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Author Topic: If you ever visit Germany...  (Read 325 times)

Lord of the Forest

If you ever visit Germany...
« on: December 29, 2005, 03:52:00 am »
Well, if you would visit Germany you should take care now.
Finally I got my Driving License! :)
So if you ever see an 18 year old mad german you should better take care ;)
Ehehe, I am driving on a Highway to Hell ;)


RE: If you ever visit Germany...
« Reply #1 on: December 29, 2005, 04:39:00 am »
Lol. Well I know you lot dont have speedlimits on the Highways. Thats just plain insane! ;) So drive safely Matey and Gratz!


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    RE: If you ever visit Germany...
    « Reply #2 on: December 29, 2005, 04:43:00 am »

    Grats !

    Im cycling the Transalp Challenge 2006 which starts in Germany in the middle of july, so please stay out of those parts of Germany ok ?




    RE: If you ever visit Germany...
    « Reply #3 on: December 29, 2005, 06:00:00 am »
    congrats, I should be getting my license in a few months... assuming all goes well... hehe...


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    RE: If you ever visit Germany...
    « Reply #4 on: December 29, 2005, 06:45:00 am »
    I'll remember to rent a tank if I ever get out there lol

    Have Fun & Be Safe :o


    RE: If you ever visit Germany...
    « Reply #5 on: December 29, 2005, 07:39:00 am »
    heh heh in a half year I'll be joining you ;)


    RE: If you ever visit Germany...
    « Reply #6 on: December 29, 2005, 09:54:00 am »
    I'm already driving on the sidewalk here in America. Good thing Arizonian's are the worst drivers... makes me look good. :)


    RE: If you ever visit Germany...
    « Reply #7 on: December 29, 2005, 05:58:00 pm »
    Doc-Holiday - 12/29/2005 12:54 PM I'm already driving on the sidewalk here in America. Good thing Arizonian's are the worst drivers... makes me look good. :)

        I think Boston has that honor.  If they don't then they should. *looks for any fellow Bostonians so they can verify this*.


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    RE: If you ever visit Germany...
    « Reply #8 on: December 29, 2005, 06:15:00 pm »
    I'll be joining them too in 3 months :)  Lookout Canada here I come!


    RE: If you ever visit Germany...
    « Reply #9 on: December 29, 2005, 06:20:00 pm »
    Yeah, we Bostonians are the worst. And if anyone dares try to take that title from us *shakes fist at Doc-Holiday and his Arizonaness*

    Besides, we only have two seasons here: Winter, and Road-Repair

    Talan Va'lash

    RE: If you ever visit Germany...
    « Reply #10 on: December 29, 2005, 07:55:00 pm »
    I've lived in Phoenix and Boston, and... well, doc's right.  Boston drivers know how to handle traffic, they don't even paint lines on half the roads in the backbay-fenway area where I lived, but lanes are formed (more or less depending on traffic.)  Phoenix is terrible, especially when all the snowbirds come down in the winter and don't know what gridlock is or that its undesirable.   Also, people there dont know how to handle conditions on the road.  It bloody rains and theres scads of accidents.



    RE: If you ever visit Germany...
    « Reply #11 on: December 30, 2005, 05:45:00 am »
    I'm sorry, but I gotta say that anyplace that completely shuts down in a half inch (a cm or so) of snow...
    has the worst drivers!!!

    sheesh, I still go the speed limit until theres at least 2 inches covering the roads...

    (btw... we're fun drivers up here, come learn how to drive little cars through mud-pits sometime!!!)


    RE: If you ever visit Germany...
    « Reply #12 on: December 30, 2005, 12:58:00 pm »
    Hehehe... I live just off of 67th avenue... near Indian School... we get two accidents a week... and that's not including the extra accident further south on Thomas  or the occational wreck north on Camelback.

    It's not uncommon for me to drive home and hear that there are four to six accidents between me and my house.

    Not to mention some idgit driving his RV off the overpass from the I-10 East to the I-17... dropped some 4 stories into oncoming traffic.... oooh.. even the minivan jumping the steel corded median on the 101 wasn't that bad... just shut the north western quarter of the city down.

    We did have some Illegal immagrants shooting at each other on the freeway last month or so... turns out it was between two rival cyotes and their "migrants"... a few people died and the freeway was shut down as the police had to chase down the 20+ people who ran from the vans... that was last month or so

    OOh.. and I saw two accidents on the way home yesterday.. lucky me I was there when it happened so I was able to get past the mess without to much trouble... no one hurt.. just a big fender bender.....

    Christmas was bad... got home and there was a four car pile up infront of my house... went to dinner that night with a friend and there was another three car pile up as a driver tried to run a yellow light as a second driver was making a late yellow left turn and the third car was trying to follow the first car's attempt to run a yellow....

    so.. yeah... arizonian's suck at driving...... and I'm not even mentioning Sun City where all the old people live... car and golf cart accidents are not pretty


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    RE: If you ever visit Germany...
    « Reply #13 on: December 30, 2005, 01:09:00 pm »
    Doc-Holiday - 12/30/2005  2:58 PM

    Hehehe... I live just off of 67th avenue... near Indian School... we get two accidents a week... and that's not including the extra accident further south on Thomas  or the occational wreck north on Camelback.

    Doc all you need is a sand buggy or a baha bug then you can just stay off the roads and be safe :)


    RE: If you ever visit Germany...
    « Reply #14 on: December 30, 2005, 01:34:00 pm »
    Gratz!  :)  


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      RE: If you ever visit Germany...
      « Reply #15 on: December 31, 2005, 06:59:00 pm »
      I would say Wisconsin has the woest drivers! When those crazy people come down to Chicago i dove out of the way. Im glad i moved. They were dangerous, they practically drive on the wrong side of the road.  So now iam near portland, they closed all the school in the area a week or so ago because of 1 cm of snow. 1 CM!!! Not even an INCH. Pretty pathetic.


      RE: If you ever visit Germany...
      « Reply #16 on: December 31, 2005, 08:15:00 pm »
      I lived in dusseldorf DE for 2 years and I can say that the Germans are some the best drivers in the world. I had to take level 2 first aid just to be able to qualify for driving in Germany.


      RE: If you ever visit Germany...
      « Reply #17 on: December 31, 2005, 08:29:00 pm »
      Wow. Level 2 first aid... What is that, six ranks in Heal?

      Lord of the Forest

      RE: If you ever visit Germany...
      « Reply #18 on: January 01, 2006, 05:39:00 am »
      Stephen_Zuckerman - 1/1/2006  5:29 AM

      Wow. Level 2 first aid... What is that, six ranks in Heal?

      ehehe, perhaps a bit better .... your little cleric next door *winks*

