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Author Topic: if someone permed alone...  (Read 382 times)


if someone permed alone...
« on: October 09, 2006, 10:27:16 am »
I need to figure this one out or get some thoughts.  Say someone was soloing and permed is there a way for us left behind to know?  There is a rumor (from a PC who can't lie... so I don't think its rumor) that a ghost showed up of the permed character and let him know that he was joining the mother.  Is this possible?  Or rather should it be roleplayed? Or... sort of confused on how to approach this.

Its that I am watching the maybe permed PCs children... so I need to figure out how to get confirmation without Metagaming... I.E. sending their other PCs a tell to find out. Oviously I can't do that.  But if the PC is permed I think there are some who would like to retrieve the body and pay respects... but no one will know where the body lies...  Arg!

Some thoughts?


RE: if someone permed alone...
« Reply #1 on: October 09, 2006, 10:37:40 am »
Have the player that permed make a rumor in the Inns and Taverms, that would hint how to he was found, or -if- he was found. Make the rumor himself he would have complete control about how he wish to be rememered. This have been done before, and is better than this Ghost thing in my opion.


Re: if someone permed alone...
« Reply #2 on: October 09, 2006, 10:39:38 am »
Uh, oh...

Tricky question!

Okay... This is only my own idea... I dunno if it's possible or not... Or if it's allowed or not either... But... Here it comes:

If the husband/wife/friend to that person is a strong follower of some faith, he or she might maybe get a "dream" showing the location. And in the dream get the feeling that the first person had died (i.e. permed)? Something?

Touchy, as it could fall under the "the immortal people aren't usually putting their noses into the mortal peoples' affairs"-rule, but... I believe the dream could work. :)


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RE: if someone permed alone...
« Reply #3 on: October 09, 2006, 10:58:47 am »
Righto mate. Update on that. *takes a deep breath*  I knew that Nepp wasn't dead OOCly. And Rissa tried to explain he couldn't have been talking to people with his soul on another plane.. Buuut thats about as far as I took it.Ash didn't know he wasn't really dead, so it would have been (sorta, I like to not take chances with bad RP) metagaming for Ash NOT to come running home (while about 500lbs over weight) when she got a letter saying he was. She's currently reloading about all her junk.. I mean.. valuables back into their rightful places.
  I'd just like to clarify that Nepp isn't dead, saving hawklen the trouble. 8) It was all a big mix up, really. That PC got the wrong idea from what Nepp was saying. But the rumor is still out there even if Nepp was online this morning and some people saw him.Time to clear it all up now, wont that be fun? ;)
  Not trying to point any fingers


RE: if someone permed alone...
« Reply #4 on: October 09, 2006, 02:13:47 pm »
Sorry, wasnt trying to create some big deal, thats why my post (I thought) made it clear that I wasn't even sure about the events.   I was just wondering what to do IF what I heard IC was true...

The question though is still a valid one... what if someone perms alone?  :p


Re: if someone permed alone...
« Reply #5 on: October 09, 2006, 02:27:05 pm »
No ghosts and no cross-plane communication either. If you're perma dead, you're perma dead.
His or her corpse however, could eventually be found (for example by a ranger if it was in a forest) and so the rumors could start of an adventurer looking like this and this found dead in forest so-and-so. That's how it could become known.

Talan Va'lash

RE: if someone permed alone...
« Reply #6 on: October 09, 2006, 02:27:24 pm »
merlin34baseball - 10/9/2006  3:13 PM

Sorry, wasnt trying to create some big deal, thats why my post (I thought) made it clear that I wasn't even sure about the events.   I was just wondering what to do IF what I heard IC was true...

The question though is still a valid one... what if someone perms alone?  :p

If someone perms alone then they are permed.

The PCs player may choose to post a reasonable rumor in the wild surge or something or they may choose to do nothing and let the PC just dissapear one day while adventuring and let people figure it out if they figure it out.

A PC may not RP coming back as a ghost to tell people, or in dreams or anything of that nature.


Also, when you have died and returned through a bind stone and are recovering from your death you are NOT dead, you are NOT missing your body, you are NOT on another plane/invisible/ghostly/ethereal anything.

You are recovering physically and mentally from the exhausting, stressfull and possibly permanantly damaging experience of your soul being ripped from your body, then returned to it.

I hope that Nepp was not RPing any of the above things as he has been informed of the above before.


RE: if someone permed alone...
« Reply #7 on: October 09, 2006, 02:30:23 pm »
EEP!!! I wasn't trying to get anyone in trouble.

I just think some things were miscommunicated in game, thats all.

*runs and hides under the bed*


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RE: if someone permed alone...
« Reply #8 on: October 09, 2006, 04:04:49 pm »
Shouldn't there be some evil organization somewhere looking for dead adventurers to raise?  I'd assume that adventurers would make a better vessel for undeadimification (that's the scientific term) than whatever is used for the regular kinds of deaders.

*Imagines a team of undead versions of some of our favorite PCs...*

*Laughs evilly*


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RE: if someone permed alone...
« Reply #9 on: October 09, 2006, 04:17:36 pm »
Nuzatch - 10/9/2006  7:04 PM

Shouldn't there be some evil organization somewhere looking for dead adventurers to raise?  I'd assume that adventurers would make a better vessel for undeadimification (that's the scientific term) than whatever is used for the regular kinds of deaders.

*Imagines a team of undead versions of some of our favorite PCs...*

*Laughs evilly*

For some reason, that would be amazingly disturbing and awesome at the same time.
And you could have to kill all your old friends....


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    Re: if someone permed alone...
    « Reply #10 on: October 09, 2006, 05:05:50 pm »
    plus, if the body is never found, think of all the character building based around his disappearance


    Re: if someone permed alone...
    « Reply #11 on: October 09, 2006, 05:24:10 pm »
    Can't a Necromancer cast Speak with Dead or something like that? Or is this something frowned on... not that I'm promoting that sort of thing


    Re: if someone permed alone...
    « Reply #12 on: October 09, 2006, 06:13:57 pm »
    Nuzatch!!!!!! Now my day is complete :) Good to see ya!


    oh...I thought this thread was going to say"If someone permed alone...

    does he make a sound?


    Re: if someone permed alone...
    « Reply #13 on: October 09, 2006, 09:26:31 pm »
    Doc-Holiday - 10/9/2006  8:24 PM

    Can't a Necromancer cast Speak with Dead or something like that? Or is this something frowned on... not that I'm promoting that sort of thing

    Well, in the past, Speak With Dead has been frowned upon - but even if it weren't, it needs the body of the deceased individual to work.  If the body were found (if it wasn't incinerated by a spell, say), then you wouldn't need to use SwD.


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    Re: if someone permed alone...
    « Reply #14 on: October 09, 2006, 11:46:26 pm »
    Hehe, thanks Etin.

    Good to see some of the quasi-oldschoolers.  ;)

