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Author Topic: Thanks to Aragwen and the players on Nature's Defense  (Read 415 times)


Thanks to Aragwen and the players on Nature's Defense
« on: June 24, 2006, 11:01:08 pm »
Great job Aragwen.  Great teamwork to everyone else.


RE: Thanks to Aragwen and the players on Nature's Defense
« Reply #1 on: June 24, 2006, 11:02:39 pm »
And thanks to the builder(s) that took the time to custom create for this.


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Re: Thanks to Aragwen and the players on Nature's Defense
« Reply #2 on: June 24, 2006, 11:04:11 pm »
well done Orion!!


RE: Thanks to Aragwen and the players on Nature's Defense
« Reply #3 on: June 24, 2006, 11:12:10 pm »
  Amazing job by all...worth getting no sleep and having to kids to deal with :)
  I'd also like to that Ketilbjorn for his praise of Ireth ;)
  Also I think a big thank you needs to go to all who were involved with all of these quests.

Emerald Skye

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Re: Thanks to Aragwen and the players on Nature's Defense
« Reply #4 on: June 24, 2006, 11:25:38 pm »
Awesome job!  It was a big group and everyone worked well together.  Thanks for all the hard work Orion and everyone.


Re: Thanks to Aragwen and the players on Nature's Defense
« Reply #5 on: June 24, 2006, 11:52:17 pm »
Really awesome!

Though, playing with an average of 5 FPS is... erh... interesting!

Xandor Loriland

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Re: Thanks to Aragwen and the players on Nature's Defense
« Reply #6 on: June 25, 2006, 12:26:57 am »
Awesome job everyone.  It was a blast.


Re: Thanks to Aragwen and the players on Nature's Defense
« Reply #7 on: June 25, 2006, 01:21:43 am »
was very impressive, and good RP, it should be mentioned!

Lord of the Forest

Re: Thanks to Aragwen and the players on Nature's Defense
« Reply #8 on: June 25, 2006, 03:03:16 am »
It was great! :)


Re: Thanks to Aragwen and the players on Nature's Defense
« Reply #9 on: June 25, 2006, 04:01:41 am »
*pats his former apprentice on the back* Nicely done, my apprentice :)


Re: Thanks to Aragwen and the players on Nature's Defense
« Reply #10 on: June 25, 2006, 05:38:24 am »
Good job! :)


Re: Thanks to Aragwen and the players on Nature's Defense
« Reply #11 on: June 25, 2006, 05:51:40 am »
Let's see....Started: 11pm...Finished: 6:30am     wow, it's scary how fast that time went by
    Aragwen, huge kudos to you for managing to keep on top of everything. It's hard enough when a party splits, but to start with two groups and maintain that flow was a mammoth achievement.  
  To the players: Well Done!! I don't think I've ever seen a party work so well together. Ok, we took casualties, but I was constantly amazed by our ability to take down creatures I would have expected to be beyond our capability.
    I don't think I'll ever forget taking on the Elite demons; straight after being raised; with no buffs, and still we won through!
  And who ever thought they'd catch themselves being relieved, thinking "Oh, its just another Balor Prince, thats alright then"
  Thanks everyone!


RE: Thanks to Aragwen and the players on Nature's Defense
« Reply #12 on: June 25, 2006, 06:09:09 am »
...that's just what I heard myself thinking.."Oh, at least it's not another one of those Eryines....we're okay..."  Yikes what a bunch of demons that was!

Props on how great the quest was, nonstop without being exhausting; thanks to the clerics who raised poor Honora, the tissue-paper tank; and (gotta say it) wow to Mikey for being a Davey Tree Demon Shredder.


RE: Thanks to Aragwen and the players on Nature's Defense
« Reply #13 on: June 25, 2006, 07:18:32 am »
I would like to take this oppurtunity to thank everyone who attended"Nature'sDefense"last night.
  You guys were just amazing, you worked very well together and the all the plans madewere well executed. Big congratulations to each and every party member.
  Thanks for patience when it was requested and thanks for respecting each other and giving each person the opportunity to play his character. Every single one of you made me very proud to be part of this community.
  Even though the quest was mostly battle based the RPmoments that existed was topshelf. Especially the RP session at the end.
  Too the two leaders, Rhizome and Brisbane, you led both your groups with great skill and one can clearly see the family tie. And not leading from the back either but leading in the front of each and every assualt. Also the work and effort both you put into before the quest did make a huge difference.
  Then lastly big big thanks to Leanthar and the team. Thanks for giving me the opportunity to run this quest and thanks for all the hard work and effort each and everyone of you put into this world.
  And as I walk out, once again huge congrats to the group.
  P.S. Thanks Master, I aim to please :)


Re: Thanks to Aragwen and the players on Nature's Defense
« Reply #14 on: June 25, 2006, 08:41:14 am »
I couldnt have said it better Aragwen.
So in my words "it rocked"


Re: Thanks to Aragwen and the players on Nature's Defense
« Reply #15 on: June 25, 2006, 10:30:04 am »
Great Job Aragwen and a great job by all that players that were there!


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RE: Thanks to Aragwen and the players on Nature's Defense
« Reply #16 on: June 25, 2006, 09:45:18 pm »
It really was a wonderful Layonara experience. The quest was brilliantly conceived from the beginning and brilliantly enacted through to the end. It truly felt like the climax of a 3 year storyline for me.
  Leanthar's fabulous vision and prior machinations provided an amazing setting and background. Aragwen's creativity and skill in the implementation made the event roll gracefully onto the screen in a way that captured the full intensity of the scenario. The characters and their interactions were thick, compelling and well rounded. We worked together as well as any group I've participated in my nearly 3 years of playing Layonara.
  As I said before the final battle when our two groups met and smashed the remainder of Blood's forces between us, that Rhizome had prepared his whole life for that moment. I was touched by the responses of those I was with, Addison, Ireth, Iradril, Kharl, Aralin, who complemented Rhizome on preparing well. My response might have seemed sappy at the time, when I said that the core of that preparation was realizing that who stands with you is far more crucial to success than one's own talents and abilities. The events in our quest, as well as in the other sessions I wager, are proof positive that it wasn't just a sappy comment. In my experience just one of those elite forces of Blood could, and have in the past, killed parties far stronger than ours. In my experience quests with even more straightforward challenges are botched by groups of players and characters more experienced than ours were. But we killed many of those elite forces. And we succeeded convincingly and decisively. In my mind there is one key source of that accomplishment, we communicated, collaborated and worked together as a team. I'm very proud of what we accomplished and feel deeply fulfilled with my smallplaceat the plateau built by years of collective and collaborative effort.
  I also said last night, and think some took the full meaning of my words, that our success was in no way secondary to the overall victory against Leanthar... ...I mean Bloodstone ;). Remember that the Tol'eflor Patriarch told us not so long ago that "The Silver Vein flows down the ridge. The soul flows down the silver vein. The soul touches the bone of Blood. With this all is done." If we had failed, and the Great Oak as well as the Silver Vein plant, which now grows right beside it, were destroyed, thenthe Blade of Shadows would have just been a knife with a nifty name. Of course this is one key reason why Bloodstone attacked the Great Oak and why our efforts saved not only Nature but allowed for the destruction of Sinthar. It was so fitting and brilliantly rendered to witness the explosion over the Demon Mountains shortly after we vanquished the last few of Bloodstone's Great Forest devastation troop.
  To me, this makes me feel proud at a whole other level about the teamwork evident in the finale quests. Our community has worked well together, not only here at the end when it is most obvious that it mattered, but time and time again building up to the final defeat of Sinthar Bloodstone. It hasn't been one character, or one set of players, or even a series of events which has enabled our thrilling victory and the pride and fulfillment many of us are experiencing now. Everyone has played a role in the way that we have communicated information and built relationships and acted in ways which have made our world an immersive and engrossing experience for us all. I'm honored and privileged to be a part of that. It is something that in my professional opinion (I'm an anthropologist so I'm allowed to say that :)) is rare indeed in our "real" worlds. That fact, alongside the fact that Layonara has repeatedly generated such experiences and sentiments, should never be overlooked. Leanthar certainly deserves the lion's share of credit in those endeavors. Our team, our community and all those who have supported and encouraged us surely also deserve chunks. To me this creative connection and collaboration is the positive core of a Layonara experience, of a Layonara self, which I will always cherish and always nurture.
  Thank you for allowing me these few lines to express to you at least glimpses of my appreciation, admiration, and love for this community and for all of those who have made it possible.
  Much respect to all,

