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Author Topic: Question on healing potions  (Read 102 times)


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Question on healing potions
« on: July 15, 2005, 01:13:00 pm »
Ok, i've been trying to pick up my skill making potions of healing (enchanting) and ran into an obstacle i've yet to overcome. I highly doubt it could be answered here but am hoping for a hint or two to get me in the right direction ...

Where in the world do you get the bodak's tooth in order to make cure serious wounds potions?

My companions and I have ran the lands a bit looking for an area that might have bodaks to kill or a shop that simply sells them. So far nothing. We've asked a few people IC who did not know where one could find a Bodak either (thanks to those that RPed with me during my bodak tooth inquisition). Just one clue to get me in the right direction ... please :)

Talan Va'lash

RE: Question on healing potions
« Reply #1 on: July 15, 2005, 01:34:00 pm »
Sorry, ask IC.

Lots of people know where they can be found.

*hint* talan knows where lots of stuff is


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RE: Question on healing potions
« Reply #2 on: July 15, 2005, 02:22:00 pm »
*hint* So does Quin.


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    RE: Question on healing potions
    « Reply #3 on: July 15, 2005, 04:46:00 pm »
    Khyrrn Snowbear has killed a few bodaks, and used to carry some teeth around...

    Thunder Pants

    RE: Question on healing potions
    « Reply #4 on: July 15, 2005, 05:17:00 pm »
    many people can tell you where bodaks can be found, ask a few of the more experienced adventurers and they will likely let you know, some may even help you obtain them


    RE: Question on healing potions
    « Reply #5 on: July 15, 2005, 05:37:00 pm »
    Oh thats easy. It is in the place next to *LOUD HORN* . Just follow the path to the *LOUD HORN* and you are there.



    RE: Question on healing potions
    « Reply #6 on: July 15, 2005, 11:01:00 pm »
    Jacchri knows, so if you find him he might tell you.  I doubt they will offer their teeth to you, so you will have to kill them. But they are not easy to kill, beter be well prepared or get a couple of very strong companions *grins*. They have some nasty friends protecting them as well.