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Author Topic: Kinai/Christine's Health Part 2  (Read 384 times)


Kinai/Christine's Health Part 2
« on: October 05, 2007, 11:13:39 am »
First posts:

Last time's problem was ended with the cause supposedly being cysts and a hormonal imbalance. However, due to current dramatic drop of health again, they're opening me up on the 11th to see if I have something called endometriosis. It's rare in girls my age, seeing as I'm only 16, but they feel it's necessary to check. Hey, if it stops the pain, I'm all for it.

The actual surgery itself isn't too major...It's out-patient, after all. They're going to put me down for a bit, make an incision in my stomach, and look around with a camera. If they find anything endometriosis-like, they said they'd scrape it off. Handy dandy, if you ask me. The only catch is, I have to get a blood test today and answer some yes/no questions on allergies to medications.

Compared to the craziness of the CT scans and such before, this is way better. The barium stuff they make you drink for a scan is terrible. Very terrible.

I also made a post some time earlier titled C'est La Vie stating that I was having a few mental issues, also adding I would take a break until I reached a more stable point in my life. At the time, myself and a few other professionals all believed it was schizophrenia...Which, again, is rare in both my age and gender. Nowadays, manic depressive disorder is the song, although I haven't been to a psychiatrist yet for medications or the like for anything of that nature. Of course, with a family history of insanity and instability like mine, I'm sure they'll be playing pin the diagnosis on the Christine until they find the target.

Overall, the only fun thing test wise I've done with that is talk to people about how I feel, what I see, how I perceive the world, and get another CT scan done (this time on my brain, so no barium!) to make sure there was no physical cause for my hallucinations and delusions. There was mention of an EEG test where, after staying up for 24 hours, you go to the hospital, get hooked up to some wires on your head, and then go to sleep while they monitor your brain waves. Unfortunately, my family doctor said it was an unnecessary and a pretty useless test.

Darn, I wanted an excuse for once to stay up all night playing video games.

In general...
No, I'm not very stable, but staying away from video games for a while cleared up a few things for me. I've actually learned to log off or stop whatever I'm doing in general that's upsetting me and try to be positive. It's difficult, and it's very hard to describe...It's kind of like being in a hole in the ground sometimes and watching everyone else walking around above you, and you feel utterly helpless.

Either way, I have those I care about and those who care about me to make that part a bit more tolerable.

I sometimes wonder why I post this kind of update on my life...It's not that I'm looking for attention or sympathy, moreso, I think it's because this community really does care. There's a comfort behind the anonymous aspect of the internet, and because of that, I feel free to talk of it...You guys are really understanding, and I know at times, I can be troublesome...So, because of the caring people and my up and down nature, I feel you guys have a right to know. I hope I don't come off as a pity me type person, I just like to share stories.

//I.D. aka Christine


Re: Kinai/Christine's Health Part 2
« Reply #1 on: October 05, 2007, 11:23:08 am »

It's always good to hear from people.
Sorry you're having health issues... I may have mentioned before, I have a little sister who is having similar mental issues as you are having, and my best friend has the same cysts/endometriosis issues. So, I can sympathize via proxy I guess. Hope it all works out for you.


Re: Kinai/Christine's Health Part 2
« Reply #2 on: October 05, 2007, 11:24:26 am »
Good luck with it all. I'm sure things will workout.

From personal experience, something being "rare" for one's age seems to be an unreliable gauge of whether or not the "something" is present. I also have a friend who had endometriosis at a young age.  If that's the cause, you'll feel far, far better once they get it under control.

The important thing though is you're seeking treatment.  So many things like this go undiagnosed and untreated, making things worse in the long run.


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    Re: Kinai/Christine's Health Part 2
    « Reply #3 on: October 05, 2007, 01:15:39 pm »
    My mom had endometriosis... I know how bad it is...
     Anyway, I wish you Luck, hope you get fine and shine again.


    Re: Kinai/Christine's Health Part 2
    « Reply #4 on: October 05, 2007, 01:45:44 pm »
    just make sure they let you look at the ct to find where your horns are hiding

    just teasing, just relax and everything will be just fine


    Re: Kinai/Christine's Health Part 2
    « Reply #5 on: October 05, 2007, 01:55:51 pm »
    Allow me to be the first to really wish you luck more specifically on the mental side of health. I have every faith in modern medical science, as far as it goes; if they have a name for it, they can fix it. Modern psychiatry, on the other hand...

    When they start trying you out on medications, take an extremely active part in it all. Don't let them just stuff pills in you, observe through parents, and try something else. If something doesn't work, tell them. If it makes something better, and something worse, tell them. Try (though this is really the hard part, especially when chemicals are messing with the way your mind works) to keep the emotionally-charged side out of it when you're just dealing with your parents; it'll save you a LOT of grief, even if they're the most understanding folks in the world. Succinct words that put across what works and doesn't; extensive elaboration is usually not the best idea. You can get side-tracked.

    In the end, though, don't forget that after trying out all the medications, and combinations of medications that they'll give you... There's a rather healthy likelihood that as your body's chemistry settles down after the brunt of puberty, many of your symptoms will decrease on their own, if not go away. Allow me to reiterate that that's just a likelihood, not a guarantee by any means, however.

    Manic-depressive disorder is a very popular one in the psychiatric industry, just like AD(H)D. It shares symptomology with virtually every other mental disorder out there, and can easily be a label to slap on things. However, it's not always as bad a label as all that...

    Bah. If you've been dealing with the mental health industry for more than six months, you already know most of what I'm yammering about.

    Just... Take an active role. And remember everyone's trying to help you, even if they don't really understand how (to help you).


    Re: Kinai/Christine's Health Part 2
    « Reply #6 on: October 05, 2007, 02:06:15 pm »
    Its hard really to find anything to say on this, i cant say i can offer any real advice on this, however i can say that my thoughts are most definately with you Christine :(, your still young like myself *Cough cough*, so i am sure everything is bound to clear up for you soon, i really hope it does, anyway i dont want to yammer on to much.

    Your character has been fun to play with always :), hehe

    Dorax Windsmith

    Re: Kinai/Christine's Health Part 2
    « Reply #7 on: October 05, 2007, 02:12:01 pm »
    Good luck with this procedure and I wish you well.


    Re: Kinai/Christine's Health Part 2
    « Reply #8 on: October 05, 2007, 02:59:03 pm »
    **keeps his fingers crossed**


    Re: Kinai/Christine's Health Part 2
    « Reply #9 on: October 05, 2007, 03:36:22 pm »
    There is hope.  I know a girl with much the same symptoms when she was between 16 and 19 and she is now a successful mom with a happy family.  Keep faith in things bigger than yourself and you can find the answers you need.


    Re: Kinai/Christine's Health Part 2
    « Reply #10 on: October 05, 2007, 03:37:24 pm »
    Sky is right, Toran provides *snickers*

    Seriously, I hope everything turns out great Chrissy.  I'm sure you'll be fine


    Re: Kinai/Christine's Health Part 2
    « Reply #11 on: October 05, 2007, 03:44:45 pm »
    I hope things get under control and that you will be able to continue to have fun ;)

    I'll be thinking off you and keep up to date if you keep posting :)

    Good luck Chrissy .


    Re: Kinai/Christine's Health Part 2
    « Reply #12 on: October 05, 2007, 03:48:05 pm »
    Hope you get to feeling better and I'm sure things will improve.

    Like Dorg said, the important thing is that things are being addressed.


    Re: Kinai/Christine's Health Part 2
    « Reply #13 on: October 05, 2007, 03:50:13 pm »
    Good luck and the best of wishes to you.


    Re: Kinai/Christine's Health Part 2
    « Reply #14 on: October 05, 2007, 04:14:33 pm »
    I hope all ends well, my thoughts are with you. You are one tough cookie, that strength will carry you far. I for one (and I am sure there are many others) appreciate the update as I think of you often and hope that things get sorted for you. Take care.

    Praylor Falcus

    Re: Kinai/Christine's Health Part 2
    « Reply #15 on: October 05, 2007, 06:55:32 pm »
    What more can be said, other than I second all the previous thoughts and well wishes, Times 2. Get well soon, And I'll give ya a discount on your next purchase ;).

