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Author Topic: Hello, a question for a portrait  (Read 304 times)


Hello, a question for a portrait
« on: March 22, 2007, 10:01:56 pm »
It'll be awhile before I can play right now, mostly because when I went to see my parents and family I forgot my NWN discs back at home.  So I have some time to look for a portrait for my character.  I'm simply wondering if there are any art sites anyone here recommends, or perhaps even art you made yourself (please don't feel bad if I decide not to use you own artwork.)


Re: Hello, a question for a portrait
« Reply #1 on: March 22, 2007, 10:47:06 pm »
If you're making your own portrait, browze through

If you're like me. Use the options:

Digital Art ---> Top Favorites ---> All Time.

You'll find some really beautiful stuff


Re: Hello, a question for a portrait
« Reply #2 on: March 22, 2007, 11:39:18 pm »
thanks alot, I'm going to continue looking to see if I can find that perfect picture, but I've already found lots that can fit the description.  Its taken a bit longer to search through then I thought, probably has something to do with that photo of two girls kissing... er... because.. um... I was admiring... the humor of it being under the fantasy section... yeah, thats it.


Re: Hello, a question for a portrait
« Reply #3 on: March 23, 2007, 01:04:23 am »
Hey Jess, when I find a pic I you know how to resize it to get it to work in NWN?


Re: Hello, a question for a portrait
« Reply #4 on: March 28, 2007, 09:37:04 pm »
hey, kinda want to know the same thing...

Accually I'm having a few problems, its the only thing holding me back now, as I now have NWN installed on my computer again.

I don't have the nessisary programs installed on my computer, and I'm not about to buy any just for a single portrait.  I also remember trying this before and it not turning out so well, but I can't do trial and error without the programs.  Any suggestions on free ones.

I'd hate to ask this really, but if anyone has the free time... here's the portrait file itself... conveniently named moon elf on deviant, though for the purpose of Layonara I changed the name to my characters name.  Its nothing too fancy and digital, but I think the picture depicts what I wanted her to look like perfectly.


Re: Hello, a question for a portrait
« Reply #5 on: March 28, 2007, 10:47:39 pm »
The main problem is usually with saving a file in .TGA format, since most professional programs (the sort which can save in that format) cost an arm and a leg.  But this is what the Open Source Community and the GPL are for!

Thus:  The Gimp.  It's a full-featured graphics editing program which can do pretty much anything PhotoShop can with an added little bonus - it's free!  Gratis, complimentary, for nothing - free as in free beer.  Photoshop might do it a bit faster or a bit better, but given the price differential ($649 US), I'd go with the free one, wouldn't you?

As for how to take the picture and change it into a portrait:  Ask and ye shall receive..

While it might be easier to ask someone else to do the job for you, trust me, learning your way around The Gimp is rewarding and fun, and will let you play with this and future portraits however you may want.  And it never hurts to add another skill point or two. *grins*

Good luck!


Re: Hello, a question for a portrait
« Reply #6 on: March 28, 2007, 11:16:46 pm »
I really can't emphasize enough that DeviantArt is not a free source of art to plunder at ones whim. These are artists and they deserve their proper credit and permission to use the art they produce.

So please, before using any art, particularly that which comes from DeviantArt, contact the artist and ask for their permission. We don't want to be dealing with any legal matters that may potentially rise from these issues.

Thank you.



Re: Hello, a question for a portrait
« Reply #7 on: March 28, 2007, 11:25:55 pm »
Alright, here's the DIY version:

Making Your Own Portrait

Step 1:  Open your picture of choice in The Gimp.

Step 2:  Go Image -> Scale Image

Here, unfortunately, is where you get to find out exactly how much of that image you're going to have to cut off.  Cut that "Width" entry down to 256 pixels (if it's not measuring in pixels, choose "pixels" in the drop-down bar to the right of the measurement sections.)  If, when you click on the "Height" entry after your width entry is done, that entry is greater than 400, there's some trimming that needs to be done.  Click "OK".

Step 3:  If your image was exactly 400 pixels tall after the scaling, proceed to Step 4.  If not, Go Image -> Canvas Size.  There should be a little "chain link" between the height and width boxes.  Click that to break the link.  Then change the height to 400 pixels.  The preview window should now show a rectangular outline that cuts off part of your image.  Move that around 'til you have the bit of image that you want, and click "OK".

Step 4: Fiddle with the image.  Here's your chance to play with some of the nifty things that the GIMP provides.  Play with brightness, contrast, colour balance.  Re-arrange some stuff.  Replace colours!  Go nuts!  Have as much fun making the portrait as you did with the bio!  Or, proceed to Step 5.

Step 5: Okay, you have the portrait you want.  Now we need to make it conform to Bioware standards.  This part's a bit tricky.  First, hit Ctrl-L to bring up the "Layers" toolbar.  Now, hit Select -> All, and Ctrl-X to take your lovely picture off to the clipboard.  Now, Image -> Canvas Size.  Unclip that chain again, and expand the canvas height to 512 pixels.  Done that?  Right.  Layers -> New Layer.  Choose Background Color, and make sure that it's 256 by 512 pixels.  Now, Tools -> Paint Tools -> Bucket Fill, and fill that bad boy with black.  Back to Layers -> Merge Down.  And finally, Ctrl-V to bring that picture back - move it so it's flush with the top, and you have a bar of black extending down for the bottom 112 pixels.

Step 6: Making the versions.  Alright, you're in the home stretch.  Take your Bioware-conformed picture, and save as "xxxxxxh.tga", where the Xs are  replaced with your portrait name of choice (choose something unique!) as long as it's between 3-15 characters, and then the h, or "huge".  Note:  Make sure you clear the "RLE Compression" box when saving as a TGA.  Failing to do so will result in Neverwinter crashing, and possibly the death of a fairy.

The rest is easy.  We need to create the l, m, s, and t versions of this same image.  So we nip up to our old friend Image -> Scale Image, make sure height and width are securely chained together, and reduce the width to 128 pixels.  We then save this as "xxxxxxl.tga".  Repeat for 64/m, 32/s and 16/t, and hey-presto, you've got yourself a brand new portrait!


Edit:  What Pankoki said, only moreso.  No stealing.  You can, however, take public-domain photographs, or the lovely potraits available at the vault, and play with them to your heart's content.


Re: Hello, a question for a portrait
« Reply #8 on: March 29, 2007, 01:15:19 am »
hehe, thanks for your help, just tested it and it worked...

I also did make a few changes, mostly just with the colors to give her a bit of that dirtier look I wanted.

Anyways, I have a very important appointment early in the morning tomorrow, so no playing till tomorrow afternoon.  Thanks for your help