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Author Topic: A Discussion on leveling.  (Read 1623 times)


Re: A Discussion on leveling.
« Reply #60 on: August 31, 2007, 01:38:23 pm »
Although the thought of double XP weekend has its draws I don't think it would help the issue of some characters lagging behind unless the people who played more didn't participate.  If everyone participated according to their play time it would probably widen the gap that already exists.  I thnk diverse play schedules is just one of those things that will always be there.  Someone who can play 40 hours a week will always have an advantage over someone who can only play 4 hours per week.


Re: A Discussion on leveling.
« Reply #61 on: August 31, 2007, 02:07:18 pm »
Quote from: Dorganath
*Thanks Acacea just to spite Pseudonym* ;)

393 in just what?  One year of the new forums?

Dorg, I think you've flown under the radar for long enough.  It's time to have a talk about you're extreme disregard for the proper rate of progression in the thanks category.  I know it may be fun for you, but it's time to wake up to the idea that Layonara is a community, and there's a certain atmosphere to this community that we're trying to maintain.  Hitting almost 400 thanks in just one year goes against the spirit of these forums.  I have logs that show you moving up more then 50 thanks in just one day.  This is clearly against the spirit of things here at Layonara.  A GM will talk to you at some point soon to have some of these potentially removed.  I hope you can understand the environment we're trying to maintain and how you need to learn to be a working part of it.


Re: A Discussion on leveling.
« Reply #62 on: August 31, 2007, 02:11:54 pm »
Quote from: Chongo
393 in just what?  One year of the new forums?

Nah...more like 6 or 7 months....over 100 in the last couple of weeks...

I know, I know...I'm a PT...Power Thankee.  I've been drafting behind goodwill and soaking up TPs (Thanks Points) like a sponge.

I apologize to the community for my disregard of this important community concept.

*bows head in shame*


Re: A Discussion on leveling.
« Reply #63 on: August 31, 2007, 02:16:17 pm »
Well I have been here the whole time of these new forums and have only 33 Thanks and more importantly have balanced my Thanks received with Thanks given.  I think everyone should be required to limit their Thanks recieved to the Thanks given because that's obviously the best way to keep things under control.  Those Thanks grinders out there that think they are better than the rest of us have to be controlled somehow for the best of the community.


Re: A Discussion on leveling.
« Reply #64 on: August 31, 2007, 02:22:54 pm »
*sits in her chair knees drawn up to her chest and giggles as she reads*

This is what the community love it guys are great!


Re: A Discussion on leveling.
« Reply #65 on: August 31, 2007, 02:42:43 pm »
Quote from: DMOE
oh joy! *sarcastic tone*

Never mind that although quite a few people enjoyed the double XP weekend I personally have never seen such a huge slip in RP  or peoples consideration and attitude towards each other as I did that weekend.

She'll shoot me for this....but....*sighs*...I gotta disagree a little.... just a little.

Yep...there were times when pure and simple grind was ongoing....
...but there was also some bloody good RP still going on. Maybe's hard to find....but it was there.
I recall a group I was with getting hit with the RP wand .... and a few rather good arguements and banter going on in North Point when we were supposed to be hunting minotaurs.

The whole double XP weekend was fun.... so long as people dont go totally crazy on it... which I didn't really see too much of. But then.... all depends where you are really.

As for fast-leveling... well...if you have the time to put into it.... then good for you. Level away.

But someone said it best above me....cant check now Im writing....
... you may RP minimum and hit level 21 pretty fast.....
..but then all the other high levels you start joining on quests and adventures are gonna be " er...who are you again?"
You wont know them well....wont have RP'd with'll miss out on all the fun arguements and friendship banter that comes from RPing with someone or several people over a long period of time.
To me....thats what can make something as simple as going to pick corn with people a hoot or mundane.
RP first.....fight later. just me. Dont flame me for it....I just saw all the cool kids doing it and wanted to join in ;)

Oh er.....we were on about our Thanks count weren't we?

*sighs, loots at his meagre Thanks count and slinks away*


Re: A Discussion on leveling.
« Reply #66 on: August 31, 2007, 02:56:45 pm »
Quote from: LordCove
She'll shoot me for this....but....*sighs*...I gotta disagree a little.... just a little.

Yep...there were times when pure and simple grind was ongoing....
...but there was also some bloody good RP still going on. Maybe's hard to find....but it was there.
I recall a group I was with getting hit with the RP wand .... and a few rather good arguements and banter going on in North Point when we were supposed to be hunting minotaurs.

The whole double XP weekend was fun.... so long as people dont go totally crazy on it... which I didn't really see too much of. But then.... all depends where you are really.

*laughs* Not gonna shoot you....I said 'personally' because what *I* personally experienced was that.  I'm glad some people did get positive experiences out of that double XP weekend....I just really, really didn't.

And I mean over the entire weekend I didn't *shrugs* maybe I just had the worlds most unlucky weekend that weekend.

Also remember I have a family....and work 7 hours on a Saturday and a Sunday....till 10pm at night so all a double XP weekend is gonna be to me is that thing I watch from the sidelines.


Re: A Discussion on leveling.
« Reply #67 on: August 31, 2007, 04:01:22 pm »
thanks dorg just to keep psuedo that much farther behind for the overlord title:

beyond that
yes its hard redoing the lower levels when you dont have 10 friends about to go en masse into areas

but i have found its been more fun and i have been able to divert from doing the exact same thing with my new druid then i did with drogo

he was a primal battle beast plain and simple

khuren yes he has his moments: still can get that taste out of his mouth: is more refined having had a mentor for 70 plus years to teach him all sides of the box
he crafts some,not very good but he tries
and he hunts when needed but he thinks before he drunken dwarf charges
maybe cause there are no drunken dwarves to show him how only a singing dancing one

levels during quests dont mean a thing,yes they could have a set focus but it doesnt mean the lowest level present doesnt have impact

we love layo no matter how much we  whine moan and complain
we are at home in the vision L has given us to see and we will still be about in the future

what we cant do is sit and grow stagnant

we can help the new people and show them this amazing place that we have loved for so long
and though nwn is old and ancient and dying
layo is simply in its current ascension

its up to us to evolve with it
double xp was fun will it jump a few people higher sure
the lower levels will jump more then the ones at 14 plus

will this happen
maybe maybe
but does it matter if it happens
play your char
wander around
kill something if thats what your char does
craft something if thats what your char does

forget levels and just play


Re: A Discussion on leveling.
« Reply #68 on: August 31, 2007, 05:07:42 pm »
Quote from: DMOE
oh joy! *sarcastic tone*

And for those of us that work weekends and have family's? Or it isn't a holiday for them as they don't live in the US.

Never mind that although quite a few people enjoyed the double XP weekend I personally have never seen such a huge slip in RP  or peoples consideration and attitude towards each other as I did that weekend.

We are an RP server for heavens sake....I fail to see how everyone grubbing around attempting to make as much XP as possible in a small space of time actually helps with that

How about a Zero-Xp Weekend with 24-hour rest timers then?  Would that help increase your RP?



Re: A Discussion on leveling.
« Reply #69 on: August 31, 2007, 05:29:16 pm »
Quote from: lonnarin
How about a Zero-Xp Weekend with 24-hour rest timers then?  Would that help increase your RP?


how about a shifting world ?

one day only areas where you can survive with magic , the other a world you only can survive without magic and a lot of armor and HP ?

Of-course the changes will be at random ...what means -NO ONE - can solo ...sure way to increase RP *grins and runs *


Re: A Discussion on leveling.
« Reply #70 on: August 31, 2007, 05:38:09 pm »
Quote from: lonnarin
How about a Zero-Xp Weekend with 24-hour rest timers then?  Would that help increase your RP?


Excellent idea!!! Can we have one of those please?


Re: A Discussion on leveling.
« Reply #71 on: August 31, 2007, 06:44:59 pm »
Or just change the module to be one big open area with nothing in it and then everyone would have nothing else to do but sit and talk.  Everyone would be in the same area and equal in items and XP potential and no one would be able to solo unless they were the only one on the server.  It's such a simple and elegant solution I don't know why the team hasn't figured it out yet.  Seems it would solve all of the problems of leveling too fast, grinding, soloing, and be a lot less work for the team because no one would lose soul strands or items or XP that would need to be reimbursed.  No need for updates and multiple servers.  It would probably be cheaper too.  I can't imagine may bug reports.  :)


Re: A Discussion on leveling.
« Reply #72 on: August 31, 2007, 07:02:00 pm »
Now we are just getting silly.  One of the things I noticed at a young age is that people tend to manifest drama for no good reasons.  In later years I decided that this is a primal instinct.  You see, every animal on the earth except for many of the humans, live day by day struggling to survive in a world of predators.  Always on the search for food, and always weary of what is trying to eat them.  Most of us humans have broken away from this life pattern.  Thus we manifest imaginary drama for the sake of fulfilling our need for fight or flight instinct and survival.

Maybe if some people would get out and hunt more.  Glory in the blood on their blades, and feeling of doom and despair as their characters exploded into a pool of blood with the soul mother yanking yet another strand....  Maybe then these people would stop complaining about everyone else and their problems.

And please do not flame me.  As much as I shrug off being flamed, it still hurts.


Script Wrecked

Re: A Discussion on leveling.
« Reply #73 on: September 01, 2007, 02:40:26 am »
Quote from: Skywatcher
Or just change the module to be one big open area with nothing in it and then everyone would have nothing else to do but sit and talk.  ...  :)

After all, persistent worlds are just big, glorified chat rooms after all. ;) *ducks*