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Author Topic: Lag whilst quests are being run  (Read 241 times)


RE: Lag whilst quests are being run
« Reply #20 on: July 15, 2005, 11:18:00 am »
Well I'm not talking about removing partying, I'm just talking about removing the actual partying function in game.

You could still travel together and get XP with monks, mages whatever.

And about few of the problems some people mentioned here.

First the people lagging behind and others not noticing.
People would just have to look more closely at who they travel with. So before moving to another area or after every 10 mins you should check if everyone's still there. Would eventually lead to people caring more about who's in their party and not just taking some people to go bashing with and then not even remembering their names, as long as they see them ont he party sidebar.

And about the healing thing. I've seen this kind of system without parties on a few servers and clerics seemed to work pretty well there. Of course you'll either have to look at the hp of others by moving the mouse cursor around or with tab or you'd have to change your party strategies a bit. Actually talk about healing before the battle, decide if the healer should be in the back where the others run or in the front with the characters taking more damage and so on. On the servers without partying this was done a lot really and it was cool.

Anyway, removing parties is just an option. The positive things about it are reducing lag and adding to the RP. The negative things is that it's a bit of work and it's a new thing that people would have to get used to.


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RE: Lag whilst quests are being run
« Reply #21 on: July 15, 2005, 12:10:00 pm »
I think Dorganath's problem was saying that if the fighter ends up killing the monster, only he will get XP because of the way NWN handles experience ... unless of course some sort of party widget was made to fix that.


RE: Lag whilst quests are being run
« Reply #22 on: July 15, 2005, 12:45:00 pm »
Yeah... Well what I wrote in my original post.

So it would work like this. All the player characters are technically in the same party when it comes to spell effects and xp they get.

So there's no parties but still the game thinks ALL the players on the server would be partied when it came to XP.

But I dunno how that would work with the system we got here. Might be a lot of work... well probably would.


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    RE: Lag whilst quests are being run
    « Reply #23 on: July 15, 2005, 12:59:00 pm »
    Another suggestion - other servers that I have played upon disable the visual effect of most long-term buffs. That also helps cut down on lag, especially in combat situations where everyone is buffed. Here's a sample list, just to give you an idea:

    Circle of Protection - Evil
    Circle of Protection - Good
    Endure Elements
    Energy Buffer
    Entropic Shield
    Freedom of Movement
    Globe of Invulnerability
    Greater Spell Mantle
    Lesser Mind Blank
    Lesser Spell Mantle
    Mind Blank
    Minor Globe of Invulnerability
    Protection from Alignment - Evil
    Protection from Alignment - Good
    Protection from Elements
    Protection from Spells
    Resist Elements
    See Invisibility
    Spell Resistance
    Spell Mantle
    True Sight

    Now, I will admit that it is a bit difficult to get used to, but it does increase RP (after all, why should everyone know that you've got Shield running, or True Seeing?), and you do get used to not seeing the buffs.

    Just a few more copper...

