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Author Topic: I know this may sound dumb, but two things...  (Read 275 times)


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    I know this may sound dumb, but two things...
    « on: June 09, 2006, 10:28:36 pm »
    One, I am getting the NWN DVD for fathers day and already have my character history sitting next to me just waiting for it.  My first question is, does the character have to come from this world, or (if the history is well defined enough) can they come from a different plane completely?

    Second, and yes, I'm aware this one has been beaten into the ground...swearing.  Rotagon made a good point with the example, **i.e. "You son of an illiterate kobold"**.  I used to have a program somewhere that created curses just like this, using non-swear words.  If I can find it, I would gladdly offer it up to this site for anyone to download.  That way, you could swear without cursing...It's got hundreds of combinations.

    Thank you.


    Re: I know this may sound dumb, but two things...
    « Reply #1 on: June 09, 2006, 10:49:54 pm »
    Well, my character, Pyyran Rahth, is a rarity in that he does, in fact, come from another Prime (planet). I only finally developed this out after a lengthy RP with Ozymandias, but basically, portals into the Outer Planes to open occasionally, and mere mortals sometimes get dragged along. Then, when our interplanar traveller decides to shift back to the Material Plane, they get dragged along, there, too. Pyyran got pulled in this fashion to Layonara, and was promptly (still sleeping!) summoned by the Dragon.

    Honestly, I didn't know how Pyyran being from another world entirely would go over with Layonara at first, and it was really just an excuse for me, as a player, not knowing a single thing about the gameworld. However, Pyyran has developed into an incredible character; one that I am terribly fond of (and a few other madmen-and-women insist they like, too), despite my initial lack of creativity.

    As such (getting back to him being from another world) I never really RPed it, aside from Pyyran being ignorant of everything about Layonara. It did turn out to give him a nicely voracious appetite for various bits of lore, which comes in handy, as well as a wanderlust and urge to explore, which is also fun, but now that it's nailed down, I get to play little pieces of his past into things, too. For example, magic on Layonara is very controlled as compared to anywhere else, as Pyyran discovered after discussing what little he knew of it, before and after Summoning, with Ozymandias. If you played a spellcaster from another realm, they'd probably be terribly frustrated that none of thier magic worked, but at the same time, overjoyed that magic is so easy to use on Layonara.

    It's a tricky plot device to work with, but it can be done. Though I hold myself totally responsible if people take the idea and run with it, and totally destroy it. *Sniffle.*

    EDIT: As for the curses thing, that sounds pretty nifty. Let's see it.


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    RE: I know this may sound dumb, but two things...
    « Reply #2 on: June 09, 2006, 10:50:54 pm »
    Nook - 6/10/2006 5:28 PM One, I am getting the NWN DVD for fathers day and already have my character history sitting next to me just waiting for it. My first question is, does the character have to come from this world, or (if the history is well defined enough) can they come from a different plane completely?

     I can't remember where I read this, but I think that you are allowed to have your character from a different plane/world, but you'd need quite an extensive background with things such as how they got to Layonara, what their old world was like, whether they got here through accident, as well as something about their time on Layonara aswell, as I think the character has to have lived in Layonara for a while.
     Hope that answers the first one  :)
     Edit: Ah, stephen beat me to it, then you can have a character from another plane, I don't think I doubled up on anything he said :o  


    Re: I know this may sound dumb, but two things...
    « Reply #3 on: June 09, 2006, 10:53:15 pm »
    Which reminds me, Schmack, I need to go update my CDT...


    RE: I know this may sound dumb, but two things...
    « Reply #4 on: June 09, 2006, 11:13:26 pm »
    While "offworld" characters are permitted, all PCs on Layonara are known as "dragon called", in reference to the background information, it's preferred that they are not.
      If it's necessary, then the character must have spent at least some time on Layonara before being noticed by the dragon to receive the call.
      Also keep in mind that the gods of whatever world your character may have originated on do not have influence here, and likewise, the Layonara deities likely were unknown and certainly not very influential on another world.


    Re: I know this may sound dumb, but two things...
    « Reply #5 on: June 10, 2006, 02:23:10 am »
    certainly  not very influential on another world
    Utterly powerless would be a nice description ;)

    So yes, you can be from another world, but you'll have to read up on Layo anyway as you need to supply his experience on Layo before being called by the dragon. So you might as well be from here :)


    Re: I know this may sound dumb, but two things...
    « Reply #6 on: June 10, 2006, 05:40:14 am »
    yeah, that's the main thing. I don't think the dragon can call anyone from another world. Something else would have to occur to pull your character here before the dragon called him.


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      Re: I know this may sound dumb, but two things...
      « Reply #7 on: June 10, 2006, 10:01:17 am »
      It's me again...Stephen, I'm looking hi and low for that prog.  I'll find it somewhere (i've got a couple of harddrives that i have stuff stored on.  They aren't hooked up, so it may take a little time.)

      As for the not being of this world...thank you all for the info.  I figured that nothing from another world would really work here and i figured that into the history.  The character isn't even coming straight here from their world...they're kinda' having to take a long detour around...and it was by accident; or was it.  A week, or a week and a day from now (on Fathers Day) look in the character subs for my character.


      Re: I know this may sound dumb, but two things...
      « Reply #8 on: June 10, 2006, 11:29:00 am »
      thats basically the story for my character.  To save her from a war that went way out of proportion, the captain of the ship she was on and her mentor decided to bring her to another part of the world you can only go to via rift.  just before they were about to make it; though, a battle ensued and the ship was destroyed, however she fell into a rift and ended up on Layonara, not what was intended, but she doesn't know that, she suspects it now though, she hasn't seen a trace of the boat, crew, and her mentor since the accident.

      Talan Va'lash

      Re: I know this may sound dumb, but two things...
      « Reply #9 on: June 10, 2006, 12:54:57 pm »
      LynnJuniper - 6/10/2006  6:40 AM

      yeah, that's the main thing. I don't think the dragon can call anyone from another world. Something else would have to occur to pull your character here before the dragon called him.

      Thats correct.

      The dragon used to (over a year ago RLT) pull from other planes but now he will only pull from layonara


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        Re: I know this may sound dumb, but two things...
        « Reply #10 on: June 10, 2006, 08:25:14 pm »
        **EDIT: As for the curses thing, that sounds pretty nifty. Let's see it.**

        I found an updated prog. online...and it's free.  I went ahead & downloaded it; the website is

        In it's pref's you can set it to not be too offensive, or to go all out.  even on the "all out" setting, I can't get it to use swear words, so i think it will be ok for all.


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        RE: I know this may sound dumb, but two things...
        « Reply #11 on: June 10, 2006, 08:34:16 pm »
        Downloaded it... I was like... whoa-mi-gosh... there are 1,383,710,808,479 different combinations for arabian, 388,943 for shakespearean (i like these ones the best, eg. Thou wanton tickle-brained barnacle.), 1,935,284,399 for mediterranean, 1,681,892,351...
         That's a whole lotta insults....


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          RE: I know this may sound dumb, but two things...
          « Reply #12 on: June 10, 2006, 08:42:10 pm »
          For when you just have to insult someone...I could click "generate" all day long.


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          Re: I know this may sound dumb, but two things...
          « Reply #13 on: June 10, 2006, 08:49:02 pm »
          hehe if Kris has to swearat someone (and if there is no other Drow around) i get her to say random words in Drow


          Re: I know this may sound dumb, but two things...
          « Reply #14 on: June 10, 2006, 10:56:54 pm »

          May precisely twelve zombies yodel without due care and attention!

          Talan Va'lash

          Re: I know this may sound dumb, but two things...
          « Reply #15 on: June 11, 2006, 01:46:21 am »
          Too bad its windows only.


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            Re: I know this may sound dumb, but two things...
            « Reply #16 on: June 11, 2006, 12:04:43 pm »
            Just Google 'insult generator' and about the first 5 or 6 links are for Mac OSX


            Re: I know this may sound dumb, but two things...
            « Reply #17 on: June 12, 2006, 01:14:21 pm »
            You mean T.V. isn't a Linux user?  Gasp!


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              RE: I know this may sound dumb, but this again...
              « Reply #18 on: June 12, 2006, 06:48:45 pm »
              I'm not going to actually have the NWN software till fathers day.  Can I go ahead and post my Character history now for approval, or should I wait till I got the software in and running?


              RE: I know this may sound dumb, but this again...
              « Reply #19 on: June 12, 2006, 09:48:06 pm »
              Nook - 6/12/2006  3:48 PM

              I'm not going to actually have the NWN software till fathers day.  Can I go ahead and post my Character history now for approval, or should I wait till I got the software in and running?

              You can submit a character anytime. I'd recommend doing it now so that it's already approved and you can get started as soon as the software is installed.  ;)

