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Author Topic: More questions on usefulness of various rogue skills...  (Read 294 times)


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    More questions on usefulness of various rogue skills...
    « on: September 28, 2005, 09:27:00 am »
    Sorry for asking more newbie questions, but I'm trying to develop a submission for a (female!) halfling rogue (with a bit of fighter later) character. I have my bio pretty much worked out, and a good idea where I'm going to allocate most (but not all) of my skills, but am unsure how useful certain skill areas are in Layonara. I've already asked about some of the charisma-based skills (persuade/bluff) and have has some useful answers, but am also wondering how useful the following skills are in Layonara:  listen & spot (they would fit in quite well with my bio, but I only want to spend many skill points on then if they'll be useful for DM'ed quests etc.)

    Also - I've read a little bit about crafting in Lyonara, but am unclear about some things. I would like my character to be able to craft bows and arrows (she's going to be a bit of a stealthy archery specialist), but am unsure if I need to spend skill points in Weapon crafting to be able to do this, or if its all done through some other mechanism. Also, what about crafting leather (not studded) armour? Do I need the craft armour skill for this?

    Thank you again,



    RE: More questions on usefulness of various rogue skills...
    « Reply #1 on: September 28, 2005, 09:32:00 am »
    Your questions are answered in the Layonara Campaign Handbook, which you can download in the Latest Files section. Once you have it, go to the section on Feats.
      (the short answer is that there is another crafting mechanism, called CNR)


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      RE: More questions on usefulness of various rogue skills...
      « Reply #2 on: September 28, 2005, 09:52:00 am »
      EdTheKet - 9/27/2005  5:32 PM    Your questions are answered in the Layonara Campaign Handbook, which you can download in the Latest Files section. Once you have it, go to the section on Feats.
        (the short answer is that there is another crafting mechanism, called CNR)
       Okay, will do, time to RTFM more thoroughly ;-)  There isn't much in the manual about how useful skills like spot and listen are in Layonara, though, hence my first question :-)


      RE: More questions on usefulness of various rogue skills...
      « Reply #3 on: September 28, 2005, 09:57:00 am »
      Listen and Spot are very useful on GM quests. 
        Just ask anyone who's been on one of my gets used all the time.
        Listen is excellent for GM-led dungeon crawls for trying to determine what kinds of baddies lie ahead of you in a passage, room, etc.
        Most skills, whether useful in independent gaming or not have plenty of uses in GM-led activities, and many of them also have relevance in "dicebag RP".


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        RE: More questions on usefulness of various rogue skills...
        « Reply #4 on: September 28, 2005, 10:04:00 am »
        Dorganath - 9/27/2005  5:57 PM    Listen and Spot are very useful on GM quests.  
          Just ask anyone who's been on one of my gets used all the time.
          Listen is excellent for GM-led dungeon crawls for trying to determine what kinds of baddies lie ahead of you in a passage, room, etc.
          Most skills, whether useful in independent gaming or not have plenty of uses in GM-led activities, and many of them also have relevance in "dicebag RP".
         Great, thanks for the info., very useful to know!


        RE: More questions on usefulness of various rogue skills...
        « Reply #5 on: September 28, 2005, 11:22:00 am »
        Flamey - 9/28/2005  10:27 AM
         and have has some useful answers, but am also wondering how useful the following skills are in Layonara:  listen & spot (they would fit in quite well with my bio, but I only want to spend many skill points on then if they'll be useful for DM'ed quests etc.)


        I average about 50 spot rolls in one of my quests, probably 25+ stat rolls, 10+ listen rolls, and 10 or less bluff/persuade/intimidate rolls.


        RE: More questions on usefulness of various rogue skills...
        « Reply #6 on: September 28, 2005, 11:36:00 am »
        OK Crafting is done By a Craft system Called CNR.
        The skill points in the character sheet for craft armor,weapon and traps are useless.
        The only use for craft armor and weapons on Layo is to modify the appearence of weapons,shields and armor.
        Chopping trees takes some muscle or you'll be all day cutting wood.

        You might want to read up on CNR if you plan to craft Bows.
        Also If you are playing a rogue remember Pick Pocket is not allowed against anyone.


        RE: More questions on usefulness of various rogue skills...
        « Reply #7 on: September 28, 2005, 11:40:00 am »
        Although you can't use pickpocket against anyone in the game and that includes PC's and NPC's, you can use it in quests and against hostile monsters as long as they are not 'bosses'.  Heh if you do use it against hostile monsters though you have to beat an insanely high DC so be prepared to die often :)


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          RE: More questions on usefulness of various rogue skills...
          « Reply #8 on: September 28, 2005, 11:49:00 am »
          Force_of_Will_ - 9/27/2005  7:36 PM

          OK Crafting is done By a Craft system Called CNR.
          The skill points in the character sheet for craft armor,weapon and traps are useless.
          The only use for craft armor and weapons on Layo is to modify the appearence of weapons,shields and armor.
          Chopping trees takes some muscle or you'll be all day cutting wood.

          Hmm... how much muscle? Was only going to give my female halfling 10 str (she'll primarily be an archer combat-wise), though I guess I could push it to 12 at the expense of wis (currently was thinking 12 for wis)...


          You might want to read up on CNR if you plan to craft Bows.
          Also If you are playing a rogue remember Pick Pocket is not allowed against anyone.

          Not a problem, that wouldn't really fit in with the personality of my character anyway

          Thunder Pants

          RE: More questions on usefulness of various rogue skills...
          « Reply #9 on: September 28, 2005, 12:45:00 pm »
          trees have a damage reduction of 3, the axes do 1-6 damage, you need to do 21 damage or more to get wood from the tree's, so while it's not impossible to get it with a low strength it is very difficult at times


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            RE: More questions on usefulness of various rogue skills...
            « Reply #10 on: September 28, 2005, 01:01:00 pm »
            You can allways buy wood from other players if you dont have enough strength to get it yourself but I think strength modifies the % of succeding in wood crafing to if I dont remember wrong so if you are planing on taking woodcrafting as a craft I think you should have a little strenght. However this is a RP server so just put the stats as you think might fit your character best.

            Talan Va'lash

            RE: More questions on usefulness of various rogue skills...
            « Reply #11 on: September 28, 2005, 04:15:00 pm »
            Wood crafting is modified by Str and Dex.

            Spot and listen are two of my favorite skills.  They are VERY usefull on quests and even occasionally usefull in regular combat.  Its great when you can spot that drow rogue sneaking up on the party and put half a dozen arrows in him before he gets to attack :)

            Personally, I'm not a big fan of the persuade skill in PnP or NWN.  my take is, you want to persuade x npc of something?  ok start talking. heh



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            RE: More questions on usefulness of various rogue skills...
            « Reply #12 on: September 29, 2005, 05:35:00 am »
            I know a ranger in game who does tons of tree chopping (but he does not 'kill' the tree ;) ). He has a 10 stregnth also ... so as said .... it'll take longer to chop a limb off but you can do it.

