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Author Topic: Do you have a Bard?  (Read 209 times)


RE: Do you have a Bard?
« Reply #20 on: August 26, 2005, 12:25:00 am »
*grins at Acacea*
  phew songs....while we were getting our behinds kicked by giants for crashing their tea party on Dregar....Acacea was happily working on her song lyrics....
  *smiles*....I really enjoyed having her tag puts a total different angle on adventuring....just dont get her to jump over gorges or climb out mountains, because you wait time I am throwing her up or down the mountain....much quicker.....
  Keep it up Acacea.....we love you....even when you talk to much....


RE: Do you have a Bard?
« Reply #21 on: August 26, 2005, 03:58:00 am »
Yeah. Bards really are great.
Especially Acacea. She has some really great songs. :) Just ask her to sing you the one about the stout lad with the ale... :D

Bards are the most pathetic, useless, stupid class there is in D&D. They were made because some guitar playing ninnies in the 70's and 80's wanted a way to take their musical side into the world of PnP.

Of course, being weak, pathetic, useless and stupid is what makes RPing on this server so much fun. If you play the character with the min/maxed stats and the bastard sword mastery, etc, just for power and to be the best, able to handle anything... You will be part of the dime a dozen group. Everybody wants to fall into the "Toughest warrior around" category. And to have no faults like that, you end up screweing yourself up because how to you RP without conflict due to inadequacies in your character? You create conflict with other characters.

RPing a character with severe flaws creates the conflict within the character to overcome that flaw or to find a way to circumvent it. Thus, Bards end up being the best class there is to play with because they are the worst class imaginable. See my thoughts?

Useless characters are fun. Like playing halfling rogues with jangly bracelets so they can't sneak or wearing bright clothing so they can't hide... Always yammering... Never shutting up. She wants a jester's hat too... I'll give HER a jester's hat... GRR

Uh, yeah. Lost my train of thought. Acacea's awesome. Makes me happy. Yup.