March 27, 2007, 07:12:23 am »
So how would one go about getting another deader back to their stone? "Oh, you look pale, ma'am. Shall I assist in slaughtering all the trolls there to avenge your untimely death?"

Feels weird after RPing having the stone about for so long XD

Witch Hunter

Re: Are the names visible on gravestones IC info?
« Reply #4 on: March 27, 2007, 07:22:51 am »
I dont think the stone is there at all ICly... it's just an OOC means to inform us where our death location was.
 ICly i'd go with "a battle took place here" or some other lame bum excuse... as for the character approaching his stone... well, that's just reflecting on your death or battle and rejoining with your spirit to form a whole being once more or some other lame bum excuse...


Re: Are the names visible on gravestones IC info?
« Reply #5 on: March 27, 2007, 12:48:01 pm »
I think in a land of magic and where people die that are then teleported to a safe place, some form of marker may appear. Not necessarily a gravestone, but something. Names? I don't think the names are visible to all PC's, just a sign for the player. I have in the past RP'd asking where a dead PC fell or asked where their marker is located.


Re: Are the names visible on gravestones IC info?
« Reply #6 on: March 27, 2007, 02:32:22 pm »
I seem to recall a thread where an official-type person said that the graves were IC... did a search and couldn't find it, so I could be imagining things. As far as names, I've always treated them as IC; I usually check when I see one, so that if I see them I can help them back to their grave.

