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Author Topic: Learning from great RP'rs  (Read 429 times)


Learning from great RP'rs
« on: February 06, 2007, 12:31:11 pm »
I am curious if it would be possible for the team to post a thread or just list a bunch of the players who are considered Excellent Rp'rs in the opionion of almost everyone.  The purpose is so that I and others would have an idea of some people that we could try to spend time with to see what the standard of excellence is in RP.  I don't want this to be a popularity contest and I know there is arisk of some getting feelings hurt if they are not on the list but I think it could be helpful to the community to know who the people are who set the standard so that they can be emulated.  So what I am looking for is a list of currently active players who the community recognizes as excellent role players.  The more the better as far as the number of people on the list.  Thanks for considering it.


Re: Learning from great RP'rs
« Reply #1 on: February 06, 2007, 12:45:21 pm »
Personally I really think there are many great roleplayers here on Layonara. And probably even more amongst those I've never really got to meet that well.

I wouldn't start to make a list though, since there's so many ways to look at roleplaying.
Some people like to RP different things. Like there's a lot of people who like to play fun and comical characters to make others laugh, then there's those who like to play original characters, those who play serious characters and enjoy some drama RP.
Then there's RP purists who think RP should mean everything even at the cost of playing fun. Then there's people who know how to take other players into consideration even if it means a bit of metagaming or such. And the list goes on about the differences, and of course that leads to different people having different views on what is good roleplaying.

You shouldn't be too worried about being an excellent roleplayer or anything. You don't need to be the best roleplayer around to play on Layonara and to enjoy it. Just do your best and that's more than well done.


Re: Learning from great RP'rs
« Reply #2 on: February 06, 2007, 12:51:00 pm »
*nods in agreement to IDii's post*

In addition, you'll know a good RPer when you encounter them.  A good RPer will create a convincing character that you're interacting with.  Whether they be comical and over-the-top, or serious and staid, a good RPer creates a character with whom your character interacts... and convinces you that they're a person, not just a puppet being manipulated.  Anyone who can immerse you to that degree is being a good RPer.


Re: Learning from great RP'rs
« Reply #3 on: February 06, 2007, 12:57:32 pm »
I don't think putting such labels on people would be fair to that said I agree with IDii and Darkstorme. If you see a good rper you'll know. Usually they are the same people willing to go the extra mile and answer just about any questsions that crop up or atleast point you in the direction of someone who can.


Re: Learning from great RP'rs
« Reply #4 on: February 06, 2007, 01:08:35 pm »
Let me give you a hint: Everyone who's replied to your post is a good RPer. (I'd like to think that includes me, but hey.)

My general rule of thumb is Darkstorme's. If they're playing the character, who has a life and personality all their own, then... Well, och. Good roleplayer, there. Perhaps the personality's similar to their own, perhaps not... Either way, if you see the character, rather than the character being played by the player, then you're looking at a good RPer.

If you see someone who's a good roleplayer, and you're looking for a rolemodel, well... There. You've got one, now. Watch them, see what they do and don't do. Compliment them... I try to always, at the end of a good session with a group of players, drop a "Great RP!" when the RP's been great. And let them know that you want to get it right. I have no compunctions about telling people what they're doing blatantly wrong, but plenty of others do.

And to everyone who already knows how it's done? Set a good example. That's the best way to ensure quality in the people around you.


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    Re: Learning from great RP'rs
    « Reply #5 on: February 06, 2007, 01:23:55 pm »
    have to give kudos to Stephen there...  pretty much captured what I wanted to say...

    I learned how to RP on my first PW server exactly how you described it.

    Great Post.

    - I try to play the 20 question game when I create a character... his fears? likes? dislikes? obsessions etc?
    In essence L and the team are helping everyone from the start by requiring a character bio.
    I don't believe it's in place to test your ability as a role player... but in turn to make you THINK more of your character before clicking 'Done' ;P


    Re: Learning from great RP'rs
    « Reply #6 on: February 06, 2007, 02:00:55 pm »
    Some of the best RPers I know are also the same ones who are putting insane amounts of work on the team and not playing very much because of it and are the ones I met when I first started playing many moons ago.

    People who impressed me are usually the ones who make me laugh.  Examples are a certain Dwarf who does randomn fortitude checks or a certain somewhat airheaded elvish bard that never stops talking.  There are more examples but my mind starts to go at this time of day.

    A great example this weekend was a certain person with a drinking problem was continually challenged by his friend who continued to deny he had a drinking problem.  Even without the friend in the party the person with the problem kept RPing the problem with other parties as well.  That kind of consistency will help you in making your RP consistent and known by a lot of people.

    Then of course the one that keeps feeding his skull always cracks me up too, but I'm kind of twisted like that.

    Now mind you that is only people I come into contact with and that's not a lot since I have limited time periods during which I can play.


    Re: Learning from great RP'rs
    « Reply #7 on: February 06, 2007, 02:28:36 pm »
    Thanks for the feedback.  I guess I'll just keep an eye out and do my best.  I guess it's just that RP is such a subjective thing.  I keep reading in posts where people say this was good RP or that was bad RP and I haven't been doing this long enough to feel like I can judge that.  If the standard is creating an original character that is believable and staying in character as much as possible then I'll just shoot for that for now.  Thanks again for the help.

    Witch Hunter

    Re: Learning from great RP'rs
    « Reply #8 on: February 06, 2007, 02:49:18 pm »
    Stephen you're perhaps the best I've encountered so far, or at least you rank high among them, just so you know :P


    Re: Learning from great RP'rs
    « Reply #9 on: February 06, 2007, 03:00:55 pm »
    That really means a lot, but you should see IDii, Jess, or Jamie in action, just to name examples from above my post. *Chuckles.*


    Re: Learning from great RP'rs
    « Reply #10 on: February 06, 2007, 03:05:48 pm »
    Hey! No making me blush!


    Re: Learning from great RP'rs
    « Reply #11 on: February 06, 2007, 03:10:21 pm »
    Lynn Juniper does play a nasty streak and thats cool. I love the Rhynn antics I'll love to see a softer side to some of Lynn's characters, if she has any that fit that mold ;)


    Re: Learning from great RP'rs
    « Reply #12 on: February 06, 2007, 03:14:18 pm »
    Rhynn has a reserved soft side and I may yet make a soft character (None of my chars right now really fit it) Can we please stop talking about Rhynn and me before I hide under a desk from embarassment?


    Re: Learning from great RP'rs
    « Reply #13 on: February 06, 2007, 03:14:29 pm »
    *chuckles*  When Shaw reconnects my cable, I'll be able to shine on the virtual stage once more.  For the time being, however, *bows to Stephen* my thanks for the compliment.

    But yes, Rhynn is delightful in RP, and either Pyyran or Grok is tremendous fun.  (Grok's first soul strand was a tour de force.)  And while they are excellent, there are many others on the server who are remarkable, entertaining, and characters in their own right.

    *grins*  As I said, you'll know 'em when you see 'em.


    Re: Learning from great RP'rs
    « Reply #14 on: February 06, 2007, 03:20:33 pm »
    I think it's safe to apply this definition to "good RP":

    Roleplaying that's fun for you and the people around you.

    And if that's true... Well. There's a lot of good RP to be had here at Layonara. :) (And yes, I'm blushing as bright as Jess at the compliments.)


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    Re: Learning from great RP'rs
    « Reply #15 on: February 06, 2007, 04:08:03 pm »
    I agree with Stephen.. everyone who has posted here are great RP'ers. RP is basically like acting. If you're convinced with someone's act, then they're prolly a good RP'er. Bad RP'ers don't exists in my mind, just ones that need a little more practice at it. :)

    And yes, Jess you are one of the best RP'ers here. Get used to it. Embrace it dear. :P


    Re: Learning from great RP'rs
    « Reply #16 on: February 06, 2007, 04:16:07 pm »
    I do recall your Aeridinite paladin Lazareth oor something. Quiet...she was played perfectly as an Aeridinite paladin. its a pity that you deleted her. A bit of development and such, she would have been a perfect embodiment of what it takes to be an aeridinite. Would have loved to RP with her. I love your halfling. Rissa, Wynry and Rose make for some fun times.
    LynnJuniper - 2/7/2007  12:14 PM

    Rhynn has a reserved soft side and I may yet make a soft character (None of my chars right now really fit it) Can we please stop talking about Rhynn and me before I hide under a desk from embarassment?


    Re: Learning from great RP'rs
    « Reply #17 on: February 06, 2007, 04:19:38 pm »
    Laereth had to go. I lacked the ability to rp a Paladin's conviction. She would've been better as a cleric.


    Re: Learning from great RP'rs
    « Reply #18 on: February 06, 2007, 05:22:08 pm »
    but don't forget: sometimes good RP also makes you hate the said character.  not that they are bad rp'ers or they did something silly, but think of what Chanda was/is like... you love to hate her! cold, heartless, mean... great RP.  And I've only met her once, a year ago, and still remember how cold she was.


    Re: Learning from great RP'rs
    « Reply #19 on: February 06, 2007, 05:23:05 pm »
    Zelda1 - 2/5/2007  7:08 PM

    I agree with Stephen.. everyone who has posted here are great RP'ers. RP is basically like acting. If you're convinced with someone's act, then they're prolly a good RP'er. Bad RP'ers don't exists in my mind, just ones that need a little more practice at it. :)

    And yes, Jess you are one of the best RP'ers here. Get used to it. Embrace it dear. :P

    Yep, jess is great. But you mah dear are pretty durned good yerself :D

