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Author Topic: Some thoughts on Layo  (Read 68 times)


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    Some thoughts on Layo
    « on: October 12, 2005, 07:38:00 am »
    I logged in last night after being away a year and was very excited to see that my characters still existed.  I thought they would have been deleted long ago.  At first I was a bit leary about coming back but after doing some research I found Layonara was still the highest quality server out there so I decided to suck it up and play again even with the things I didn’t like (mostly the massive exp loss on death.)  It was the primary reason the Blackstone brothers left when we did. (I don’t know if any one remembers us.)
    I have to say I was extremely delighted when I learned how the death system was changed where that you don’t lose exp on your first death.  With this I might be able to convince my friends to come back I’m hoping so at least.   I’m curious though with this new death system are the soul stones still needed or are they a thing of the past? I had a soulstone but after dying last night and being rezzed by a cleric it’s gone and I’m not sure if I should get another.

    All in all you guys have done some awesome work the server just keeps getting better and better.  I’m actually considering quitting WoW for good and playing here exclusively.


    RE: Some thoughts on Layo
    « Reply #1 on: October 12, 2005, 07:45:00 am »
    *waves* I remember the Blackstones....good dwarven stock!  Er...well, except for the one who is a monk...he's a little odd. ;)
      On the death system.... There's still an XP loss on death IF you die twice within a certain period of time.  But yeah, the XP loss on one death is now gone.  The details can be found here:
      On soul stones: Yes, you still should carry them, however, they no longer cost a small fortune to purchase.  I think they're something like 200-300 gps each now instead of 2800gp or whatever they were when you were here last.
      Oh, and welcome back! :)


    RE: Some thoughts on Layo
    « Reply #2 on: October 12, 2005, 07:53:00 am »
    Welcome back!



    RE: Some thoughts on Layo
    « Reply #3 on: October 12, 2005, 08:36:00 am »
    Welcome back, have fun.