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Author Topic: Interview of LotF  (Read 182 times)

Lord of the Forest

Interview of LotF
« on: March 02, 2016, 05:06:54 pm »
Hey there, just wanted to tell you that the interview is published now. I will give you an english translation as well cause I dont think german is that common here *winks* The interview was for a local sports-magazine. Well here it is ... //Well sorry for the bad english. ;-)  Volleyball: BSV Ostbevern A-Youth Start of season okay (me) ‘The team is able to do more than they showed yet’, knows ********, coach of the second A-Youth-Volleyball-Team of BSV Ostbevern, about the potential of his team. The season started well balanced with two victories and two defeats, so that the team is in the middle of the ranking of the Kreisliga Warendorf. ‘All at all I am satisfied about how he season has started’, says Schnase about his team. The team itself could still play in the B-Youth but due to the reason that 2 girls are too old for B-Youth they have to play in A-Youth. About three weeks ago there was the first “derby” against the first team of Ostbevern, which is playing in the same league as well. Though the first set was very balanced they eventually lost the following two sets to the favoured first team of the BSV. ‘I would have been very surprised if we won this match’, was the result of the coach. After a short break of two weeks during holidays in autumn we’ll see if the studies made in the preparatory-phase will work out positive during the season. Edited for privacy reasons


RE: Interview of LotF
« Reply #1 on: October 17, 2006, 11:42:37 am »
Hey congrats. Good luck on the season.

* shakes his head to clear it of scenes from "Bend It Like Beckham" which for some reason have just jumped in *