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Author Topic: PvP  (Read 579 times)


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    RE: PvP
    « Reply #20 on: July 19, 2005, 11:25:00 pm »
    I understand Exactly how you mean. And thats how i have been thinking too. But as you know, im not in charge, and rules are there always. And rules for PvP, should be strickt. For a try i mean. I like your idéa bur maybe not everyone does. But a try time would be good if many enjoys it. Maybe i shall make a Poll?


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      RE: PvP
      « Reply #21 on: July 19, 2005, 11:32:00 pm »
      I get that too, and thats jerks as you call them, but everybody isn't like that. You see, i don't remember any account names at all, only short of player names. But there are jerks who wants to revenge on there characters.
      Example, you gets in a fight with an challenging guy, you kicks his ass, big time! And the next day, a big ***** ****** Impossible big mama fighter, got a grudge against you. And wants to kick your ass.
      Thats one jerk who doesn't know the feeling of RP, IC and that this is a game. He's an asshole, true!


      RE: PvP
      « Reply #22 on: July 19, 2005, 11:50:00 pm »
      I'm pretty sure you don't need a GM when you go
      pvp in the Arena. And it should work, it wasn't
      too long ago someone tested it.


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        RE: PvP
        « Reply #23 on: July 23, 2005, 04:55:00 am »
        Hmm, I just feel stupid for example when I met this wemic once.. i would've killed him immediately .. but since i cannot attack him im really confused about what to do. i just "draw my blades" and insult him. it just kinda eats the fun of the situation for not being able to take any kind of hostile action which would normally be taken.      i mean, when a goblin follows someone to town, at first it walks forward in peace.. then it gets whacked from all directions. when i played my goblin which looks about same, wasn't attacked and people didn't even notice me.. except for a giant who wants  to smash me but that too, if pvp was allowed and i woulda been smashed, i wouldnt have said it wasn't fun because that's what would really happen.


        RE: PvP
        « Reply #24 on: July 23, 2005, 09:25:00 am »
        Language people, language. If you can't follow that rule how are we to expect you to follow pvp rules?

        I get that too, and thats jerks as you call them, but everybody isn't like that. You see, i don't remember any account names at all, only short of player names. But there are jerks who wants to revenge on there characters.
        Example, you gets in a fight with an challenging guy, you kicks his ass, big time! And the next day, a big ***** ****** Impossible big mama fighter, got a grudge against you. And wants to kick your ass.
        Thats one jerk who doesn't know the feeling of RP, IC and that this is a game. He's an asshole, true!
        end quote****

        edit:added quote


        RE: PvP
        « Reply #25 on: July 23, 2005, 09:29:00 am »
        *nods, agreeing with Etinfall, so you know he must be right*



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          RE: PvP
          « Reply #26 on: July 23, 2005, 10:37:00 am »
          But, the PvP isn't fun if the odds are againt one of the players, for me at least.  I like to fight an equal fight!


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            RE: PvP
            « Reply #27 on: July 23, 2005, 10:38:00 am »
            Sry, i got mad. :D  But's it true, they are mad, those who gets kicked big time. Can get angry and goes for a revenge. :( They are bad.


            RE: PvP
            « Reply #28 on: July 23, 2005, 11:13:00 am »
            This really just sounds like one of those "wouldn't it be cool IF we could take only the good stuff out of a potentially disastrous thing via an incredibly complicated rule/script/brainwashing process" thing.

            It's not going to happen because of all the things already said (it's been stated very plainly), but people have agreed, it WOULD be cool if you could do X.

            Frankly, I think while finding a few quarters at the bottom of a spiked pit would be pretty neat, it wouldn't be worth the fall. Especially if you had to spend ages making the pit for yourself to fall in.  :o

            *ponder* Maybe use a vacuum of some sort.


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            RE: PvP
            « Reply #29 on: July 23, 2005, 11:22:00 am »
            A really good world where PvP is handled well is World of Caenyr ... and part of the reason it works is because by the time you spend any amount of time there you are level 20. So everyone is kinda balanced.

            And there aren't really many penalties for death there either, so no one gets too mad ... and most guilds have a revival device so they can train with each other.

            But, the fact that I am here and not there is proof of which I prefer ...



            RE: PvP
            « Reply #30 on: July 23, 2005, 11:39:00 am »
            If you really want pvp fights, fair ones, that bad there are pvp
            worlds out there with some nice algorithms that prevent or allow
            PvP between single characters or parties. Basicly a comparison
            between the total lvls.

            And playing on another server doesn't mean you can't play here too.


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            RE: PvP
            « Reply #31 on: July 23, 2005, 08:39:00 pm »
            Acacea - 7/23/2005  11:13 AM

            This really just sounds like one of those "wouldn't it be cool IF we could take only the good stuff out of a potentially disastrous thing via an incredibly complicated rule/script/brainwashing process" thing.

            It's not going to happen because of all the things already said (it's been stated very plainly), but people have agreed, it WOULD be cool if you could do X.

            Frankly, I think while finding a few quarters at the bottom of a spiked pit would be pretty neat, it wouldn't be worth the fall. Especially if you had to spend ages making the pit for yourself to fall in.  :o

            *ponder* Maybe use a vacuum of some sort.

            hehehe...exactly what you said.

            While we're at it we could allow stealing as well!!!  :)

            *runs away laughing*


            RE: PvP
            « Reply #32 on: July 24, 2005, 01:47:00 am »
            First off, in a big ole battle between Tah and Al, I'd probably pay millions of billions of gold to watch it. I would be... y'know... humbled.

            I remember on a semi-not-really-at-all-ever-allowed-PvP=thing RP server, I boxed a certain mage of great repute. Boxed. As in no weapons, just fists. No armor, no items no nothing. Darned mage cheated, and wore everything. And he knows who he is! Darned cheating grumble grumble...

            Anyways... This has lead me to an idea!!! A boxing tournament! Wooo...


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              RE: PvP
              « Reply #33 on: July 24, 2005, 07:55:00 am »
              Just jumping in with my opinion. I'm coming from a server where PVP was the main big thing. A war between Celestials and Demons with players in both factions. It was absolutely the best server i've played on but i grew kinda tired of my character there and decided to come and play here.

              I for one think absolutely no PvP is a big limitation on my RPing. Last time a wizard summoned his familiar, an imp which basically is demonic and my character absolutely hates demons, of any kind. And all i could do was glare at it and even then i had to watch my language because i might anger other people with what they MIGHT think is offensive language. I think it wouldn't be the first time a person get sanctioned for using offensive language In Character?

              My point is ... how is a person to RP these events? Am i allowed to smack the familiar? Should i just go on and "glare" at it all the time? I don't know ... suggestions are welcome.

              A little more response of the other players would have helped too ... but nobody even tried to stop me when i got really angry at the imp. That actually was a big disappointment for me :(


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                RE: PvP
                « Reply #34 on: July 24, 2005, 07:59:00 am »
                Umm those monks with +5 arms will win your boxing tournament naked.


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                  RE: PvP
                  « Reply #35 on: July 24, 2005, 09:33:00 am »
                  I hate PvP for the simple fact that it’s unfair. When people see an open pvp server rule they say “Yippy I can do anything I want!” And more times then not they can and the DM won’t say anything about it. Oh they may pretend they are playing favorites by making an exception to the rule here and there for the disadvantaged players. For the most part people are stupid in this world I don’t care how you look at it there are some ignorant people living among us and those are the kind of people that swarm a PvP server looking for a ‘good time’ killing other people. This server was made for only one purpose and that purpose being to have fun. No one is going to have any fun with Drow, Goblins, Orcs, Half giants, and so on roaming around and an open PvP rule given.. High level people will start attacking goblins and orcs on sight.
                  I say if your blood lust for conflict runs so deep that you would kill on sight then RP it out. Don’t attack the person but post that you are and see what happens.


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                    RE: PvP
                    « Reply #36 on: July 24, 2005, 10:39:00 am »
                    No, i just asked if there were possible to add PvP.  But if it isn't, of course i can live with that.  I like this world just like it is. But PvP, is some spice on the meatballs. Yummi!  You understand?


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                      RE: PvP
                      « Reply #37 on: July 24, 2005, 10:41:00 am »
                      A boxing turnament, it is great! But i have heard it from an other server.  But thats an good idéa.


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                        RE: PvP
                        « Reply #38 on: July 24, 2005, 10:43:00 am »
                        monks will fight in an other room, of course!  They sort of, lives for boxing. :D


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                          RE: PvP
                          « Reply #39 on: July 24, 2005, 10:51:00 am »
                          Have you been a victim for an unfair match??  Impossible guys, sometimes, see the Effortless guys as N00bs, but they maybe even are better Rper than themselves. If you attack an effortless guy, you are an sadist, rude and bad player. That are not fun, expassially for the low lvl guy. He might get pissed, and smack you with their high lvl char. Then you see this unfair, it isn't. But it is unfair to attack at the first place. PvP can be fun, and it can be the worst thing happend to a server. It depends on the players. Of course! But i won't hate this server for not having PvP. Layonara is not for being evil, and being mean towards other players. This server is for being friends, so i have relized.  I won't complain, this server is good as it is. But i'd like to have an boxing arena installed. :D