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Author Topic: If anyone is in the process of building a new comptuer, check out these parts  (Read 154 times)


AMD put out an EOL notice on a few 1 meg cache (2meg total @ 2x1) athlon 64 x2 chips. In particular, the  AMD Athlon 64 X2 4400+ 939, has dropped in price dramatically. Zipzoomfly currently has the ADV/E6 revision for 228. So, if anyone's in the market for a powerful and cheap (realitively) CPU you may want to check it out. Keep in mind the ADA4400 and ADV4400 are different only in the thermal signature, in particular the ADV4400 runs at 89 watts, and would be the better chip to nab, as opposed to the 110watt ADA chip.

Hope this helps someone :)

Now to place my order.

Almost forgot:
If your thinking of a new vid card, hold out to November for the geforce 8 series, if you're pining for a NV card. The geforce 8 will introduce at 300-400, and will usually lower previous gen cards. In particular the very capable 7 and 6 series geforce cards which will run NWN2 w/o any issues. I'm unsure of ATI's roadmap, but I'm certain they will have a similar event in November that will lower their X series cards also.


Re: If anyone is in the process of building a new comptuer, chec
« Reply #1 on: August 07, 2006, 03:13:00 pm »
Sweet, I was thinking of upgrading my video card...I could just get  new 8000, or one of the 7000's at a cheaper rate.  Win!