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Author Topic: Lamentations on DT's  (Read 191 times)


Lamentations on DT's
« on: July 17, 2005, 10:57:00 pm »
Well! Just want to share with everyone out there who worries about death tokens!

One of my characters just hit level 10 Yippee and guess how many tokens! Hmm 5 not looking good for Epic!

My other new character...all of level 6 has only managed to die twice since his creation amazingly! Now how many death tokens do you think he has?

You guessed it! 2! How lucky am I!

HEHE anyway just wanted to share that so people out there can see getting one token might not be so bad after all!


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RE: Lamentations on DT's
« Reply #1 on: July 17, 2005, 11:20:00 pm »
Level 10 is good. Alot of deaths are avoidable then. I think 12 is when you start to really rarely die. I wouldn't shelf the idea of making it to epic yet, just be more carefull.

And once you are epic, take Soul Mother Defense ASAP


RE: Lamentations on DT's
« Reply #2 on: July 17, 2005, 11:24:00 pm »
Zhofe - 7/18/2005  2:20 AM

Level 10 is good. Alot of deaths are avoidable then. I think 12 is when you start to really rarely die. I wouldn't shelf the idea of making it to epic yet, just be more carefull.

And once you are epic, take Soul Mother Defense ASAP

Why? Once you're Epic you'll rarely die. Heck, Llu hasn't died more than twice in v2. And both of those times were totally my fault, and me taking more than I could handle. Just understand your character's limits, and use your strengths to your total advantage.


RE: Lamentations on DT's
« Reply #3 on: July 17, 2005, 11:28:00 pm »
You rarely die at epics?

Dunno... Maybe with some classes like mages.


RE: Lamentations on DT's
« Reply #4 on: July 17, 2005, 11:30:00 pm »
Or if you avoid Leanthar's quests heh.


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RE: Lamentations on DT's
« Reply #5 on: July 17, 2005, 11:38:00 pm »
I was saying to take it just to feel better.

But if you rarely die you don't HAVE to ... I'm not going to make you take any feats. I'm not the feat facist ... though that would be a kinda fun job.

Anyway, just trying to brighten up the topic of DTs.



RE: Lamentations on DT's
« Reply #6 on: July 18, 2005, 01:57:00 am »
I have had more luck with my first character, Rodlin (Level 10), with 2 DT's. My new character, Bo (Level 5) has 1 DT already. The very first time Bo died, at level 4, he received a DT. The very first death. He has only died once since then. (Especially with that kind of luck) But, I must say, that Bo stabilizes a lot more often than Rodlin does.

For a lucky individual that always manages to escape death, talk to Kavil Yodin. Some how, when the whole party is on the ground, he manages to make it out. One quest I thought I would stand next to him and see how he does it. I died next to him and he gets away. It is like a bear attack, "You only have to run faster that your buddy."


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    RE: Lamentations on DT's
    « Reply #7 on: July 18, 2005, 04:42:00 am »
    I died twice yesterday.  Two deaths, two tokens.  Once, lag got me while I was solo.  The second, I was with a group way too high for me.  I had no business fighting Fire Giants at level 8.

    The bind stone isn't showing me my DT count, but I believe it is 6 now.  This is my first NWN character.  Heck, this is my first RPG.  So, I expected to make mistakes with this character.  The sad part of this is, I have really been getting into this character.  I've got a good character development thread going, and I'm enjoying learning to RP her.  

    At this point I know I'll never be able to finish her story before she is gone.  I feel like I may as well start thinking about my next character and see if I can get some more things right from the start this time, but I've become rather attached to Parvin.


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    RE: Lamentations on DT's
    « Reply #8 on: July 18, 2005, 04:53:00 am »
    Luck has a lot to do with DT's for low level characters, too.  It all depends on whether that D100 decides to make you breathe a sigh of relief or to ruin your day.  5-10% chance to get a token is still a chance to get a token.


    RE: Lamentations on DT's
    « Reply #9 on: July 18, 2005, 02:32:00 pm »
    >> The bind stone isn't showing me my DT count, but I believe it is 6 now.

    The bind stone isn't showing my DT count, either. Is there something wrong with it? I've tried different stones at different times, etc.

    Anyway, I'm glad to see it isn't just me. I have so many death tokens I thought maybe the stone couldn't count that high.


    RE: Lamentations on DT's
    « Reply #10 on: July 18, 2005, 02:33:00 pm »
    It has been well reported--many times by many peopleĀ (this bug)--and is fixed for the next update.


    RE: Lamentations on DT's
    « Reply #11 on: July 18, 2005, 10:15:00 pm »
    *tries to recenter the thread*

    Bou, hou, hou, what evil thing they be, what loathsome, wicked, unfair, hairs of a demons bullocks they are!
    *sighs* I remember when I was a wee pup starting none of them horrible things, nay, not a one *sighs*...then experience grew and old mom started to take a liking to me soul *groans*  What have I ever done to her? Why, oh, why me?  What have I done, oh mother, fer ye to treat me this way? *sighs*

    ...What?  Allright, allrigth am leaving :p