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Author Topic: Jaren's wizard level  (Read 45 times)


Jaren's wizard level
« on: June 07, 2005, 02:36:00 pm »
I'm not sure if this is the place to post this or not, but Jaren took his first wizard level last weekend, and I was informed that this might result in his deletion.  Right now he's a 5/1 Rogue wizard (I read somewhere that 5 was the minimum for multiclass, so if I'm wrong there, sorry). In his submission he's trying to study magic but has failed so far.  I thought about submitting a CDQ so he could gain his first level (I PM'd Milo about it (on June 2nd), but then I sent another one saying that since Jeran travels a lot with magic users and he finally got some money he could study intensivley during his downtime...Milo is gone now, but he didn't write me back, so I assumed it was ok.  If all multiclass has to go through a CDQ, then I'm sorry, and you can go ahead and delete Jaren, just right now I'm sort of stuck.

Thanks for your time


RE: Jaren's wizard level
« Reply #1 on: June 07, 2005, 02:40:00 pm »
  Not all multiclasses have to go through a CDQ. If you resubmitt your character under umm... well character submissions, and it gets approved for multi classing, than you're golden. Many people however like to do CDQs just so they can give a solid history of how they learned magic, found their faith, ect...
    Seems like you really tried here to do things the right way. Make sure from now on though that you get a reply before you act. It's very important cause GMs have real lives too, and they won't get back to you in 5 minutes.


RE: Jaren's wizard level
« Reply #2 on: June 07, 2005, 02:40:00 pm »
No you are fine so long as you were approved as a rogue/wizard during the character submission process.  Normal classes do not need to do CDQ's if they are approved during the character submission, and not later in life etc. (even then many times they don't need a CDQ if records are being kept).
  Now, if you were not approved as a Rogue/wizard in the character submission process you need to go reapply to that approved thread and update the character and wait for approval.


RE: Jaren's wizard level
« Reply #3 on: June 07, 2005, 02:42:00 pm »
What you should have done was to go to the character submissions forum and posted an updated bio, listing what has happened to Jaren etc. and wait to get re-approved. If you had a strong reason for the multi-classing and/or a developement thread that supported it there would have been no problem I am sure. So... hindsight being 20/20 and all, at least coming to the forum and posting the problem is a positive step, though you probably could have just PM'd it to Leanthar or one of the fine folks like Stormy and Ice, who apporove characters to play.


//Edit: OR you can do what Leanthar says *shakes fist* since he beat me to it.


RE: Jaren's wizard level
« Reply #4 on: June 07, 2005, 02:57:00 pm »
This was just made more confusing because Jaren's submission got moved to approval, and when I went to read his bio (in the submissions section) it wasn't there...then I was told he could be I freaked :)

Thanks again y'all :)

