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Author Topic: What are gold ingots good for anyhow  (Read 158 times)


What are gold ingots good for anyhow
« on: May 17, 2006, 11:01:24 pm »
I searched the furom up and down, and I can't find any items made out of gold.  No wonder I can't sell a gold ingot.  Are gold ingots good for anytyhing?  Do they have any real value?

Aeon Blues


RE: What are gold ingots good for anyhow
« Reply #1 on: May 17, 2006, 11:09:29 pm »
//~OCC~ Speak to some crafters especially jewellers.  Strangely gold is easier to aqcuire then silver.  The most I have paid for GOLD is 400 coins per ingot.  



Re: What are gold ingots good for anyhow
« Reply #2 on: May 17, 2006, 11:24:17 pm »
//ooc oh sorry, I didn't realize that general discussion was an incharacter forum.

My character Cymeran works jewlry, hence he's been saving it, but I have no idea what for.  Find Cymeran Vrinn, and offer him 400 gp, I think he would take it, but would feel kind of dumb after giving up an Exeptional Aventurine ring set in copper to Elgon for half a gold ingot.  The pricing lens said the ring was worth 1000, and the ingot worth 1800.  You might give him 400 for the ingot, and the raven trading company sells comparable rings for 4000.  Besides, if and when he wants more gold ingots, he knows where to find them.

Zee Lenz of pricing is going in zee trash.

Aeon Blues


Re: What are gold ingots good for anyhow
« Reply #3 on: May 18, 2006, 12:06:43 am »
hehe, it isn't an IC forum... I think he was pointing out that it's something you should ask about In-game, not on the forums.

Talan Va'lash

Re: What are gold ingots good for anyhow
« Reply #4 on: May 18, 2006, 01:13:14 am »
Just an OOC note about pricing.  The Lens price isn't like, an absolute # thats always correct, far from it in fact.  If it says a gold ingot is worth 1800 (which I don't think it does) its very off on that item.  

In most cases the lens of pricing is not very usefull for pricing intermediate CNR item or raw CNR, since 1. They depend a lot on the market and how much the buyer really doesn't want to go get said CNR himself.  2. They have no real properties.  The properties of an item is what NWN bases value from.  So if an item has no properties (like +1 enhancement bonus, +1 AC etc.) the game has nothing to base the price from.  For some items we've added value or set a certain value for the item, but agian, prices fluctuate and the lens is often inaccurate.

An exceptional aventurine in copper can (and probably should) be sold for a good bit more than 1000gp.

Xandor Loriland

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Re: What are gold ingots good for anyhow
« Reply #5 on: May 18, 2006, 08:01:56 pm »
Don't throw away the lens.  (even though you can't)  It is very useful actually just not for pricing necessarily.  I mainly use it to determine the level limit of items that I can already use.  Like if I want to sell some old equipment and the buyer wants to know the level limit.  The limilt only shows in the item description if you are below the required level.  So if you want to know you have to use zee lenz.  ;)


Re: What are gold ingots good for anyhow
« Reply #6 on: May 20, 2006, 05:10:32 am »
I've always wondered why alternative forms of currency weren't ever adopted, such as from the Krynn setting, how ingots are used as the value of minted currency dropped during the war, or some nonsense along those lines. Or even Gemstones. Unusual!

