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Author Topic: Hlint Horrorshow- Help needed  (Read 43 times)


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    Hlint Horrorshow- Help needed
    « on: September 16, 2006, 03:17:33 pm »
    For those of you that have heard, I've been trying to organize an in character play called the Hlint Horrorshow. So far I already have a list of actors signed up, as well as characters (wizards) to cast visual effects. However, for one portion of the play, I will need some DM assistance. Any DM interested and willing to be involved would be greatly appreciated by myself, and the rest of the cast. To any DMs interested, please leave me a message via the Layonara messaging system in my inbox, or send me an email at the address Thank you for your time and concideration.
      -Sovereign Blood
      p.s. if you are not certain and would like to hear the premise of my idea before agreeing to anything that is as well alright. Again, just contact me as soon as possible. Thanks again.