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Author Topic: Late to Leilon tonight  (Read 320 times)

Lalaith Va'lash

Late to Leilon tonight
« on: October 07, 2005, 04:07:00 pm »
//  EEeeep!!?! Boston is down 3-4  in the 8th... if they don't win this they will be out of the post season!! 
  *coughs* oh.. um.  Sorry to those at the Leilon Arms for Kali's card readings... she will be a bit late tonight..   But will be there soon... 


RE: Late to Leilon tonight
« Reply #1 on: October 07, 2005, 05:37:00 pm »
//My first round AL picks were the Sox and the Angles... have the Braves and Cards to take the NL... I'm thinking the Sox and the Braves will make it to the big one though, and my money's on the Braves to take it all... *coughs* as you were!//


RE: Late to Leilon tonight
« Reply #2 on: October 07, 2005, 06:34:00 pm »
People still play baseball?

Vyris prepares for sunday, when REAL sports are on.


RE: Late to Leilon tonight
« Reply #3 on: October 07, 2005, 07:35:00 pm »
Vyris - 10/7/2005  9:34 PM

People still play baseball?

Vyris prepares for sunday, when REAL sports are on.

Amen to that!  

*thumbs nose at Lalaith and her baseball*


RE: Late to Leilon tonight
« Reply #4 on: October 07, 2005, 08:43:00 pm »
Sports?  What's sports?  :)

Talan Va'lash

RE: Late to Leilon tonight
« Reply #5 on: October 07, 2005, 09:40:00 pm »
ZeroVega - 10/7/2005  6:37 PM

//My first round AL picks were the Sox and the Angles... have the Braves and Cards to take the NL... I'm thinking the Sox and the Braves will make it to the big one though, and my money's on the Braves to take it all... *coughs* as you were!//

I'm guessing you mean the white sox.  Bosox are sadly, out of the picture now.

Oh, and...

Baseball's got tradition man.  Football's only got fat guys that run into each other really hard... kinda like a frat party but with fake turf and referees :P


Lalaith Va'lash

RE: Late to Leilon tonight
« Reply #6 on: October 07, 2005, 10:29:00 pm »
*crys* my poor Red Sox..
    Edit: *thumbs nose back at Regnus* Oh.. and Owen better be careful now!


RE: Late to Leilon tonight
« Reply #7 on: October 07, 2005, 10:33:00 pm »
Talan Va'lash - 10/7/2005 11:40 PM
ZeroVega - 10/7/2005 6:37 PM //My first round AL picks were the Sox and the Angles... have the Braves and Cards to take the NL... I'm thinking the Sox and the Braves will make it to the big one though, and my money's on the Braves to take it all... *coughs* as you were!//
I'm guessing you mean the white sox. Bosox are sadly, out of the picture now. Oh, and... Baseball's got tradition man. Football's only got fat guys that run into each other really hard... kinda like a frat party but with fake turf and referees :P -TV

  Sadly, baseball's also got 'roids now too, so we have unnaturally big guys who throw objects at each other really hard....and run around in a circle while spitting and scratching.
  *coughs* Go Cardinals!!! *coughs*


RE: Late to Leilon tonight
« Reply #8 on: October 07, 2005, 11:20:00 pm »
Talan Va'lash - 10/7/2005  10:40 PM

Oh, and...

Baseball's got tradition man.  Football's only got fat guys that run into each other really hard... kinda like a frat party but with fake turf and referees :P


All tradition in baseball died with player strikes, salary caps, steriod fueled home-run contests and Pay-Rod.

As far as football players go, being fat frat boys... You must be concentrating on the offensive line :)

I am of the opinion that it takes more skill to catch a football while running full speed knowing full well some 200+ lbs. linebacker is about two steps away from slamming into you, fully intending to do you bodily harm.
Or to throw said ball reliably and accurately to a person running as fast as they can, intending to throw it to a place where that said running man is the only one who will be able to get it, while 7+ 200+ lbs. men are running at you, fully intending to do you bodily harm while all you have to defend you is a bunch of fat frat boys who can't use thier hands to grab on and hold them back.
Or to kick a ball 40+ yards to an area about 15' wide, 12' off the ground, while 12 200+ lbs men run at you, fully intending to do you bodily harm, again, you're defense being those fat frat boys.

Baseball, you get three tries to swing a stick at a ball. Theres a reason Baseball has a seven inning stretch, it's called tedium.



RE: Late to Leilon tonight
« Reply #9 on: October 08, 2005, 12:36:00 am »
*reads Vyris's response to Talan*
Yeah!  What Vyris said.  

*reads Lal's post*
Pbbbbtt!!  Owen's always careful around you.  Especially since you torment him to no end :)

I could commit the ultimate sin and say Go Ya...  oh I better not do that.  Owen would come to an untimely end.


RE: Late to Leilon tonight
« Reply #10 on: October 08, 2005, 12:48:00 am »
Yeah, football, particulary the NFL, blows away any other sport.  And even though I'm a Green Bay fan (they're 0-4), I'll still be watching them every Sunday.

Talan Va'lash

RE: Late to Leilon tonight
« Reply #11 on: October 08, 2005, 01:32:00 am »
Vyris - 10/8/2005  12:20 AM
Baseball, you get three tries to swing a stick at a ball.

Keep in mind that that ball is going faster than you are legally allowed to drive your automobile.

But, yeah... the 90's were a bad decade for baseball.



RE: Late to Leilon tonight
« Reply #12 on: October 08, 2005, 07:46:00 am »
College football > NFL  anyday. :)


RE: Late to Leilon tonight
« Reply #13 on: October 08, 2005, 07:55:00 am »
Dorganath - 10/8/2005  8:46 AM

College football > NFL  anyday. :)

Want to catch those fat frat boys before they go pro huh Dorganath?

I like college football to, everything except the bowl games, which seem to have no bearing on who is actually better, more likely it seems to be whatever two teams will fill a stadium and attract a television audience for the Tostitos fiesta bowl, or the AIG insurance bowl or whatever silly corperate sponsor they have bowl.



RE: Late to Leilon tonight
« Reply #14 on: October 08, 2005, 08:09:00 am »
Vyris - 10/8/2005 9:55 AM
Dorganath - 10/8/2005 8:46 AM College football > NFL anyday. :)
Want to catch those fat frat boys before they go pro huh Dorganath? I like college football to, everything except the bowl games, which seem to have no bearing on who is actually better, more likely it seems to be whatever two teams will fill a stadium and attract a television audience for the Tostitos fiesta bowl, or the AIG insurance bowl or whatever silly corperate sponsor they have bowl. Vyris

  *glares at Vyris a moment*
  Meh...I could care less about the frat boys.  I just find it to be more interesting.  The guys in the NFL are all so friggin' huge that they seem to use pure force over real strategy more often than not.  That holds no appeal to me.  College teems don't seem to have as many walls-with-legs playing, so they have to make up for it in other know, like strategy and stuff.  That's just my half-baked opinion of course....I'd rather not get into a instance-by-instance debate on how the NFL has strategies that rival D-Day....because honestly, I just don't care that much.
  In college, I had student tickets to every home game and sat in the card cheering section.  What a hoot that was! I even came back early once over Thanksgiving break to go sit outside on a metal bench in a half-emply stadium on a cloudy day with near freezing temperatures, spitting snow and um...yeah...It was cold.  But still great fun.


RE: Late to Leilon tonight
« Reply #15 on: October 08, 2005, 09:08:00 am »
Yeah, roids did ruin baseball and the strike sucked big time but I dunno, there's just something about a 100+ year old sport that makes it exciting.
  Fast balls that scream 90-100mph. Sliders that break up to two feet... curve balls that break a lot... knuckleballs that do who knows what... and you ONLY have three tries to hit it with a stick...
  I agree, football's great. TO's got skill however much I don't like his personality. The Mannings and Farve are awsome... you know they've got more skill than most of the other QBs in all the NFL, and I'm sure tackling someone as a 200-300lb guy does take some skill too, both sports however aren't ones that can be picked up at any time. They're lifetime commitments...
  Why do you think Michael Jordan sucked so much at baseball? Cause he hadn't played since he was in highschool maybe? It's my opinion that football's got more action, baseball takes more talent to play, football takes more practice to play, football's faster, but baseball's got the history. The Pro's and Con's are big on both sides but it doesn't change the fact that Baseball is the greatest sport in America!


RE: Late to Leilon tonight
« Reply #16 on: October 08, 2005, 09:28:00 am »
Dorganath - 10/8/2005  9:09 AM  
  *glares at Vyris a moment*
   Meh...I could care less about the frat boys.  I just find it to be more interesting.  The guys in the NFL are all so friggin' huge that they seem to use pure force over real strategy more often than not.  That holds no appeal to me.  College teems don't seem to have as many walls-with-legs playing, so they have to make up for it in other know, like strategy and stuff.  That's just my half-baked opinion of course....I'd rather not get into a instance-by-instance debate on how the NFL has strategies that rival D-Day....because honestly, I just don't care that much.
  In college, I had student tickets to every home game and sat in the card cheering section.  What a hoot that was! I even came back early once over Thanksgiving break to go sit outside on a metal bench in a half-emply stadium on a cloudy day with near freezing temperatures, spitting snow and um...yeah...It was cold.  But still great fun.
 I have to say I agree on that level, when you are there, cheering, its 10 degrees, your hotdog freezes if you don't eat it on the way back to your seat, and you cheer for your team, not a player. Which I think is the problem with a lot of pro sports, the attention is on the individual performance of a very few, rather than the TEAM. Anyway, I'm not going to go into NFL strategy either, any more than to say theres a reason offensive and defensive coordinators make good money :)  Vyris


RE: Late to Leilon tonight
« Reply #17 on: October 08, 2005, 09:30:00 am »
ZeroVega - 10/8/2005  10:08 AM    Yeah, roids did ruin baseball and the strike sucked big time but I dunno, there's just something about a 100+ year old sport that makes it exciting.
  Fast balls that scream 90-100mph. Sliders that break up to two feet... curve balls that break a lot... knuckleballs that do who knows what... and you ONLY have three tries to hit it with a stick...
  I agree, football's great. TO's got skill however much I don't like his personality. The Mannings and Farve are awsome... you know they've got more skill than most of the other QBs in all the NFL, and I'm sure tackling someone as a 200-300lb guy does take some skill too, both sports however aren't ones that can be picked up at any time. They're lifetime commitments...
  Why do you think Michael Jordan sucked so much at baseball? Cause he hadn't played since he was in highschool maybe? It's my opinion that football's got more action, baseball takes more talent to play, football takes more practice to play, football's faster, but baseball's got the history. The Pro's and Con's are big on both sides but it doesn't change the fact that Baseball is the greatest sport in America!
 I agree with almost everything you said. And you're entitled to your opinion :)  I say we all start watching lacrosse, it's fast paced, can be hard-hitting and involves balls and sticks, what more could you want?  Vyris


RE: Late to Leilon tonight
« Reply #18 on: October 08, 2005, 09:40:00 am »
 Sorry, but I think Hockey deserves first priority. I think most of the Canadians here will agree, it deserves a few more fans. Besides, a rubber puck flying at 120mph a golie (close to a catcher) mucho slaming, wooden sticks, and fist fights... what more could you want?! (Plus the ice is like, right there if you get a black eye or whacked with a puck)

Lalaith Va'lash

RE: Late to Leilon tonight
« Reply #19 on: October 08, 2005, 09:49:00 am »
regnus - 10/8/2005 3:36 AM *reads Vyris's response to Talan* Yeah! What Vyris said.
  *reads Lal's post* Pbbbbtt!! Owen's always careful around you. Especially since you torment him to no end :) I could commit the ultimate sin and say Go Ya... oh I better not do that. Owen would come to an untimely end.

  Yankees? YANKEES?  Really now Regnus..  *smirks* You remeber that one time.. when Lalaith Accidentally killed Owen, when he got a bit close to her trap?
  *smiles* Next time he is getting pushed!  *winks*
    Oh, and to the football fans..  I like football too.  *smiles* Never quite understood the game..
  But when back in high school our marching band got to play the half time show at the Buffalo Bills game, and the players let me and the other dancers stand with them by this big salamader heater thing they had, (since it was freeeeezing while we were waiting to go on..)  I decided it wasn't such a bad game.  *hehe*