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Author Topic: Just a little confused.  (Read 51 times)


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    Just a little confused.
    « on: October 16, 2005, 11:31:00 am »
    Are these acceptable stats? or are the wisdom and charisma too low?



    RE: Just a little confused.
    « Reply #1 on: October 16, 2005, 11:40:00 am »
    From this point foward you can no longer have more than one stat below an 8, as well as you can only have two stats of an 8 or less. As well, no stat can go below a 6 and that includes with subrace adjustments so keep that in mind--no exceptions. This means that one stat can be an 8 and another stat can be a 6, or two stats can be an 8 on any single character.

    So, assuming you won't have an ingame adjustment that takes it lower, I think it's fine?


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      RE: Just a little confused.
      « Reply #2 on: October 16, 2005, 11:43:00 am »
      do dwarves have an ingame stat adjustment?


      RE: Just a little confused.
      « Reply #3 on: October 16, 2005, 11:51:00 am »
      We're talking subrace adjustments, which apply once you're in game, not as you'd see it during character creation. So, if you were playing a Duergar, I think they have a -2 to charisma that would take you below six.

      If not, you're good? Assuming someone doesn't run in and hit me repeatedly with a ruler or something. It happens...


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        RE: Just a little confused.
        « Reply #4 on: October 16, 2005, 11:52:00 am »
        so how exactly would i find out if i have any without starting my character, only to find out i am breaking the rules if i do? hmmm...i wonder if its in the layonara guide book...


        RE: Just a little confused.
        « Reply #5 on: October 16, 2005, 11:55:00 am »
        Um...if you're playing a subraced character...look at what its skin does, first? I think there are only two for dwarves.

        Right. Here they are.

        Edit- Oh yeah. could just...look at the race forum that I forgot about. Since the other page doesn't have them all.

        Edit again- Well. Beat me to the edit. At least there wasn't a ruler.


        RE: Just a little confused.
        « Reply #6 on: October 16, 2005, 11:58:00 am »
        Bryantiza - 10/16/2005 8:52 PM so how exactly would i find out if i have any without starting my character, only to find out i am breaking the rules if i do? hmmm...i wonder if its in the layonara guide book...

          Of course it is. and also in the description of every race on the forums :)


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          RE: Just a little confused.
          « Reply #7 on: October 16, 2005, 12:11:00 pm »
          ;)  ok got it.

          Lucky i made sure to check this.
          My charisma would have been 4. heh.
          Changed it now.
          Ok thanks.

          (I think i'll need to put more into my int next lvl up. durr...  ;) )

          --hmm ok maybe lied to me *sobs*
          ah well--


          RE: Just a little confused.
          « Reply #8 on: October 16, 2005, 12:15:00 pm »
          Ehh if you're talking about your recent dwarf submission, he's not subraced, I don't think? So it...didn't really apply there.  :o


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            RE: Just a little confused.
            « Reply #9 on: October 16, 2005, 12:18:00 pm »
            no i just clicked on NWN dwarf, and it says it starts with -2 cha and +2 con.... doesn't that mean that?


            RE: Just a little confused.
            « Reply #10 on: October 16, 2005, 12:23:00 pm »
            Those are the real, hard stat adjustments for default races, though. You see those take effect during character creation. know? It's not a layo thing.

            I think my first post should have just said "You're fine unless it's subraced."

            That would have been better.


            RE: Just a little confused.
            « Reply #11 on: October 16, 2005, 12:30:00 pm »
            the special subraces for Layonara are applied with a 'subrace skin' that you only get after you log in, so... say you make a half-ogre. You have to use the standard halforc template, for your half ogre, and as far as Layonara is concerned you character is a halfORC right up untill you log in, and it checks your subrace, then assigns you a subrace skin. THAT is when the penalties/bonuses are applied, skin changes, etc.

            So, if you make a halfogre, and while in character creation you assign 8 points to intelligence on your halfORC template when you log into Layonara and are given the halfOGRE skin the -2 int penalty from the skin will lower the characters int to 6. If you are o.k. with a 6 int, and didn't say, also put your halfORC templates Dex at 8, than you are o.k. The halfOGRE skin will give you -2 DEX as well, which would put you at 6 Int and 6 Dex which is against the rules.

            The handbook is a lot clearer than the forums on what is applied, I reccomend using it when considering subraces for a new character.


