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Author Topic: Homing monsters?  (Read 42 times)


Homing monsters?
« on: March 07, 2007, 02:43:09 am »
Just looking for a confirmation from someone who knows the engine better than I... or a correction, if I've been thinking the wrong way the whole time:

When the Bioware AI "locks on" to a character, if the hostile monster doesn't lose sight of its target via HiPS, Invisibility, G Sanc, or some sort of artful Darkness + Hide trick, it'll follow the character until it or they are dead, ATs or not.  Is this correct?  If so, thanks, if not, I've some apologies to make for poor information in the past.



RE: Homing monsters?
« Reply #1 on: March 07, 2007, 06:09:18 am »
  Since it's buggy behavior in the first place that allows the creature to stay locked on a PC when it shouldn't, then how it behaves thereafter is a big question mark.
  Now, I'm going to stop my answer there, lest something I say further be misinterpreted...specifically the question of going through transitions to evade them.

