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Author Topic: Leaving Layo...for Layo?  (Read 188 times)


Leaving Layo...for Layo?
« on: February 15, 2007, 11:45:01 pm »
Well I was doing my morning waiting for the caffeine to kick in wander through the Neverwinter Vault and came across this -

I've known this was under construction for some time, but am pleased to see its release. My heartiest congratulations to the team responsible. Now how do you advise playing it- Single or Multi-player?

And does it occur in Layo as we know and love it or is it a parallel universe Layo?

Talan Va'lash

Re: Leaving Layo...for Layo?
« Reply #2 on: February 16, 2007, 02:50:39 am »
Thank you!

The Xora's Vial is designed for a single player and not guaranteed to be pretty with more than 1 PC though there are several NPC travelling companions that you can pick up over the course of the module. I believe the multiplayer was referring to the PW since it mentions the servers later.

Xora's Vial takes place in Layonara (as we know it) in the year 1388, so approximately 15 years before Sinthar Bloodstone's defeat.