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Author Topic: Smite Evil  (Read 382 times)


Smite Evil
« on: July 28, 2006, 06:36:34 pm »
Ok, it used to be funny. Occasionally Maev would go to smite something and end up hacking at a fellow party member. But now she's getting stronger and beginning to do actual damage to those who I hit(kharl, i'm so sorry). I thought it was a fluke with the system, but then i found out that there are those who've never had it happen. Furthermore, I'm confused by the fact that I can try to smite a non-evil creature and I get an edit that says you can't smite non-evil things. So, is this some kind of bug, or am i doing something wrong. Could it be that all of those I'm traveling with are evil? Confused, Redhawk


Re: Smite Evil
« Reply #1 on: July 29, 2006, 05:37:45 pm »
This sounds like the classic mis-click. What's happening, I guess, is you try to kill something and think you click right on it, but the avatar of one of the other characters hops in your way at the wrong time or something to that effect. Just be glad you're not pitching level 20 firearrows at them. :)

And smite evil won't do the smite damage to a non-evil character, but you'll still do physical combat damage. All it really is is charging your weapon with intense good energy which would be discharged into the target; it would hurt evil characters but do nothing to a non-evil character. You're still hitting them with something hard and possibly pointy.

