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Author Topic: Help/Advice  (Read 107 times)


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    « on: August 14, 2005, 03:08:00 pm »
    I've been on Layonara twice. I think it is the best PW out there and it overcomes some of the many limitations of NWN and DnD. However, I am having a problem and I am not sure if I am just missing something or if it is something others encounter as well. I have four characters - two from the first time I tried LO and two from this time - and they are all lvl 5-7. Getting there is easy. The scripted quests for the low levels are fun and advance you fairly quickly. However, what I'm interested in are the DM Quests. The thing is that I can't ever get on one. About half are in a different time zone and some are restricted to previous quest participants. That's fine and I have no problem with that. But it seems like the vast majority of quests are for higher level characters. And that is fine too - except I can't seem to get to higher level. That leaves me doing the awful, horrible grind of mob killing. Result - I get bored and quit. I hate level grinding. I hate the DnD system of leveling period but this is the only game in town with a DM client so its what I'm stuck with. So, my question is - how have others made it from mid level to high level without spending 20hours a week mindlessly clicking their mouse? I really like Layonara but killing 1000 ogres to advance doesn't interest me much.
    PS - I am signed up for 2 DM quests later this month but one I probably won't do because I won't make the lvl requirement in time.


    RE: Help/Advice
    « Reply #1 on: August 14, 2005, 03:34:00 pm »
    *singing badly*

    P  -  A  -  T  -  I  -  E  -  N  -  C  -  E... Patience...  

    It does take some time, and running around killing monsters is not the only way to advance.  Crafting is also a good way, though it does take a lot of time.  I wondered the same thing when I was 5 level.  I am only 9th level now and approaching 10th, but my journey through 9th level hasn't taken as long as my journey to get from 7th level to where I am now.  There are a few thing out there, and there are also spontaneous quests..  such as the one Aldred ran last night in Hlint.  If you are by yourself, I would suggest getting with a group of other people that are on at similar times and try to run around together.  The secret to Layonara is GROUPS.  You can strike out alone, but it is very difficult.  Hope this helps..

    PS.. sorry for the bad take off of the ONLY Highalnder movie(in my humble opinion) .. where Ramirez sings the word Balance...


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    RE: Help/Advice
    « Reply #2 on: August 14, 2005, 07:44:00 pm »
    i thank the "hump" startes at level 7 to 10, from what ive known that is about the hardest levels tell epics where you get about 1 exp from most anything. My highest level char is 11, near 12, ive been on layo sence... well idk.. lets see when i first subbmited my first char *looks in search page for Grombrindal * hum... 1/3/05, thought i had been here longer... oh well anyway, Just stick with one char if you really want to devlode him, i cant really play more then one char at a time so most of my chars are retired adn put into storage to maby be brought out again when i see fit. When i first started my char made friends with 2 chars that are near epic today, Bruenor, who was banned *crys a little* and Ahnder, So id say it takes about.. 8 months from them to get to there level 20 or whatever they are.. so epic is id say.... 10 months or so, woh... i have a long way to go lol.. ANYWAY point being just stick with it and youll get there, you dont have to be high level to RP, and you dont have to have a dm to run your own little quest, just make somthing up and get a few guys to go with it. Say a kobald stole your staff and ran into the sielwoods and you need help retirving it, im shure you can get others to join you, and im shure you can thank of more creative storys then that as well. yea well.. okay im done, need to go to bed now.. NIGHT


    RE: Help/Advice
    « Reply #3 on: August 15, 2005, 02:54:00 am »
    Yes it's always tough for characters below level 10 but you can get on higher level quests sometimes if you can persuade the dm...hopefully I'll start running some lower level quests soon again but I'm in the middle of a major crises at home at the moment and am not going to be on Layo very much for the next couple of weeks, Oh and I'm in the GMT time zone if that helps any :)


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      RE: Help/Advice
      « Reply #4 on: August 15, 2005, 03:01:00 am »
      *reads the GMT time zone bit and jumps for joy*

