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Author Topic: I'm Dissapointed In Us.  (Read 406 times)


I'm Dissapointed In Us.
« on: October 27, 2007, 12:20:24 am »
You know... One of the greatest things I've always loved about Layonara was the community. In fact, it's what's kept me here, and what will continue to keep me here, despite a few bad apples.

But those bad apples are starting to really tick me off.

Ever since Hawklen (Jeff) was banned, there's been something of a coalition of anti-Hawklen players floating around out of sight of most of Layonara. His site,, was originally mainly just Layo-bashing, and I'm sure he felt justified in it, just as the mods felt justified in banning him from this site. I agreed with the ban, and while I don't agree with the VAST majority of the negative things that people have said about Layo over the years, I DO feel they're entitled to their opinions.

And I DON'T think that, just because someone joins another site, people from this site should harass them.

ESPECIALLY! Not with inflammatory and, perhaps worse, simply untrue allegations.

Rape is not something to [ahem]ing joke around about, folks. Not statutory, not "real." Neither is pedophilia.

It is NOT cool to jump on a player just because he or she has joined another site.

Is is NOT cool to spread rumours, ESPECIALLY! not negative ones, much less aimed at someone or someones who couldn't even say anything about it if you posted in General Discussion.

I don't know names of who's spreading these rumours, because those who told me of them wouldn't give those names to me. And frankly, I don't care if there's any "punishment" that happens.

It's just a childish thing that's happening, and it needs to stop.

And I feel that posting here, where everyone can see, rather than trying to sneak around and ask in the shadows and in Tells, is a more potent way of getting the message that this infantile bull needs to stop.

Grow up. Hawk's banned, he's not coming back, and the personal lives of others are their own.
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Re: I'm Dissapointed In Us.
« Reply #1 on: October 27, 2007, 12:36:10 am »
I want to add that the rumors, which I have heard, are baseless and tactless, as well as hurtful to those they refer to.


Re: I'm Dissapointed In Us.
« Reply #2 on: October 27, 2007, 12:41:27 am »
They would stop being rumors if you would stop passing them along =P


Re: I'm Dissapointed In Us.
« Reply #3 on: October 27, 2007, 12:46:13 am »
I didn't explicitly state the rumours, Driz. I just wanted to remind everyone here that we're expected to act like adults, or at least with the maturity expected thereof. Most don't need the reminder. Some do.


Re: I'm Dissapointed In Us.
« Reply #4 on: October 27, 2007, 12:52:50 am »

With full respect to your opinions and your right to express them, this thread will only result in a flame fest.  While I agree with the sentiment about rumors in general, the problem with these and pretty much every other rumor ever to exist is that there is rarely any way to prove them one way or the other.  People on both sides rely on the word of those they already trust.

That's fine, it's human nature, but always consider that factual accuracy is generally suspect when rumors start to fly.

In the interest of keeping the peace, this thread is locked.  Sorry.

If someone can convince me of a reason to keep it open, then I'll consider it.  For now though, I'm throwing water on the flames.

