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Author Topic: I need to get this off my cheast.  (Read 523 times)


I need to get this off my cheast.
« on: February 19, 2007, 09:20:22 pm »
I am angry at our own player base. There are new players coming in as the weeks go by, yet no one stops to help them, no one guides them. Just recently I was made fun of for helping some one get to his grave after watching other players rank on him from dying. My view of Layonara being one big family is starting to die here...Just remember we were all newbies at one point in our time. Just because some one is strange or acts odd doesn't make it right to go behind their backs and laugh at them. Help them for the love of kindness. if you had a child that was learning to walk would you laugh at him and call him names behind his back? And what is up with this elitist morality that has started to grow?

I help new players, no one asked me to, no one told me to do it.. I do it because at one point i was a newbie here and i got help.. I think its kind enough to pass that along...

This isn't a flame war or finger pointing this is me asking to be a little more kind to your fellow player, no matter how insane they are or how newb-ish they get.


Re: I need to get this off my cheast.
« Reply #1 on: February 19, 2007, 10:28:12 pm »
I agree that as a player we should help newbies within the world. But at the same token, players have to play IC. One cannot expect a Corathite or pytechteronite to help out people. Or it could be part of the characters personality that they do not help.

Having said that, the reverse is also true. If one has a Rolfereinite or a Toranite...they should heko.  I have an Aeridinite and when the tenants warrant it, my character will heal and help willingly. When my character has asked, some don't want to know or they ignore me. *shrugs*

Jearick Hgar

Re: I need to get this off my cheast.
« Reply #2 on: February 19, 2007, 10:58:13 pm »
i agree players should help if it's in their rp.

but i haven't seen this at all. I help newbs allt he time, same with the people i hang out with most of the time. If people are doing this then it obviously needs to stop. just cuz their newbs doesn't mean they suck at rp nor does it mean they should be looked down apon. I've met lots of people who ar enew who are good rpers. not right putting down newbs


Re: I need to get this off my cheast.
« Reply #3 on: February 19, 2007, 11:18:21 pm »
hawk will help if it suits his mood at the time, or if he charges for it. He's pretty random, and a bit insane. my CN dwarf has to have a good reason to help.


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    Re: I need to get this off my cheast.
    « Reply #4 on: February 19, 2007, 11:43:14 pm »
    ""Just because some one is strange or acts odd"" sometimes people with disabilties play too , one never knows who behind they keys has what . besides who is to say what is strange or odd , its realy just different instead :)


    Re: I need to get this off my cheast.
    « Reply #5 on: February 19, 2007, 11:57:04 pm »
    One of the best things about Layo is that its people helping other people to have fun.  If that's not what your about I am sure there's lots of places that someone go to make fun of people and grief but lets not see it happen here.  That would be tragic.


    Re: I need to get this off my cheast.
    « Reply #6 on: February 19, 2007, 11:58:04 pm »
    No i mean helping by sending them tells...There is more than one way to help a person than showing them about west server or RPing it out.....


    RE: I need to get this off my cheast.
    « Reply #7 on: February 20, 2007, 01:02:02 am »
    lunchboxkilla - 2/20/2007  5:20 AM

    I am angry at our own player base. There are new players coming in as the weeks go by, yet no one stops to help them, no one guides them. Just recently I was made fun of for helping some one get to his grave after watching other players rank on him from dying. My view of Layonara being one big family is starting to die here...Just remember we were all newbies at one point in our time. Just because some one is strange or acts odd doesn't make it right to go behind their backs and laugh at them. Help them for the love of kindness. if you had a child that was learning to walk would you laugh at him and call him names behind his back? And what is up with this elitist morality that has started to grow?

    I help new players, no one asked me to, no one told me to do it.. I do it because at one point i was a newbie here and i got help.. I think its kind enough to pass that along...

    This isn't a flame war or finger pointing this is me asking to be a little more kind to your fellow player, no matter how insane they are or how newb-ish they get.

    All good points! I doubt many of us would have a good character if another good character didn't help us along the way.

    Let's try helping out the new folks huh....and if your new and have question's, dont be afraid to send a Tell to someone. They may not be able to answer right away, being pounded to death by enemies and such....but they'll certainly give you all the help they can.....whether IC or via Tell.


    Re: I need to get this off my cheast.
    « Reply #8 on: February 20, 2007, 05:06:58 am »
    I remember a time when Beli was a low level and went to Dregar. HE died and all the high levels left without offering a portal back to Hlint. So he and a few others tried to get back to Hlint by walking. It went very badly we did not know the way. I met Celgar and asked if he would help us. He took us all the way back and paid for our ship fares as well. He then took us through the Krondor crypts because we had not done that quest yet. I think that moment is when I thought this server rocked.
    Ever since them Beli helps the odd Newbie just to carry on the spirit of the server. I know who much it ment to me.



    Re: I need to get this off my chest
    « Reply #9 on: February 20, 2007, 05:39:06 am »
    As a fairly new person, I would like to second the 'send a tell' suggestion. That doesn't meananyone needs to drop what they're doing to give a tutoring session through tells. It would just mean, for those whose IG personality requires them to say or do thingsthat might seem unfriendly to anewbie, taking a moment to send aquick tell like this one:"This is role play, my character isfeeling cranky today." When we'revery new we have no way of knowing what kind of personafolks are playing, and some might mistakevery good RP on acharacter's part for general unfriendliness on the server.Personally, finding out the hard way that some folks are grumpy types is not a problem for me as a player, although I do hope that having my very gentle, non-confrontational character then go out of her way to avoid them doesn't offendanyone either. :)


    Re: I need to get this off my cheast.
    « Reply #10 on: February 20, 2007, 05:44:14 am »
    Alright I will say something here as well. When it comes to helping new players (brand new players of level 5 or less) it does not need to be in RP--and truth-be-told probably shouldn't on many occasions as a lot of things will happen in tells…but you are helping a new player and that is OKAY.

    These are new players (some new to PW's and online play even and some new to RP in general), they need YOUR help to get used to things. If you can't come out and help new players when they arrive on the world then you should not be playing here, it is a community thing--we help new players--simple as that.

    I have asked this many times and sadly there are few individuals that feel they are 'holier than thou'...those people need to get off their high horses and help out new players.

    After a while the new players will learn about the world, nwn and online play, and they will quickly get in to the RP of things--but don't hide behind alignments and deities--you are being lazy if that is what you are doing. You just don't want to help players if you are doing that.

    We help new players at this community; it is part of being a community. I am sick and tired of seeing and hearing about people hiding behind things in order to do (or not do) xyz.


    Re: I need to get this off my cheast.
    « Reply #11 on: February 20, 2007, 05:57:16 am »
    I'd like to add to this post that in addition, upon looking at the calendar I see that minerva has set up at least four separate "RP 101" Sessions to do exactly this: help out new players.

    So please: Show up to these things , weather if its just to listen to what others have to say, to learn, or to help others to learn themselves.

    Thank you.


    Though as a player I was wondering if it would be okay to take the initiative and start a small touring session, followed by a small OOC Question and Answer/RP Etiquette period (in party chat, In a secluded area in for example the Hlint Court house as not to bother anyone with the OOC questions, and not during a GM quest so that the questions and answers won't flood their chat box)?  I wanted to make sure the O.K for this was granted before I started something that would be likely to go into OOC Afterwards if only just for the purpose of general Q&A.


    Re: I need to get this off my cheast.
    « Reply #12 on: February 20, 2007, 06:02:34 am »
    I will avoid naming anyone, but please, if you dont want to help then at least don't send tells to those actually helping stating, that they're helping a low level character to power level... a 1 level character can't power level.


    RE: I need to get this off my cheast.
    « Reply #13 on: February 20, 2007, 06:04:09 am »
    Just a suggestion, but it might also help to stop thinking of new players as "newbies" or "noobs" or "n00bs" or whatever. While descriptive and firmly entrenched in the online vernacular, it already implies some kind of lesser status or lower strata.
      Better to think of them, new or not, as "players who need help". Even some people who have been here for a while could use a nudge now and then.


    Re: I need to get this off my cheast.
    « Reply #14 on: February 20, 2007, 06:10:06 am »
    Agreed Dorganath. Those terms can be derogatory and sadly a few people use them in that way--though a few do not mean anything by the term...and sadly a few of them are in this community.


    RE: I need to get this off my cheast.
    « Reply #15 on: February 20, 2007, 06:10:20 am »
    Besides... people can easily stay in RP helping new players, for an evil character this would be a great opportunity to get influence on unexperienced souls, and any kind of good character should help even the evil ones, because showing kindess would help moving the evil character toward goodness.
    I have a CN character myself, who doesnt cares about anything, but still... If someone asks for help he will help them after a bit of complaining, cause he knows that if not someone help them, they will just wander off on their own and die, and even a neutral character would not wish that.

    this goes for any level, no matter if you're high level or low level.


    RE: I need to get this off my cheast.
    « Reply #16 on: February 20, 2007, 07:36:20 am »
    The other side is there are new players that don't want or feel they don't need help. I logged on to Central and saw a level 4 PC running about. I sent him a few OOC tells, asking if he was ok, did he need a guide, did he have a way bave, and I got no reply. After seeing that same PC a few days later go through seven Player logs off/Player Logs on cycles I sent him a tell asking if there was a problem staying connected, anything I could do, no reply. Guess who I will not be sending a tell to in the furture?
      I will help those who indicate they want or need it. If I see someone all ghosty standing by the bindstone, if I have nothing else going on, I'll ask if I can assist in some way. If they say no, (or as usaully happens they say they can handle it) I go on my way. By the same token, I met a nice fellow who had been on the server less than 3 days and we had a fine time walking through the sewers and collecting gobby ears.
      I have no aversion to helping anyone, but if I have something that I was planning on doing, that's where I'm going.


    Re: I need to get this off my cheast.
    « Reply #17 on: February 20, 2007, 07:57:06 am »
    Leanthar - 2/20/2007 9:10 AM Agreed Dorganath. Those terms can be derogatory and sadly a few people use them in that way--though a few do not mean anything by the term...and sadly a few of them are in this community.
     I should apologize with respect to a post I made several days ago where in jest I said "As far as I'm concerned, anyone a member for less than a year is still just a newbie "
      I do agree that the term "newbie" can be derogatory whether it be meant that way or not, and it should be perhaps frowned upon be it joke or otherwise. I would hope that I was able to help the several players new to the world that have contacted me in game and while I don't wish this to sound as if it's a new thing for me to do (because it's not) I'll say here that any player that has a question, please don't hesitate to contact me either by PM or by a tell if you see me logged on.
      Their are several players who absolutely despise tells because for them it ruins the immersive atmosphere and as such they tend to ignore some these tells. This is no disrespect or admonishment to those players by any means. I can understand that rationale completely. However in Lunchbox's post I get the impression that several players have sent him tells belittling these players. There are things that all new players can not be expected to know right from the start and help from an OOC perspective in getting started is essential. To this day I still ask several players about this or that.


    Re: I need to get this off my cheast.
    « Reply #18 on: February 20, 2007, 07:57:39 am »
    I really appreciate lunchboxkilla starting this thread, because I agree that the community temperament here is part of what is so great about this server.  As a relatively new player (I only started on Layo late-December/early-January after never have played online before), I just wanted to add some compliments!

    When I first started, I was helped by more experienced players THE VERY FIRST NIGHT I signed on, when I didn't even know enough to know I WANTED a lot of help and advice about some things.  :)  Especially Kell Ereptor, Arynne Liadon, and Praylor Falcus each independently took my new character by the hand and gave me advice, monetary and physical help, and direction about how to best approach things, find things, etc.  In no case did anybody do quests for me or help me "power level," but they DID give me gentle warnings about things like the goblins outside Hlint (who are WAY meaner than the ones in the OC! :) ) or the rats in the sewers.

    I walked around RL telling people, "Everybody there is SO NICE!"  The three I mentioned are just the three who made the biggest impression on me (because they were first).  I met so many friendly, helpful people/characters who really made me feel welcome and supported.  It's what made me love Layo, and what I still love about it.  In honor of all of them, I truly try to make it a point to help out "youngsters" (as we call them) whenever I can.  Usually, Galan defers their pleas to pay him back with, "Just be kind to some other new adventurer you come across.  That's all I ask."

    This really is a great server.  Thatnks, everybody, who cares enough to make it that way.


    RE: I need to get this off my cheast.
    « Reply #19 on: February 20, 2007, 07:58:08 am »
    Just to lighten the load while I work on V3 stuff. Link .