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Author Topic: Layonara to nwn2?  (Read 291 times)


Layonara to nwn2?
« on: October 26, 2005, 05:17:00 am »
Even though nwn 2 id far from sale, I just wondered if you Gm have thought of it? Of going from nwn to nwn2?
I don't know what to think myself, ofcourse the graphics are better in nwn2 but ther is things more important than that, but it could be bioware actually have managed to put some more RP possibilities in nwn2 (if it havent been for the great modding, there would only be simple fight fight and fight in nwn's Rp servers), and it would allow the player to do more things. On the other hand, I guess it would take a lot of the GM's time to mod it, at that time could be used to mod the old nwn even better.
Anyway I say, if we can't convert our char's to nwn2 then I wouldn't change.


RE: Layonara to nwn2?
« Reply #1 on: October 26, 2005, 05:39:00 am »
I didn't vote, because I think we should only convert IF the game allows, justifies and makes it possible to upgrade to it. Until the game is released only speculations can be made, and I'm sure that no GM or Developement team member will give you a definite answer til that happens.

There's just too little known about the game yet. Only good thing i've heard about it so far, is the fact that the toolset and module system will remain pretty much the same. This should make it perhaps easier IF Leanthar actually gives the green light.

So I'm not voting, since NWN2 might turn out bad and then we should definately stay with NWN.

My 2 cents and a chewing gum.


RE: Layonara to nwn2?
« Reply #2 on: October 26, 2005, 05:49:00 am »
Voted "Yes, if we can convert our Layo-nwn char's to nwn2" with at twist: If nwn2 will have a linux port, which it wont have unless atari changes their mind about it...


RE: Layonara to nwn2?
« Reply #3 on: October 26, 2005, 05:53:00 am »
Yup, this question has been thought about and I'd do a search for posts regarding it.  First, NWN2 is not being produced by bioware, it's by Obsideon.  Second, graphics and characters are the last thing to take into consideration.  Creation of the layonara module using NWN technology was an extreme undertaking.  There will be a few things (like certain scripts I believe?) that one may be able to transfer between systems.  But if it ends there, you're looking at months of work recreating the module.  There's also the issue which operating systems NWN2 will be compatible with.  Linux? Don't believe so.  Given this, I'd be doubtful if an upgrade to NWN2 was in the future.  But as the team as said, and there's no doubt they'd do it, is that they are looking into it intensly and if there is any possible way to convert without essentially recreating the whole thing from scratch they may do it.  But don't count on an NWN2 layonara PW anytime soon.  If it did happen, given the game will probably be released in the spring sometime, you may be looking at an up and running layonara PW months to a year later (2007 possibly) at the earliest. A lot of issues on this one.  Leanthar has spoken about it quite a few times, so I'd suggest you do a search on the forums here.


RE: Layonara to nwn2?
« Reply #4 on: October 26, 2005, 07:05:00 am »
The real trick, is the linux/mac user problem, as NWN2 will not have support for those operating systems, and there are many players here (I'm not actually one of them; I have succumbed to windows) that run a linux or a macintosh OS.  So unless the current makers of NWN2 decide to build in linux and mac support, don't plan on seeing Layo ported to it.




RE: Layonara to nwn2?
« Reply #6 on: October 26, 2005, 07:16:00 am »
Something to remember ... while Obsidian is saying as of right now they will not make NWN2 compatiable for Mac/LInux, in the end the all mighty dollar, peso, yen, euro, pound, ect... is what will determine everything.  I honestly can't imagine a game company passing up the opportunity to sell their game to a large market of customers like that.  Mind you the initial release won't be compatable, I would wager within a year on NWN2 coming out you will see the other versions make their way into the public's hands.

Aryn Ravenlocke

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RE: Layonara to nwn2?
« Reply #7 on: October 26, 2005, 08:09:00 am »
I have to agree with Aragon on this one. NWN 2 has no initial plans to be released for the LINUX platform. But when NWN came out it wasn't immediately avilable for LINUX useres either. It will simoply take s abit of time for developers to get a version together. Eventually the demand for such a product will be high enough that Obsidian would be quite remiss if they did not accomodate non-Windows platforms.
  As for Layonara going from NWN to NWN 2, I would rather suspect that unless there is HEAVY upgrade compatibility, that it will not happen, at least not in terms of a straight move. The many months of desiging that went into creating v2 using the SAME platform as v1 would be a drop in the bucket next to having to start everything from scratch including all the custom scripting. (Do you really want the v2 bug forums to get more or less closed? They would need to be in order to free up the designers to work on the new Layo) Also keep in mind that NWN is actually a pretty aged platfom now. Most any computer made in the last coupe of years can handle the game and the expansions with little or no problem. NWN 2 will very likely do once again what NWN did upon initial release, and that is push the slightly antquated systems completely out of the playing field picture. That means a fair number of current Layonara players are going to have a rough time keeping up. Although converting to NWN 2, and doing it early in the NWN 2 release, would court a whole new field of potential players, it is likely that because of OS requirements, lder computers, and lack of the money to buy NWN 2 that Layo would lose many players (at least for a while). Layonara is all about the characters and the people behind them. If the player base is going to suffer a significant change, then it only makes sense that Layonara also go through a significant change, making it the same world, different form, or perhaps, different focus.


RE: Layonara to nwn2?
« Reply #8 on: October 26, 2005, 08:26:00 am »
Well said, Ravelocke.  Basically, if Layo does move to NWN2, it won't be for some time after its release.


RE: Layonara to nwn2?
« Reply #9 on: October 26, 2005, 09:34:00 am »
sorry but I didn't make my points clear shadowblade.
I ment that it would take maybe 1 to 2 years to create a new Layo, and those years could instead be used on the "old" Layo. But about system requriments, at the time any new version of Layo would be realesed for nwn 2, Im pretty sure everyone would have a computer which could pull it. About money?????? People won't play it because it costs money, you have to pay for nwn, sou, and hou for this verion an at the time an eventual Layo for nwn 2 would be realesed nwn 2 would surely have dropped in price.
And about the last vote, DOH!, I was confused and should have written, Diffently not if I cant convert my character. And about that, I think that being able to convert a char means nearly everything, it's those who truly makes Layonara, all the stories about eachother, the mystic around the epic lvl's and all the people you know, and what you know them for.
About that Linux problem, I just now that nwn was maked for money, the campaign was a poor copy of diablo (which had a great sale), and it did not even reach BG to the toes in story, background, gameplay, char's, RP, athmosphere etc. So why shouldn't Obsideon not at some point make it for Linux and miss all the money?


RE: Layonara to nwn2?
« Reply #10 on: October 26, 2005, 11:00:00 am »
Here's what I'm curious about...
  •  By the time we start making the transition to NWN 2 or even start building the new Layo Mod will the main plot be over?
  •  If the main plot is over by that time, will we run the campaign again? (And if so wouldn't we need to restart our characters?)
  •  Also if L decides not to replay the Layo Campaign and make another one for Layonara wouldn't it be better to make new characters all together?
  •  Also why NWN 2? Isn't Dragon Age also in the running...?  :) Oh and one last thing...
  •  What's wrong with Layo as it is?


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    RE: Layonara to nwn2?
    « Reply #11 on: October 26, 2005, 11:28:00 am »
    hmm...i for one wouldn't really want to be able to convert my character over. Think about it, its going to be a new game. So they'll add new feats, new spells, pretty much new everything (well i would have thought...) if the high lvl players were to convert there characters over..think about how much they missed out on, but on the other hand the high level players could just use there high levels when they wish and make a new character to get the full NWN2 experience.
    As for if they should could open up many more things..but I can't really see anything wrong with the current version.


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      RE: Layonara to nwn2?
      « Reply #12 on: October 26, 2005, 11:36:00 am »
      I'd say yes to a NWN2 version of Layonara, BUT only when NWM 2 is available for both PCs and Macs, otherwise Mac users like me will be left out  :(


      RE: Layonara to nwn2?
      « Reply #13 on: October 26, 2005, 12:16:00 pm »
      ZeroVega - 10/26/2005  11:00 AM

      Also why NWN 2? Isn't Dragon Age also in the running...?

      I would say because NWN2 is very similar to NWN, I believe the toolset and the modding will remain mostly the same. Dragon age on the other hand is a totally different program.

      I think that if Layonara V3 ( I am the first one using this :) ) comes out, then it will most likely be along the "X number of centuries have passed since Blood's defeat/victory" So all the characters and the plot will be new.

      Though it will take atleast 6 months to create the world from scratch, but probably more.

      And most importantly.....

      It will only happen if L says so!


      RE: Layonara to nwn2?
      « Reply #14 on: October 26, 2005, 12:37:00 pm »
      Heh if Blood wins it could be a very interesting V3 :)


      RE: Layonara to nwn2?
      « Reply #15 on: October 26, 2005, 12:54:00 pm »
      No kidding.  If Blood wins, very likely that means many of our characters are dead.  Dead dead dead.  10 DT Dead.  At least, Cole would keep coming back again and again no matter how many times he was slaughtered to assinate Blood if Blood managed to defeat the King of Dregar and the Queen of Mistone.


      RE: Layonara to nwn2?
      « Reply #16 on: October 26, 2005, 01:23:00 pm »
      Well I think it would be best to keep the char's because there are putted soooooo many hours into them. And its not like BG (dnd v 2) to nwn (dnd v 3), its still version 3 or maybe nwn 2 is 3,5 but the difference is not at all that big.


      RE: Layonara to nwn2?
      « Reply #17 on: October 26, 2005, 03:08:00 pm »
      We have to ask ourselves, then, the real big, simple question. Would a Layonara on a better system like NWN2 be worth the cost/time/labour involved with the upgrade?

      It is my personal belief that yes, it would, but only because there would be some 20 avid people willing to work at building the mod for Leanthar. I daresay, he'd not have to raise much of a finger other than adding areas and maybe touching up a few scripts. This means Layonara, if everyone who was building it was working extremely hard, would not take more than, in my belief, three months to create.

      However, Layonara is good as it is. What's to stop us from playing, anyways, once we kill Bloodstone? Wouldn't you like to take part in whatever goes on after that? Perhaps bitter rivalries re-emerge, or another kingdom surfaces. Maybe yet another villain, though less powerful than Bloodstone, would take advantage of the chaos after his defeat. For there would surely be chaos following the end of a war; there always is.


      RE: Layonara to nwn2?
      « Reply #18 on: October 26, 2005, 03:21:00 pm »
      Weston's evil twin Meston takes over!


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      RE: Layonara to nwn2?
      « Reply #19 on: October 26, 2005, 03:31:00 pm »
      I don't think it should happen.  I think we should stay with normal NWN.  I highly doubt it will ever change over, for at least a year after the game comes out, maybe then it will.  But I wouldn't count on it.  The only way to change over is if it's extremely compatable with this NWN.  Too much time to recreate it and I don't think the content team is up to it again.