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Author Topic: "dark ages"-continuation  (Read 944 times)

Talan Va'lash

Re: "dark ages"-continuation
« Reply #20 on: February 06, 2007, 09:53:33 pm »
I am glad that you posted that Leanthar.

I think it's good for people to.. have a context in which to view Layonara and the rules/decisions that exist and are made.


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Re: "dark ages"-continuation
« Reply #21 on: February 06, 2007, 10:09:04 pm »
I think that main problem is that people don't bother RPing (or trying to very much) because they know the chances of them getting in trouble for it is like 100000 - 1. The GMs are just not around all that much, and when they are, they are sorting out some wicked fun event or something, they have no time to go around and see how people RP.

In another server I played, there would ALWAYS be GMs just roaming around randomly, handing out XP to people RPing all the time, spawning hordes of creatures on people who decided not to RP and just mindlessly kill things, and have plenty of random events. Very very rarely was an event ever planned publicly, the GM would just set up the event, then start it, with no one knowing until it happened.

IMO, some GMs should roam around a lot more, it'd encourage people to play properly, because they know they will get rewarded if they do, and get in trouble if they don't.


Re: "dark ages"-continuation
« Reply #22 on: February 06, 2007, 10:16:27 pm »
Just a thought here, but if we're truly a community here... I think everyone just needs to take a deep breath, read L's post thoroughly, and realize it's time to take it in.  Rattled my cage a bit at least, and that's usually a good thing.

Motivation, at it's best, bounces both ways.


Re: "dark ages"-continuation
« Reply #23 on: February 06, 2007, 10:17:07 pm »
MOB: You must not have been there to see the day in which there were DMs popping up every five minutes(!) to yell at someone about OOC. It was impressive, both the sheer DM presence and the disgusting amount of OOC from people.

The DMs do roam around, a LOT, it's just that most of their time spent logged in is spent helping people sort out problems.


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Re: "dark ages"-continuation
« Reply #24 on: February 06, 2007, 11:47:46 pm »
I'm not just talking about OOC, I mean how people RP too. I've had people switch characters to metagame infomation out of my own character before, people never RPing out anything they do, etc.

It's quite sad really.


Re: "dark ages"-continuation
« Reply #25 on: February 07, 2007, 12:16:03 am »
It is. And that's a reason The Big Guy recently had Deities removed from the Server Status.

But for people metagaming like that, call them on it. Keep logs. If they keep it up, report them.


Re: "dark ages"-continuation
« Reply #26 on: February 07, 2007, 07:26:22 am »
_M_O_B_ - 2/7/2007  1:09 AM

I think that main problem is that people don't bother RPing (or trying to very much) because they know the chances of them getting in trouble for it is like 100000 - 1. The GMs are just not around all that much, and when they are, they are sorting out some wicked fun event or something, they have no time to go around and see how people RP.

In another server I played, there would ALWAYS be GMs just roaming around randomly, handing out XP to people RPing all the time, spawning hordes of creatures on people who decided not to RP and just mindlessly kill things, and have plenty of random events. Very very rarely was an event ever planned publicly, the GM would just set up the event, then start it, with no one knowing until it happened.

IMO, some GMs should roam around a lot more, it'd encourage people to play properly, because they know they will get rewarded if they do, and get in trouble if they don't.

This sounds really great in theory, but the reality is that if any GM punished players by spawning extra creatures on players who are just mindlessly bashing, they would get flamed on the forums for it.  I have seen GMs get flamed for doing impromptu things where the players were expecting a spawn to be one way and since the GM changed it up on them, it was unfair.  

Plus, there is no way you can police RP.  What one GM considers good RP and worthy of an XP reward, the next GM may not.  When I GM'd I didn't care how you RP'd, as long as you did.  You wanna play a whiny brat?  Play a whiny brat.  You wanna play a shifty character that keeps to himself?  Do it.  Does your character have a hero complex?  Play them that way.

The point is, this is an RP server so what should we all be doing?  RPing.  Does RPing include leveling up?  Yeah it does because higher levels open up RP options previously unavailable.  Does RPing include mindless bashing of monsters on an XP grind?  No it doesn't.  That doesn't mean we don't do it from time to time, but from my perspective it seems like this type of activity is happening more and more.  To that, all I can say is that you are losing so much opportunity to RP by flying through levels.  

So step back, read L's post again and think about what he is saying.  I have never known L to say things just to say them.  If he is considering shutting the servers down, then he is seriously considering it.  Now the onus is on you, the community, to show him that keeping the servers online is a worthwhile investment.  As a member of the community, are you contributing to it or are you just using it?



Re: "dark ages"-continuation
« Reply #27 on: February 07, 2007, 07:41:56 am »
regnus - 2/7/2007  9:26 AM   So step back, read L's post again and think about what he is saying.  I have never known L to say things just to say them.  If he is considering shutting the servers down, then he is seriously considering it.  Now the onus is on you, the community, to show him that keeping the servers online is a worthwhile investment.  As a member of the community, are you contributing to it or are you just using it?  
 I think that paragraph was important enough to repeat for emphasis.


Re: "dark ages"-continuation
« Reply #28 on: February 07, 2007, 10:37:31 am »
Is there any way we can sticky that or put it in flaming red letters somewhere?


Re: "dark ages"-continuation
« Reply #29 on: February 07, 2007, 12:43:34 pm »
LynnJuniper - 2/7/2007  10:37 AM

Is there any way we can sticky that or put it in flaming red letters somewhere?

I second that idea!!
Layo is my first, only and last PW, I would hate to see it go. I have made friends here that have become very close friends.


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Re: "dark ages"-continuation
« Reply #30 on: February 07, 2007, 12:44:54 pm »
regnus - 2/8/2007  12:26 AM

_M_O_B_ - 2/7/2007  1:09 AM

I think that main problem is that people don't bother RPing (or trying to very much) because they know the chances of them getting in trouble for it is like 100000 - 1. The GMs are just not around all that much, and when they are, they are sorting out some wicked fun event or something, they have no time to go around and see how people RP.

In another server I played, there would ALWAYS be GMs just roaming around randomly, handing out XP to people RPing all the time, spawning hordes of creatures on people who decided not to RP and just mindlessly kill things, and have plenty of random events. Very very rarely was an event ever planned publicly, the GM would just set up the event, then start it, with no one knowing until it happened.

IMO, some GMs should roam around a lot more, it'd encourage people to play properly, because they know they will get rewarded if they do, and get in trouble if they don't.

This sounds really great in theory, but the reality is that if any GM punished players by spawning extra creatures on players who are just mindlessly bashing, they would get flamed on the forums for it.  I have seen GMs get flamed for doing impromptu things where the players were expecting a spawn to be one way and since the GM changed it up on them, it was unfair.  

Plus, there is no way you can police RP.  What one GM considers good RP and worthy of an XP reward, the next GM may not.  When I GM'd I didn't care how you RP'd, as long as you did.  You wanna play a whiny brat?  Play a whiny brat.  You wanna play a shifty character that keeps to himself?  Do it.  Does your character have a hero complex?  Play them that way.

The point is, this is an RP server so what should we all be doing?  RPing.  Does RPing include leveling up?  Yeah it does because higher levels open up RP options previously unavailable.  Does RPing include mindless bashing of monsters on an XP grind?  No it doesn't.  That doesn't mean we don't do it from time to time, but from my perspective it seems like this type of activity is happening more and more.  To that, all I can say is that you are losing so much opportunity to RP by flying through levels.  

So step back, read L's post again and think about what he is saying.  I have never known L to say things just to say them.  If he is considering shutting the servers down, then he is seriously considering it.  Now the onus is on you, the community, to show him that keeping the servers online is a worthwhile investment.  As a member of the community, are you contributing to it or are you just using it?

People should be able to take flak from flames and stuff if there was a good reason why they did it. It saddens me though to see peopel complaining about "This and that wasn't suppose to be there!". It's quite frankly ridiculous. I was out with people last night in the Giantspire Mountains, and a DM spawned hordes of ogres and ettins and ogrillions at us (we were RPing mind you, rather heavily too, every few seconds I thought the party was gonna break down and attack eachother). They then ended up killing half the party, including myself. I didn't have a cry because those things weren't suppose to be there, I took it with a laugh and went to bed. People should really learnt to lighten up and have fun. It's just a game.

And of course when it comes down to RP rewards, each GM have their own preference. There is nothing you can do to change that, but there should be a varied enough team for some GMs to give it out for one thing, while some would give it out for a completely different reason.


Re: "dark ages"-continuation
« Reply #31 on: February 08, 2007, 09:38:21 am »
Just for the record, I love this server.  I've been looking for a place to do some serious RPing since I learned about DnD, NWN, and such.  I'm a college student so I don't have money to give big L for the server, but I a trying to scrounge some up for him.  I would hate to see Layo disappear into the fabrics of time, and it would probably be the only PW I would have ever thought to join, so I REALLY hope we can prove to L that Layo is worth keeping around.  Personally I think some of the new guys (me included) should consider giving L at least 10 buck upon joining as a thank you for keeping it up so long, but that obviously is up to the player.  But as soon as an extra $10 - $20 arrives in my pocket, its going to L.  Maybe thats what really needs to happen.  But... thats just me