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Author Topic: need to know  (Read 40 times)


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    need to know
    « on: October 07, 2005, 07:56:00 pm »
    i need to know if i need neverwinter nights installed to make a character.  Because if i do, i'm in trouble.


    RE: need to know
    « Reply #1 on: October 07, 2005, 07:57:00 pm »
    Yep, you need NWM and both expansions to make a character in the game and then to play on Layonara. :)

    Talan Va'lash

    RE: need to know
    « Reply #2 on: October 07, 2005, 09:42:00 pm »
    You don't need it to SUBMIT a character... but since you'll need it to acctually play, theres not much point in submiting one if you don't have it.  Unless you're planning on getting it soon.
