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Author Topic: Just a thought....  (Read 89 times)


Just a thought....
« on: July 13, 2005, 10:49:00 am »
This isn't related to layo in anyway, but I thought I'd start this topic here anyway, just so we can make people think a bit more about what they are doing in real life.

Today I was involved in a serious car crash on the M5 motorway in england. A car hit us in the back whilst changing lanes because he was moving too fast, and couldn't stop in time when a lorry in front of us slowed down, causing us to do the same.

The impact of the hit sent our car spinning (literally) across the lane of the motorway and into a ditch in a field nearby, the windscreen and dashboard were wrecked, the entire back half of the car completely obliterated, and the entire framework buckled so we had to climb out the window.

There were three of us in the car at the time of the accident, luckily none of us were harmed, and for that were are truly lucky considering the damage done our vehicle. It was noted that my friend sat behind me in the rear left passenger seat would have had a 0% chance of survival if he had been sat on the right where the car was hit worst.

THe police evaluated the situation and deemed it to be entirely the responsibility of the other driver, who came away relatively unscathed with some damaged to his work van.

I'm just posting this here to make people aware of these dangers, and to urge people to take more care, both on the roads, and in other situations which may have effects on people. Concentrate on what you are doing, things that seem trivial are not always so, and a lack of attention could very well cost people their lives.

What makes it worse is that it happened the day after my 19th birthday...

thanks :)



RE: Just a thought....
« Reply #1 on: July 13, 2005, 11:31:00 am »
WoW...happy yer all allright, sorry about the car.  And yeah people driving cars tend to be oblivious to there surrounding :(  Think everyone should drive a motorcycle fer a couple days, would open their eyes.  although whether they will stay open is another thing *shrugs*


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RE: Just a thought....
« Reply #2 on: July 13, 2005, 11:35:00 am »
Yikes man...

That's heavy. I'm glad everyone is ok.


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RE: Just a thought....
« Reply #3 on: July 13, 2005, 11:35:00 am »
At least your alive :)  I think people are in too much to get things done, when we have all our lives.  People think they have not much time and want to do everything, and so they rush.  Good thing you and all your buds are alive, your car is a writeoff from what it sounds :P gl in getting a new one then.


RE: Just a thought....
« Reply #4 on: July 13, 2005, 11:54:00 am »
thanks guys :)

Luckily it wasn't my car, I wasn't driving, so I don't have to worry about all the insurance stuff. I just wanted to make people aware of what happened though, I know what its like to just want to go a bit faster, or think you are good enough to use a mobile and drive or whatever, but things go wrong, and I know that after today I will be considering the consequences more before I do things :)

Nobody ever thinks it will happen to does, heh.


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    RE: Just a thought....
    « Reply #5 on: July 13, 2005, 01:08:00 pm »
    Happy you are ok, sorry about the car indeed but thats only material damage.

    You know what really irritates me? Those big ass managers and those executive boardmembers who all buy themself a big SUV in the name of safety. And afterwards most of them start driving on the freeway like madman that have blinkers on, not thinking about other people's safety.

    THAT is what i call irresponsible.


    RE: Just a thought....
    « Reply #6 on: July 13, 2005, 02:05:00 pm »
    feniox - 7/13/2005  10:49 AM

    What makes it worse is that it happened the day after my 19th birthday...

    Well now you have two birthdays :)

    Good to hear you are alright, unfortunantly people begin to think when it is already too late. In your case, that driver will now be thinking on the road, but the others, most of the world, will still be driving like insane.

    *thinks for a moment* I have to drive my bike more carefully, I can name atleast 3 occasions, when I was so close to death......hmm you know, I actually never thought of it this way, one false move and I would have been...

    ....well you made me think...


    RE: Just a thought....
    « Reply #7 on: July 13, 2005, 02:07:00 pm »
    Glad you and everybody else are doing okay.


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      RE: Just a thought....
      « Reply #8 on: July 13, 2005, 02:22:00 pm »
      it's great that everyone is ok.. Today is the 13th, if you have not noticed... But, unfortunately people do silly things on the road regardless of the date. Drive carefully and do not drink.


      RE: Just a thought....
      « Reply #9 on: July 13, 2005, 03:24:00 pm »
      Ar7 - 7/13/2005  2:05 PM

      *thinks for a moment* I have to drive my bike more carefully, I can name atleast 3 occasions, when I was so close to death......hmm you know, I actually never thought of it this way, one false move and I would have been...

      This is pretty much what I was hoping to achieve when I put this post up. Just to make people re-think things a bit, and realise that what you take for granted might not be as safe as you think.

      Anyway, I'm pretty much over it, as I said we we're all ok and I wasn't really that shaken at the time. Just thought it could be an opportunity to raise some awareness really, even if it only benefits a few people.

      Thanks to everyone for reading and paying attention :)



      RE: Just a thought....
      « Reply #10 on: July 13, 2005, 06:34:00 pm »
      Ar7 - 7/13/2005  11:05 PM
      ...*thinks for a moment* I have to drive my bike more carefully, I can name atleast 3 occasions, when I was so close to death......hmm you know, I actually never thought of it this way, one false move and I would have been...

      WoW only 3, that was my daily average but then again L.A. drivers are the worst I've seen so far :s


      RE: Just a thought....
      « Reply #11 on: July 14, 2005, 12:00:00 am »
      I am glad no one was hurt. But I must say what I find interesting is the different names we use for things accross the pond here.




      dashboard= well thats the same;)



      RE: Just a thought....
      « Reply #12 on: July 14, 2005, 12:06:00 am »
      A lorry is a truck.  Like a cargo truck, not a pickup.


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        RE: Just a thought....
        « Reply #13 on: July 14, 2005, 09:30:00 am »
        Nearly every time my wife leaves the house I say, "I love you, be careful" and less often, "Wear your seatbelt".  I know this annoys her, but I say it anyway.

        I'm always mindful of driving safety, as 13 years ago, I drove off the highway going 70 mph and flipped the car several times.  Walked away with only bruised ribs.  The tow truck guy didn't believe I was the driver when I called him the next day.  Nothing like seeing your own car bashed to bits like that.  

        Life is a fragile thing.


        RE: Just a thought....
        « Reply #14 on: July 14, 2005, 11:57:00 am »
        freemen2 - 7/13/2005  6:34 PM

        WoW only 3, that was my daily average but then again L.A. drivers are the worst I've seen so far :s

        Those are the worse. Like falling right on the road ( not my fault, some @#$% doesn't know how to drive his bike ) As I was lying there trying to understand what happened I turned around and saw the face of a shocked driver, his car stopped about 1m from my face. Or driving infront of a speeding train, that I honestly didn't see. I tell you it is quite scary to see a huge cargo train rush at you when you're on the rails.


        RE: Just a thought....
        « Reply #15 on: July 14, 2005, 05:11:00 pm »
        LoL am having problems seeing how ye missed a bleeming train :p
        Naw was cars getting like an inch frem my left or right, rear view mirror, sometimes nearly driving me into the concrete divider, on the freeways cause they just blissfully change lanes without looking, hells got to the point where I started to kick the door with my foot until the day an idiot panicked and I wasted one of my nine lives, somehow reflex avoiding his car or cars happilly cutting off the lane you're riding on to make their left turn *shakes head*

