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Author Topic: Do not write anything at the wild surge post unless you actually write it  (Read 583 times)



- just a small note which I believe should count from now on for every single post made in the Wild surge or at every single IC post.

- Do not write or post anything in the Wild surge or at every single IC post unless your PC actually writes it on the board

- If players can read a post made by others players, but are not allowed to act on it in some way. That does not make sense to me.

A comparison and sorry for bringing it up again.  *looks at the pet monkey walk away*
It is something your player can no act on.

Just my view...and nothing else


Re: Do not write anything at the wild surge post unless you actu
« Reply #1 on: November 07, 2006, 10:09:44 am »
I tend to agree with Varka on this. Unless it's absolutely necessary for us to know what your character thinks OOC but not know IC, I think everything should be kept to what's actually written on boards like the Freelancers and Wild Sturge. There's just a lot of confusion when people "talk to themselves" after reading a message, as to whether or not they wrote it on the board or just said it, and whether or not anyone would have been around to hear it. Far better players than my self (but my self included) have made that mistake. Just makes things sticky.

Guardian 452

Re: Do not write anything at the wild surge post unless you actu
« Reply #2 on: November 07, 2006, 10:40:12 am »
Some of the best posts in The Surge are one where someone starts a dialogue and allows anyone to fill in the role of whom they are talking to..  *shrugs*


Re: Do not write anything at the wild surge post unless you actu
« Reply #3 on: November 07, 2006, 10:57:04 am »
I agree with G-452 I love the threads that are chats between PCs and even the staff of the inn. you can just RP that you were there in the corner when and you over heard the exchange. As for OOC thoughts, keep it simple.


Re: Do not write anything at the wild surge post unless you actu
« Reply #4 on: November 07, 2006, 12:44:10 pm »
I think Varka was talking more about people making posts and other people talking to themselves about what was said without actually replying on paper. Least that's what I was talking about. I agree with you though G.

Guardian 452

Re: Do not write anything at the wild surge post unless you actu
« Reply #5 on: November 07, 2006, 12:57:52 pm »
I know I wasnt clear in one I did earlier today and it wouldnt let me go back and fix it once I saw it wasn't clear.



Re: Do not write anything at the wild surge post unless you actu
« Reply #6 on: November 07, 2006, 02:29:32 pm »
what ZeroVega said...


Re: Do not write anything at the wild surge post unless you actu
« Reply #7 on: November 07, 2006, 04:46:00 pm »
Yeah, I don't think this is directed at any one person in particular. I've been guilty of this several times (on both sides). I've said things but not actually written a response and people have commented on it, or I've commented on something that someone said and didn't write. It happens. I think this is just a request to clear up such confusions in the future. Then again... maybe I'm wrong. You'd have to ask Varka.  :)


RE: Do not write anything at the wild surge post unless you actu
« Reply #8 on: November 07, 2006, 04:57:59 pm »
Perhaps it would help if everyone policed themselves on both sides, both in being clear what is written by their character and what is not, and in taking the time to read carefully any post they wish to post a response to make sure what they're responding to was something another character wrote so their character could indeed have read it.  Maybe a universal format for posting might help too, in which say thoughts of a character would be between () or something, actions between **, and spoken words between "".  It's a suggestion anyway.


Re: Do not write anything at the wild surge post unless you actu
« Reply #9 on: November 07, 2006, 05:14:51 pm »
So, actions between *asterisks*, spoken words between "parentheses", and written stuff in italics perhaps? I like it.


Re: Do not write anything at the wild surge post unless you actu
« Reply #10 on: November 07, 2006, 09:38:02 pm »
Yeah, I don't think this is directed at any one person in particular. I've been guilty of this several times (on both sides). I've said things but not actually written a response and people have commented on it....

It is a general thing…and it can be seen in plenty of posts.
And I guilty as well… For the future I will only write something if Favner or Varka “actually” writes it… what about you?



Re: Do not write anything at the wild surge post unless you actu
« Reply #11 on: November 08, 2006, 05:36:44 pm »
It is a general thing…and it can be seen in plenty of posts.
And I guilty as well… For the future I will only write something if Favner or Varka “actually” writes it… what about you?

Or if someone can see it, who is near the board.
*Cole steps out of the shadow and reads the note.  Then, turning around with ligntening speed he jumps up and does the splits. Then somehow he cartwheels out of the inn singing it's a wonderful day!*