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Author Topic: 15 hours of Layonara  (Read 123 times)


15 hours of Layonara
« on: January 30, 2006, 07:10:10 am »
I wanted to share my experiences and thank all those involved in bringing me the best gaming experience.  This is what makes Layo so great.  The NWN wallpaper is a good setting but it is Leanthar, the GMs and the rest of the team behind the scenes that makes this truely the absolute best!

Friday 6:00pm Derrick CDQ part 3 - If anyone has had the pleasure to be involved with one of Reventage's quests you will know what I am talking about.  This part of my CDQ was solo for me.  The twists and turns, the betrayals, and the splendid portrayal of NPCs is fantastic.  The plot and play is so well done I forget that there is a GM there running it.   The events unfold naturally and Rev has such a way with making tense situations.   The event lasted a couple of hours which blended into the Leilon Arms opening...  

... which a few characters were involved in my CDQ providing some information without knowing the plot.  It blended naturally. The Arms was hosting a Celebration of Heros to honor those that have brought victories to the Alliance.   Specifically the group that had rid Layonara of one of Blood's Generals.   Ozy was there spining the tale of how Xandril was delivered back to the Abyss.  Derrick introduced Dwarfs Head Ale to Ozymandias...  whom even with his legendary fortitude was seen kissing the floor after gulping down one.  The night went well, drinking and dancing and merchants selling wares.  Then it happened...  the door burst open and Connor stumbled in bleeding profusely mumbling about demons in Leilon.   The heros gathered their weapons and filled with liquid courage and some well cast buffs ran into the streets looking for demons to slay.   But...  the Demoness...  was not so lowly as to be taken unawares...  the Succubus was a Veteren of many lifetimes and she slew all that were in her path.  She dealt indiscriminate death killing heros, livestock and horses.   The celebration was over and as the succubus stepped over her victums she licked each face laughing wickedly.  I don't know who ran this but perhaps it was a wake-up call to the heros that the war was far from over. . .

Saturday 5:30am  Back into the undead filled halls of Norand. . .  we continue Kobal's ECDQ to retake the halls of his kin and to destroy the bloodpool contained within.   The traps are truely evil in design.  Trying to deterine how to use ancient dwarven machinery has been an adventure in itself.   Being in a group with half a dozen dwarves is also an adventure =)    We have faced countless undead and hordes of demons on our way to the goal.   It is just a splendid quest all around.   Storm and Pankoki make an excellent team.   They are truely making this Epic Character Development Quest,  Epic.

Kobal's ECDQ ends at 10:30 so I take a break to get food and then back on at noon for Operation Bloodfall.   Wow.  This Quest was made for Derrick.   Front line confronting the enemy.  Epic battles.  From the exhilaration of seeing the ships assembled to the excitement of hearing the "Secret Weapon" roar and tear into the Demons on the shore to the heart racing challenge of fullfilling the groups mission...  just fantastic.  Managing over 35 characters...  phenomenal.   I even got a chance to slap both Eon and Drezneb with my blades... how cool is THAT!   At one point I was one on one with Eon.  While my flurry of blows was doing nothing it still felt good to slap him around for a bit.  Give him a taste of an enemy in his face like we have experienced thus far.   The last battle at the portals was INSANE!   The feeling after knowing we had actually beaten Blood on the battlefield for the first time ever was amazing.  While this was mostly a bash quest, there was definately some RP and the setting perfect.   It made all the work during the collections worth while.   The battle is over at 4:00pm...  a bathroom break more food and back on...

... at 5:00pm for Leanthar's quest.   A LOT was packed into this hour.   We got to see another facet of the war.  While not as direct as the battle on Roldem it was just as important in our war against Blood.   Some interesting information and more of the tale unfolded at Shifter's Tower.   We now have a piece of what we need to actually beat Blood himself...  but how will we take the next step?  Just great cliffhanger stuff.

Thank you all involved.  Leanthar, GMs, content team and the players!   It was an amazing time!!!!


Re: 15 hours of Layonara
« Reply #1 on: January 30, 2006, 07:55:25 am »
Glad to see you are having a good time. You (and your partners) certainly give back to the community--especially with the Leilon Arms Inn. :)