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Author Topic: hatred  (Read 852 times)


RE: hatred
« Reply #60 on: July 16, 2005, 04:11:00 am »
MorphlingROR - 7/16/2005 11:31 AM O Personally I believe that a hatred for drow is something perfectly normal and actually is a part of their penalty for gaining much better stats. If a player picks this race, they should expect their character to be treated accordingly.

  I think that sums it up nicely :)


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    RE: hatred
    « Reply #61 on: July 16, 2005, 04:52:00 am »
    Uh I missed this thread. My PC was the target of the stones. This was really exciting RP. Trying to show who was the mad man, whining around a bit *angel TN face*...

    I play a drow, of course I face the consequences... The very point is playing a non-evil drow in a "dynamic" world, where group or individual feelings could possibly evolve. Thank you for this small event.


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      RE: hatred
      « Reply #62 on: July 16, 2005, 05:48:00 am »
      Etinfall - 7/15/2005  6:12 PM

      Then Cole can show the spider shaped scar in his neck. Then I would take you to Krandor where a drow assasin attacked me and a friend with a poison arrow. That instance there changed Cole forever.

      Spellguard: That whole town was sacked.

      This is true; the world is still currently under seige by Drow. There are over 51 known victims of the Drow spider scar, Willow included.

      Even though Willow has been attacked in her own home nearly killed she still has friends that she knows are Drow. She was rather standoffish with them at first but after talking and wondering about them, they quickly became friends.

      Role-play hatred of a race OR class is perfectly normal. If everyone loved each other and respected each other we would be care bears.

      We are heroes of Layonara and in this respect there are many types of Role-play and many types of players. Respecting their right to play that class or race accordingly is top priority.

      Remember that this is a game and getting heated up or revved up over something that is not in your control is silly. Not everything is in your/our control remember there are real people playing those characters and how you chose to act and Role-play your character may affect that person.

      Sending a Tell to the other person to say no hard feelings is a wonderful example of how problems like this can be solved. Again like Rhizome said if you have any real problem take it up with him.

      Its our world, we live, we breath, we have the choice to hate or not hate.



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      RE: hatred
      « Reply #63 on: July 16, 2005, 07:24:00 am »
      I like care bears....

      Damaged Goods

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        RE: hatred
        « Reply #64 on: July 16, 2005, 08:18:00 am »
        LoganGrimnar - 7/15/2005  9:24 PM

        I like care bears....

        MEE TOOO!!! I think we all should hold hands and frolick through a field of Daisys! Then when bad men get in the way, we can have a carebear countdown!

        Im feeling abit of negitivity here! Does somebody need hug?


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          RE: hatred
          « Reply #65 on: July 16, 2005, 08:24:00 am »
          Funny, I just made this topic, with the joke title "Hands Across Layonara", then read your hug post.

          I say we escalate in-game :)


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          RE: hatred
          « Reply #66 on: July 16, 2005, 11:16:00 am »
          well, I think this thread is winding down (mercifully!), although I should talk, since my comments on occasion have kept it going somewhat.

          Probably best since I think at this point we're just arguing in circles. I agree with what most people have said about RPing how you want, Drows should have it difficult, ect. I'm not arguing for mercy for the Drow, ye gods, gimme a break, or my favorite, "maybe everybody should hold hands" (geez, if I see that line again...). The point I"ve been trying to get at is this:

          Some people seem to feel that since the large majority of the Drow race is evil, they have carte blanche to do whatever they want to them, especially since overt violent acts are prohibited by Layo. And I'm not arguing that they can't if they want. Please RP your character. But I think there should be consequences if their actions go over the line, especially with regards to alignment. This is a perfect example of self-righteousness leading to intolerance and evil actions, and it's antithetical to the priciples espoused by the good alignments. Good doesn't mean you can't have hate somebody or have prejudice, but your actions need to be principled. After all, that's what "good" is all about in the D&D/NWN game.

          Again, some behavior may be accepted, but it doesn't make the accepted behavior good. Take the Japanese-American internment camps of WWII. Not the proudest moment in U.S. history, but it was accepted by many, although many others spoke out about it.

          Ye gods, I'm sorry, I've gone off again when I really meant to just say thanks to everyone and actually go adventuring and slaughter some Drow.


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          RE: hatred
          « Reply #67 on: July 16, 2005, 12:02:00 pm »
          I think we should let this one die now...

          The arguments are extremely nitty-gritty at this point, and the main issue is hardly being adressed anymore. The issue was that more of the general puplic should be less apt to entertain drow companions. Not everyone, not people who are openminded, and certainly not those who sensically RP otherwise.

          Personally, I side with the Dev's on this one still. The other arguments seem fairly weak. The alignment issue was a good point to be brought up (but it does not counter discrimination), as well as character stats. From here the most important determining factor is the individual, and this deals with your PC's personality (based on bio, experience, etc). The majority of Vets, and people with a more indepth head-knowledge of layo seem to have lived through many drow catastrophes, and thusly are more wary of drow. Some also accept drow.

          There should be a balance, but a tipped balance towards prejudice. Sakura seemed to indicate that the surface, in all actuality, is waging war with them. They just keep coming up in small groups, killing people, then descending to the underdark. It has been ongoing, I would be quite doubtful that ANYONE around Hlint can claim ignorance to this.    



          RE: hatred
          « Reply #68 on: July 17, 2005, 07:12:00 am »
          Once more… WOW!!!

          This topic seems to be quite interesting. Giving a lot of different perspectives.

          Well bottom line is that this RP incident has giving the GM a lot of new information of how players on Layo are right now.

          Well. How to RP one or the other thing….being good or evil…In the end it’s the GMs or “The Man” L which are taking the final decision if someone did something stupid.

          And I will promise ye that Varka is gonna behave a bit more…NAY!!! Oi cleave ye skull!!

