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Author Topic: DM request to open houses for sale in Pranzis  (Read 194 times)


DM request to open houses for sale in Pranzis
« on: June 10, 2006, 02:12:34 pm »
Killen & Mining Inc is looking to buy a house in Pranzis.

I would be leader of this company.  I keep telling them that we are non hiaracle, and they keep saing, "Ok cym, you da boss."  We'll work it out in time.

A small groupe of us would like to look inside of a couple of places on Monday June 12th, at 11 pm EST, 10 pm CST, 8PM PST.

We are hoping that a DM can be avalible then to open the doors to a couple of places.  The ranch looking house 225 is our prime canadate right now.

Cronk's RL player is busy moving, ironicly enough, so it may be a couple of weeks before we make the actual purchase.

Our company curently is made up of the following  characters:

Cymeran Vrinn
Elgon Merrick
Mercas Narmocano
Nepp'akyo Da'Ladium
Zanith Nur Drichtsarr
Posibly Gremlock if he ever comes back
and we are courting Robert Hearth

Our goal is to have eight active members when we buy.

Please let us know if the time listed above will be good for someone, and if not, we will try to schedule something for Thursday.

Thank you very much.

Aeon Blues
AKA Cymeran Vrinn


Re: DM request to open houses for sale in Pranzis
« Reply #1 on: June 10, 2006, 02:23:25 pm »
Please make sure you read this link (all of you) and follow the requests in there.

A GM will try to meet you in game at that time, but no promises. I will post the request in the GM forum.


Re: DM request to open houses for sale in Pranzis
« Reply #2 on: June 10, 2006, 02:30:18 pm »
Ok, we'll see where we're at on monday, thanks.


Re: DM request to open houses for sale in Pranzis
« Reply #3 on: June 11, 2006, 11:14:38 pm »
Somehow I missed that link the first time I read the reply.  I am sorry if we have crossed any boundries with our ignorance.  None of us were aware that we needed to be licensed, nor did anyone at any pointe in time mention this to us.  

I would like to state, that it was my intention to get input from the DMs, and to make clear guidlines for our organization, before we started calling ourselves a guild.  We are not there yet, as we have not finished our planning and development.  It is my intention that we roll play, from this moment forward, that we are a group of characters who are organizing to start a crafting guild, and currently have no public image.  Would this be acceptable?

I will get this matter resolved just as soon as possible.  This is a realy great goupe of characters, it would be very sad if we had to dispand as a unit.  We tend to be mostly chaotic, so please be patient as we work out this burocracy thing.  I have to write guidlies, get them reviewed by half a dozen people, amend them, review them agian, etc.  Every one thinks that being chaotic means more freedom.  I think it mees more effort and commitment to ensure that no one is being exluded, and everyone basicly agrees to every desion that is made, every step of the way.  Our goal is to share craft skill and cnr's for finished product.  You get me 10 ingots of gold, I give you an amulet of wisdom.  That kind of thing.  The process takes a bit longer then a hiarcle organizaiton.  I hear you that we can not roll play this organization until we get aproved.  So until this happens, we are just a groupe of friends.  I will submit the request just as soon as we can work it out.

I have a couple of questions.  Do we need to get aproved before buying a house?  As the house would make it easier to say were we are based out of.

Also, I am a bit confused about this chicken in the egg thing.  If we are not roll playing as a group, then how can we roll play the organizing that it takes to create a group?  Could you give us some more input on what is acceptable behavior for caracters that are starting something new.  

It is defiantely my intention to follow all rules, and make sure there is a sytem of accountability.  This is another thing that has to be analysed, discussed, written, reviewed, etc...

Also, given the requirements to be a guild leader, I am a bit stumpified.  I feel confused and a bit overwealmed.  Something beautiful is coming into existance, but can not yet be born.  It seems to me that there should be a mechanism for a non hiarcle oranization to exist on Layonara.  I feel that I am challenged to roll play Cym the way I want to, and not be in a conflict of some kind.  This makes me think that better discussion is needed.  I guess we have to wait five months or so to become official anyhow.  I think it would be of great benifit to us, if we could have a queston and answer session with a government official, for the purpos of establishing clear boundries and guidlines to follow.


Cymeran Vrinn


Re: DM request to open houses for sale in Pranzis
« Reply #4 on: June 12, 2006, 12:50:09 am »
[playful dig]
Heirarchial. Heirarchial! HEIRARCHIAL!!

Now that that's out of the way...
[/playful dig]
You, as a player, can go ahead and buy the house. It's one player that owns the house, mechanically, anyway. You can say it's the guildhouse later, if you like, but currently there is absolutley no difference between residential and commercial real estate on Layo.

You can RP a group of friends, sure. Be careful, though, not to have anything even remotely official... This "Mining company" seems a bit much, if you really want to get down to it. Ranewin and Pyyran (used to) make alchaemical goods together, for sale and trade. They made pretty good business, too, but it was just the two of them; two independant crafters who decided they'd be better off sharing reagents (though the much-desired reagents have a tendancy to get used very quickly, by whomever stumbles across them) than working alone. You can do something like this with a slightly larger group, I imagine, but remember... Be careful to not make anything official.

Bob makes Widgets. He needs Sprockets, Whizzlers, and Wadgets to make the Widgets, though, and he can't make any of those three basic components.
Sally makes Sprockets, Freebies, and Whizzlers, but needs Froodles to make Whizzlers. Bob can make Froodles, though.
Jim can make Wadgets, but he needs Freebies to do it.
Solution? Sally makes Freebies, gives 'em to Jim. Jim makes Wadgets while Bob makes Froodles, which he then gives to Sally. Sally makes Whizzlers and Sprockets, and finally Jim and Sally hand over thier Sprockets, Whizzlers, and Wadgets to Bob. Bob makes a Widget, sells it, and splits the gold.

Mmm, economics.


Re: DM request to open houses for sale in Pranzis
« Reply #5 on: June 12, 2006, 01:16:07 am »
Stephen_Zuckerman - 6/12/2006  12:50 AM

[playful dig]
Heirarchial. Heirarchial! HEIRARCHIAL!!

Now that that's out of the way...
[/playful dig]

*Coughs quietly.* Hierarchical. Really... either leave the playful digs out or get them right. ;)

Anyway yeah, if every group of friends was considered a guild, we'd have some serious problems with that whole not belonging to more than one rule. Most are just casual hang out groups that occasionally work together, not requiring any officiality even if they have a cute name for themselves. Once you start heading down the way of guildhouses and opening businesses or other forms of organizations, you have to deal with the paperwork! Forming a guild is a process that involves some effort, so you don't really have to worry about how to say, "How can I get people and work to make a guild if I can't have people and work without a guild?"

The misfits are banding together... wonderful! Hehe.



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Re: DM request to open houses for sale in Pranzis
« Reply #6 on: June 12, 2006, 02:10:15 am »
Stephen_Zuckerman - 6/12/2006 7:50 PM Bob makes Widgets. He needs Sprockets, Whizzlers, and Wadgets to make the Widgets, though, and he can't make any of those three basic components. Sally makes Sprockets, Freebies, and Whizzlers, but needs Froodles to make Whizzlers. Bob can make Froodles, though. Jim can make Wadgets, but he needs Freebies to do it. Solution? Sally makes Freebies, gives 'em to Jim. Jim makes Wadgets while Bob makes Froodles, which he then gives to Sally. Sally makes Whizzlers and Sprockets, and finally Jim and Sally hand over thier Sprockets, Whizzlers, and Wadgets to Bob. Bob makes a Widget, sells it, and splits the gold.

 you make my head hurt...


Re: DM request to open houses for sale in Pranzis
« Reply #7 on: June 12, 2006, 02:40:24 am »
AeonBlues - 6/11/2006  8:14 PM

I have a couple of questions.  Do we need to get aproved before buying a house?  As the house would make it easier to say were we are based out of.

Cymeran Vrinn

lots of players go together to buy a house so I dont think that would be a problem.

About the guildthing, you should know that you only asked Zan for buying a house. She is a very free spirit and it would take a bit to convince her to join a guild, expecially if its just a material trade company.


Re: DM request to open houses for sale in Pranzis
« Reply #8 on: June 12, 2006, 04:21:20 am »
Acacea - 6/12/2006  4:16 AM  
Stephen_Zuckerman - 6/12/2006  12:50 AM  Firstly... [playful dig] Heirarchial. Heirarchial! HEIRARCHIAL!!  Now that that's out of the way... [/playful dig]
 *Coughs quietly.* Hierarchical. Really... either leave the playful digs out or get them right. ;)  Anyway yeah, if every group of friends was considered a guild, we'd have some serious problems with that whole not belonging to more than one rule. Most are just casual hang out groups that occasionally work together, not requiring any officiality even if they have a cute name for themselves. Once you start heading down the way of guildhouses and opening businesses or other forms of organizations, you have to deal with the paperwork! Forming a guild is a process that involves some effort, so you don't really have to worry about how to say, "How can I get people and work to make a guild if I can't have people and work without a guild?"   The misfits are banding together... wonderful! Hehe.  


Re: DM request to open houses for sale in Pranzis
« Reply #9 on: June 12, 2006, 10:03:03 am »
*laughs*  Occaisionally, spell-checkers can just give up.  Alternately, if you've used the word (incorrectly) before, it may have added it to its dictionary, assuming that it was a proper noun.  Some of the new (and good, I might add) spell-check algorithms do that.